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Posts posted by roy875

  1. One thing in life will always remain constant and unwavering- You can't polish a turd.



    Yes you can----saw it on Mythbusters. Just takes some time and gloves(optional)


    Seriously---- If I were McGahee I'd be wary of Ray Lewis stabbing me for those comments. He's done it before. Who would actually want a player who says that kind of thing? What a dumbass. Thought maybe he had fallen in line with the type of player leadership on the Ravens (Reed/Lewis) and changed his ways......

  2. I don't get this coaching staff, last year it took for Anthony Thomas to get injured & Fred Jackson to step in and show that he should of been playing all season long after he had a great pre-season. Now it looks the same with Reggie Corner. He had a very good pre-season and he played great today. He had a fumble recovery, an INT (called back from a terrible holding penalty), plus a couple passes defended including the last play in the end zone. Hopefully we'll see a lot more of Reggie Corner & Steve Johnson next season.



    Agreed with Jackson/Thomas completely, Johnson over Parrish/Hardy should have been considered earlier.


    Would NOT have played Corner over McGee, Greer, Youboty, or Mckelvin. BUT... he did have a nice game today. It will be interesting what we do with our corner contracts in the next 2 years. Alot of choices to make. Hope we choose well, starting with a DB free draft this April

  3. 1. Playcalls to take advantage of favorable matchups:

    Jackson on a LB going deep, Trent rolling out, a WR screen to Parrish working for a change, Steve Johnson using his body to catch a TD over a small rookie DB, blitzing when Denver had an empty backfield etc. It's like a whole seasons worth of good coaching expressed in one game! Way to go Turk and Perry


    2. Effort and coming back AT MILE HIGH when Denver had everything to play for. Winning a "meaningless "game can have a great effect on a young team.


    3. No turnovers


    4. No stupid timeouts, challenges, or clock management snafus.


    5. Minimal use of Robert Royal---It's always a good thing!


    6. A rare WIN over a team with a winning record (for the moment)

  4. Im all for Buffalo taking him if he's on the boards when we pick......


    I'd be shocked if he were not taken before us. DE is a common need on all teams(especially crappy ones), and he could be a great player.


    Do you think he could beat out Kelsay for a starting spot? (sarcasm)

  5. Amen. Hardy will be out of the NFL in another 2 years. Another brilliant (wasted) draft choice by the crack (smoking) management.


    Way to early to say either way on this one. Yes he needs to develop route running and body positioning techniques to shield defenders to reach his potential, but he is more the norm that the exception when it comes to Rookie receivers production/development. Sadly, he may be rehabbing a serious injury until preseason. Maybe this can help as he will stay close to the team/facilities in the offseason. It looked like a knee on TIVO, but I'm hoping for a broken ankle.....


    Blame the coaches for not taking advantage of his undeniable mis-match in the red zone though. We certainly could've used him more if only down there. His 2 TD's were unstoppable patterns, and used more often, would've helped up to win, and other guys succeed. I see no reason he couldn't have scored more down there. I would've used this year to focus on goaline plays for him, and had Johnson in the majority of the time outside the 20.


    Look at Parrish with this also. How is it possible that he is NEVER/RARELY open. He seems like the quickest player on the team. Is it him or playcalling or both? Why can't he get separation and have an opportunity to RAC?


    Something stinks on our offense, and it involves how we utilize our players talents. The only guy who seems to have maxed out his abilities is Reed, and that has taken 5 years......

  6. The only good thing about his injury will be that Steve Johnson gets more PT, which I think is going to be a good WR. The bad part is if Hardy misses the rest of the season you still go into next year with out a clear idea if this kid can contribute.



    Not sure LimpDick would've utilized his talents in the next 2 games anyway..... Haven't though 14 games.


    Am sure the last thing a tentative receiver who is not physical or fast enough needs is a serious knee injury.


    Count me among those seriously dismayed by his utilization/performance/development this year.


    Steve Johnson can be a brilliant consolation prize though......

  7. I always want to see them win. There are just different levels of disappointment. Right now I'm not going to get too upset about the losses because it could mean a new HC next year and better draft position.



    Likewise. I think that winning the last 3-4 games, especially over our division rivals, would have gone much farther to improving the team than going from 15th to 8th (or whatever) in the draft. We all would have been happy to sh-- on the seasons of NY, NE, and MIA. A run like that signals to free agents that we might be worth a look, and keeps the players pumped to be here, stay in shape, and ready to kick some ass next year.


