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3 left feet

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Posts posted by 3 left feet

  1. I've been to many games, never seen any of that crap. I've also been to Bills games in Minnesota and Green Bay. Got some good natured ribbing walking through the parking lot in Lambeau, but that's about it. Heck, my sister went with me to the Jags home opener a few years back and nobody said anything to her either... But she kept her mouth shut and didn't rub the loss in.


    I can almost guarantee the guy (and wife) were misbehaving and aren't the innocents the article is trying to paint. And doesn't it seem odd that he'd go into the portapotty if he wasn't feeling safe? Wouldn't you get to your vehicle as fast as possible? Or find a security guard?


    Still doesn't condone an (alleged) 20 minute beating, but I just don't think it's that black and white -- and why did it take them 2.5 years to file?

    Im sure a guy and his preggo wife were just dying to start trouble... :flirt:B-)

  2. He was so distressed and upset that it took him 2.5 years to file the suit....? :lol:


    And even if this really did happen, I'm sure he was just minding his own business the whole time, and the fans attacked him for absolutely no reason. I'm sure he wasn't mocking anyone. Not that smack talk should result in a beatdown, but have some common sense when visiting an opponent's stadium.

    I don't know how many games you've attended, but I've seen Bills fans start crap for no reason. I witnessed a man dump beer on some kid (who looked 12 max) who was wearing chargers gear this year. That's one of several examples I could give you. The drunkeness is a problem. I drink. I just don't act like a tool. Not everyone can say that.

  3. Sometimes when I read things like this, I almost believe you people live in tv suburbia with Mrs. Cunningham and the Cast of Happy Days.


    "don't drive cars of any kind".


    "Don't go outside cause gosh darnit he may get in trouble"


    "Have fun nights in your home"


    The man is 22 years old. I'm not saying he didnt make some dumb mistakes, but a little perspective would be appropriate. Lose the outside connections. There comes a point in time, where you have to chose who to surround, and not surround yourself with in any walk of life. We've all been there. Whether rich, middle class, or poor. Realize the opportunity you've been given is a special one, that will set you up for life, if handled in the right way. Also realize you can still have fun, as you're in your early 20's, with a lot more options at your disposal then the common citizen. There is hardly a need to live in a proverbial bubble, only to emerge on any given Sunday or the occasional Monday, thrusday,saturday from Sept-Jan. Young rich millionares, should be out having the best experiences of their lives. Driving any damn car they want to, with the best looking women they can get. It's seperating the illegal aspects, from harmless fun that's key.

    Fantastic post.

  4. McKelvin didn't start last year because he is a moron.


    If you want to win, you put the best football players on the field. You know, like Bill Belichick or Bill Parcells do? Not the highest paid, runs fast in his underwear guy that might be good if he can pull his head out often enough.


    In two years Leo will have made you forget all about the artist formerly known as Greer. Put it in your siggy. The bills didn't miss on him.


    He may not be better than Jabari now, but he's better than him at this point in his career.


    BTW, just because a rookie doesn't speak with your tempo, accent or vocabulary, it doesn't make him unintelligent. I'd like to see you discect that playbook.

  5. Dude, it's the Bills. You've been around this block how many times now? :wallbash:

    You simply can't take a guy 11th overall and not start him the next year. It's neither fiscally nor psychologically repsonsible. McKelvin had to know that the Bills are confident in his abilities and McGee, despite his injury, is still a better overall football player than Greer.


    Dockery was obviously a mistake. I applaud the Bills for cutting ties, despite the flubbed trade, and admitting error.


    McKelvin, however, is too young and too impressionable and too valuable not to invest in for the long haul....which in B-lo is 3 years from now when we don't re-sign him and he leaves for greener pastures.

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