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  1. Seriously? YOU are accusing ME of knowing this is already true. What exactly you have YOU been doing in predicitng that the demise of the Patriot dynasty has already occurred? You think YOU'RE special? I guess when your team loses for a long time, the rosy glasses go on, and there goes any sense of perspective. And what does it show anyone when you defend how bad another team is rather than the merits of your own team? And speaking of the Bosox: too bad Buffalo is too minor-league a city to even have a major league team.
  2. Yeah, and? Are you trying to dismiss the last 10 years of NFL history? What makes it more legitimate that it happened in the past 10 years vs more than 10 years ago?
  3. OCiP, you don't know what you're talking about... 9 years later? Try the next year when they won the East. From 1986-1998? Check that. Over that period, the teams were deadlocked at 13 wins a piece head to head, and the Pats actually outscored the Bills by 9 points. But how convenient you choose a time frame centered around the Bills glory years (4 consecutive runner-ups). How about we also consider the Pats glory years (i.e. let's just extend the time frame up to the present) to balance this argument? Now the Pats have the advantage at 23 wins to 17, outscoring the Bills by 88 points. The point being is that you can spin all you want and try to make recent Patriot glory look like a blip in an otherwise bleak history and drag us down to your level. Unfortunately for you, though: * The Pats lead the Bills in head to head victories since the inception of the AFL * 3 Super Bowl wins in 4 seasons tops 4 consecutive Super Bowls losses * 3 Super Bowl wins in 4 seasons is only exceeded by the Steelers 4 in 6 seasons and tied with the Cowboys run in th.e early 90s, making them one of the great team dynasties in NFL history Any you may try to put them down by saying our glory years are done, but I don't see any evidence that the Bills are stepping up. And mark my words, the Pats aren't done yet. So who's being delusional?
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