    OTOH, at this point I have had it with LimpDick, and maybe it can be a blessing in disguise to close 1-9 if it gets him canned. Thats how bad he is that I am even considering the possibility of losing being preferable......


    I hate the offseason

  8. It's all about the QB play. Jauron=Belicheck without Brady....very similar records as head coaches.

    A great QB hides so many deficiencies on your team. If Trent played the whole season like the 1st 6 games and the KC game we would not even be having this conversation.



    While this is true, I think the opposite is more important..... A great coach hides deficiencies on your team, and exploits weaknesses on the opponent.


    Now maybe #5/7 missed almost all of the plays our genious staff devised to take advantage of teams weaknesses. I haven't seen too many. Seems more likely our staff just doesn't plan appropriately to take advantage of our matchups. Examples:


    1. Pre-snap predictability (shotgun vs center snaps vs NE especially) Disgraceful coaching and directly lead to multiple losses in my opinion.


    2. Minimal use of play action, roll-outs, misdirection plays. Except KC----we scored 47 offensive points! Every time we do this we seem to have a positive play. Jackson, Lynch, Parrish, Reed and Shouman/Fine thrive in this sort of play. Underutilized.....


    3. Almost no shots to Hardy in the Red-Zone. Basically none except garbage time in NE for last 10 games. Both of his TD's were absolutely undefensible and should be there every time. Instead they throw fades to Evans, and tough over the middle throws to Parrish who is just not big enough to post up and protect/catch the ball.


    4. Failure to adjust. Playing prevent D against Pennington/Farve/Cassell. Look for more of the same this weekend.... Ever notice that some games we apply alot of pressure (KC, Cleveland, SD and play well on O/D) and some we basically sit back and get carved up. Maybe the gameplan is to give up 8-10 minute drives and gradually fall more behind through the course of the game so we can in turn give up on our running game early and get sacks/picks/3 and outs on O.


    5. Playcalling---empty backfield shotgun on 3rd and 1, 3 straight passes from own 10 yard line, 3:1 ratio of run to pass with backup QB in close games etc. There are MANY examples of this.


    There have been bad throws, drops, fumbles etc. But not a significant amount more than other teams in my opinion.


    If you had to choose which would have given us a better season a better coach or better QB? I'd go with a better coach who'd exploit our talent appropriately, not screw up our timeouts, and put our players in positions that compliment their skills, and it's not a hard decision.

  9. Hopefully the coaches noticed that we were able to control both lines last week, and for the most part dominate the browns. With -4 turnovers we almost pulled it out, which is improbable to say the least. It may have been our best game in the trenches this year, aside from the long TD run given up.


    If we can establish the run first, and mix in the pass we should be tough against anyone. Keep it simple for TE, so he can have a good game and get back on track.


    However, we don't seem to take notice and continue to underutilize our skill players. It comes down to an inability to put our players in ideal situations where their specific talents can make a play. I blame the coaching staff. They seem to prefer to force our players to fit the system.... even if its not working. Then there's the issue of telegraphing our plays---like passing 95% out of the shotgun, and running 95% from under center (rough estimates of %). Changing that alone would increase the likelihood of success on any given play tremendously. How can our coaches do that???!!!! I don't know sh-- about coaching football, but that is minor league for sure.


    How good do you think Lynch would be on the Pats*? I'm confidant he would have more then 1 100 yard game thats for sure. What about Evans, Parrish, Hardy? We have the talent to be a dangerous O, but in the past month especially we are handcuffing ourselves, and making it easy to defend us until we make a mistake.


    I will be playing close attention to the coaches (Shonert, DJ) to see if they make some adjustments that seem painfully obvious to me. They need to step up, do some gamplanning, and exploit the other teams weakness for a change.


    Rian Lindell hasn't missed one from inside 40 since '06 and you're settling for a 47 yarder???? What's the risk in throwing? The 5% chance it gets intercepted?


    Well---They passed against Dallas


    If Pass:


    1. Sack---though they didn't get to him all game---probably lose and get raked over the coals for passing

    2. Pick---lose and coals (see above)

    3. Incomplete---stop the clock and essentially give Brownies a TO to use on ensuing drive if we make kick (see:coals)

    4. Completion---probably win, shock the sh-- out of the Browns, look like a genius, gain the respect of your team and set the stage for a playoff run


    If run:


    1. No first down, Brownies without a TO----get a decent shot to win

    2. First down---Brownies w/o a TO----great shot to win

    3. Fumbled handoff---too unlikley to be relevant, but probable loss


    I don't know which choice is correct, but given those options, I'm not suprised DJ took the safer route.


    When the 3-run finale started----I just assumed we would run 3 times to burn the Brownies To's---didn't have a second thought they'd do any different. Play action would've been killer there. Don't think we used it more that 1-2 times all game


    I expect Lindell to make that. I wish Our O-line could pick up 10 yards on 3 runs when we need it to win.


    #5 played tentative all game. The throw to Royal at the end was the only throw I remember that he made in rhythm at the top of his drop all game. Edwards with Reed in there is a different Qb and maybe we get a different result the past 4 weeks.


    Kinda choosing between a rock and a hard place. Could've won/lost either way. Just needed to make the play no matter what was called.


    It would be nice to have a coach go for the glory though.

  11. Is it possible that our O-line is too big? There has to be a point where the positives of size and weight are countered by the negatives. Likely this point is different depending on the specific player and his physical characteristics.


    For example: Bruce Smith was around 290lbs when he was drafted, and he eventually played around 265 lbs because he found that was his ideal balance of size/strength/speed etc. He probably wouldn't have been as successful at the higher weight.


    At this point I think our guys are too damn big. The RB's may not be able to find holes b/c all they see is a mass of jiggling love handles constipating the running lanes. The smaller/faster LB's and DB's seem able to beat our guys most of the time.


    Check it out---- on plays when we run up the gut, there is no push at all. Nobody really gets beaten, but it creates a giant pile with no way to get through. On plays with traps and pulling, our wide-loads usually run out to the corner, and have 1-3 LB's or DB's elude them to tackle Lynch while the lineman is standing there having blocked no-one. It's been going on all year.

  12. I agree. There were several points in the game where one play could have made a difference. In the last 3 games when down by 1-2 scores, we came up with the big play at the right time that switched the momentum and eventually, after a few more key plays we were able to win.


    All day at AZ we were unable to come up with a play when we needed it on O/D/ST and in the process gift wrapped a few plays that did us in. We were sloppy, had key penalties, couldn't get off the field (D)/stay on the field (O), and turned the ball over.


    In short, we looked alot like last year. That sh-- doesn't win games, and I didn't enjoy remembering those feelings.....


    We've looked better than last year, and made the plays we needed to win, for 80% of our games. That's a number we can build on, and I am satisfied with. It should get us to the playoffs.


    Realistically, we need a little more time to develop into a true contender (I think). But we're on the right track, and recent powerhouse-teams are fading.


    Now if we can beat SD, will all be forgiven??? After a bad loss, 2 weeks to regroup/plan, back at home, and hopefully with #5 back, we better look like we're hungry.

  13. What I saw in the first 4 games is that he is a little slow to react in terms of positioning his body to make a play on the ball. He has trouble getting his arms up and away from the handchecking of the defender, or just to catch a quick slant.


    Maybe this is because he is a lanky dude, or the faster NFL speed, or the fact that he is not quite sure how physical he can be in fighting for the ball. I am hoping it does not mean he is soft...... Only time will tell.


    On all the plays today---I saw them as makeable plays by a more experienced receiver. I was a little dissapointed he could not make at least one of them. He was schooled by that corner---probably a more experienced player.


    If you watch Evans, he is often involved in some sort of handchecking/armbarring with the defender for a few strides before the ball arrives. He manages to get his hands in an advantageous position to make an attempt at the catch. This take time to learn, especially if you are a long limbed slower receiver like Hardy. He will have to fight harder for his catches if he is in tight coverage because it masks alot of pass interference...... Several in todays game alone.


    The Rooks who get more separation do not need to learn this as much, ie. the smaller speedy guys like Deshawn Jackson. They can just make a clean catch if they have some room.


    So-----We need to use better routes to get him away from defenders like in Jacksonville. That was really a phenomenal catch. I don't think too many players in the NFL could have caught that ball. Maybe a handful, and that might be generous.


    Maybe the slow developing fade/jump ball is not the proper route until he learns how to improve on his ballskills.


    Hopefully the team will feel the same way and incorporate plays that are tailored to his strengths. I billieve that is what coaches should do........


    Give him a little time, let him figure out how to use his frame, and he could be literally unstoppable.

  14. Every time something like this happens, the board exlodes into a crazed fervor. Just be cool and see what the story is.


    It is VERY likely given the timing of the press releases that:


    1. AC had his scope yesterday (which is in the Rochester D and C) in the afternoon.

    2. Scope shows significant ligamentous injury

    3. AC needs season ending surgery

    4. Bills informed and place him on IR.


    Suddenly the hundreds of rants and character attacks are unwarranted, and we can all feel slightly better about this crappy situation.

  15. I've been thinking.....


    The only way to make sense of this is if Crowell had his surgery today (I think?) and they found ligament damage. That explains the recurrent swelling, and the Bills decision to put him on IR after having a much more significant proceedure done than originally expected. If so, it wouldn't really matter shen he had the scope, he'd have been done for the year anyway.

  16. If he is only going to be out 2-3 weeks why are we putting him on the IR? Or was something else revealed showing the scope won't fix the problem?


    There has to be more to this story. 2-4 weeks is not long enough to put him on IR. I'm sure DiGi or ellison could back that spot up in a pinch. They would do better than any scrub we can pick up at this point. They are keeping Fine, an unproven TE, on the roster for the same amount of time. Crowell is a good to very good player.


    If our FO could be that vindictive, I'm going to lose alot of faith in their commitment to winning.


    On the flip side---WTF is he thinking doing this now? I wonder if they told him he'd be IR if he had it done and he still did it?


    Crap this has ruined my day.

  17. actually so did I, but he apparently outplayed will james.



    No, he clearly outplayed James, as did everyone else in the secondary. Count me as dissapointed to see James performance. Thought he was a good pickup at the time. He only showed up as out of position and seemed hesitant to make tackles. Glad he's gone. Reminded me of our old nemesis Chris Watson who was also #21.


    The front office chose exactly the guys I would have chosen. Glad they kept guys who deserved it...... Corto, Jenkins, Omon, Youboty, Bryan etc. and didn't fold to pressure from injuries (like keeping Anderson over ?) Talent wins out in the end!!

  18. A few things I noticed:


    Will James has brought nothing to the table yet---except missed tackles, bad angles, and allowing catches in front of him. I'd rather keep Scott/Corner/Youboty than him if it comes down to it.


    Mckelvin tackles with poor form. He seems to duck his head down at the legs of the receiver. Not in a good way like Winfield used to do where he just went in and blew up the guys legs sending him ass over teakettle. And yes, he took one all the way, but i was underwhelmed by his returns for the rest of the game. Too indecisive, and and he nearly got blown up himslef on one of the PR's. Overall, at this point Mcgee/Parrish are better options, though Mckelvin will continue to improve with experience.


    Barnes didn't do too much to impress. Most of our runs were with the field spread. It's about time we did this.... Haven't seen us run the ball like that since Willis vs. the Jets. Do we need a fullback? Our guys run pretty hard, and we actually looked good picking up a few short yardage situations. To be fair, I didn't iso Barnes when he was in there, but saw him be ineffective on a few plays.


    Trent is amazing at putting the ball where the receivers can make the first guy miss. We had significant RAC yards on his drives due to this. With JP, the receivers have to adjust to the throw so much they are unable to get away from that first guy. It turns a 6 yard gain into 12-15 yards. I can think of several throws this mattered on including Royals 2nd TD. No way he beats 2 steelers into the endzone unless that ball was right on the money.


    Corto was a demon all night on D and ST.


    Fred Jackson is one of the better 2nd backs in the league. I think we should have a formation with Evans/Parrish/Hardy/Lynch/Jackson. That would have alot of motion options, either guy to run, or catch out of the backfield, and could pick up blitzes as well and go downfield. Dangerous.....


    Wright is fumbling his way out of Buffalo. Omon looks like a nice replacement though...


    Ellison looks stronger than last year. He and Digiorgio are excellent backups.....



    Thrilled to see us dominate a good P-burgh team, especially on the ground. That was monumentally impressive.

  19. No help?


    Can anyone at least tell me whether or not the game will be on NFLN? I have TimeWarner, so there's no way for me to check this weekend's schedule.



    Its on at 7p on the NFL network according to their listing. I set it up for TIVO today.


    Can't wait. I feel like a tool for being excited/anxious for a preseason game. We have alot to prove.

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