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Posts posted by MattM

  1. 4 minutes ago, NewEraBills said:

    There is no case for Peterman.  I'm not sure why you guys are advocating this.  Hey he looked good with the 1's because it was the 1's.  He had 1 pass to O'Leary with the 3's that went for a TD on a blown coverage that a guy like Derek Anderson would also make.  Nothing impressive.


    Bottom line, Our OL got AJ hurt and sadly it was our best lineman Dawkins. I'm not sure what Juan teaches but that was just terrible technique by Dawkins.  He even lowered his head taking on Garrett.  WTF was that?  In any case, there is only 1 QB on this team that can overcome the sad a$$ OL and that's Allen.  Ducasse should not be playing.  And Dawkins has to play better.  Garrett bullied him on the playground last night.  Mills didn't have a clue at times.  It was just a sad and pathetic looking bunch.  Allen needs to start because he can extend plays and his arm will scare defenses.  Peterman is not going to extend plays and his arm is just what defenses love when a QB is having to run for his life.


    There needs to be a shake-up at LG.  Miller seemed OK at RG.

    I wonder how much of the bad O line play was Bodine making the O line calls rather than Groy, who started last week?  They looked light years better vs Carolina when Groy started.


    Also remember Myles Garrett went 1 overall for a reason.

  2. 1 hour ago, Dablitzkrieg said:

    Check these out...https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.usnews.com/news/articles/2016-09-29/race-and-homicide-in-america-by-the-numbers%3fcontext=amp



    I would say one of the top reasons, yes

    Do you think that police officers would even bother to go into the inner city over weed?  Those cops are scared for their lives due to fear of getting shot by people that hate the police.  I don't buy that comparison at all

    Here’s an article on the disparity of pot arrests in NYC—studies show roughly similar usage rates between blacks, Hispanics and whites, but show blacks and Hispanics getting arrested at much higher rates than whites.  The police tried to explain it by the volume of calls on it in different neighborhoods, but the NYT debunked that explanation with their own study.



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  3. Definitely.  My dad grew up upstate and all his family were Giants fans, as was he until 1960.  When the AFL came along he was all in, especially about the Bills.  Some of my parents’ first dates were Bills games.  My first game was at the Rockpile during its last year.  (A loss to the Johnny U led Colts, 17-0–we got blanked by the same score the next game I went to, too.  It took my 3rd game vs the Butkus Bears to see point and a W.)


    He passed away 2 years ago and is a big reason why I’ll be crying tears of joy for both of us when they eventually win it all.....

  4. 4 hours ago, Bills Fan in Haiti said:

    I don't know Kim, but I know her brother and father quite well ... and they know me and my wife by name. It is a great family and highly invested in everything WNY.


    I'm kind of annoyed at the sexism displayed by those who insist that she must prove herself to random fans ... 

    I’m from Roch (ER) myself and have a friend who taught at Fairport and knew her dad (who was a school administrator) and taught her brother—very nice family is what he’s always said.  I was lucky enough to watch a game in the one of the Bills team boxes on the road last year and had a brief discussion with her on Roch and what we both loved about growing up there—Wegmans and Abbott’s figured prominently.  She seemed pretty sincere to me in her love for both the team and the area generally.  I’m very glad she and her husband bought the team.

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  5. 21 hours ago, Boyst62 said:

    You get upset when someone calls you names still?  I am dumbfounded that grown adults still get upset being called any name. The whole point of primary school was to learn to get over it and tolerate !@#$s so you can be happy with yourself and say !@#$ everyone else.  


    I get called names or insulted and I just shrug it off because I don't care the opinions of those who are of no consequence to me, I don't to be a martyr for some social cause to correct someones offensive statement or mindset, and most certainly I am not concerned with those who are ignorant enough to choose to behave in such a fashion. 


    I guess it's why some men have confidence and balls and others are purely beta.  Reactions to those concerned with others makes me realize that I'm alpha af.

    When your boss indicates that all Italians are suspected criminals, until he realizes your last name and turns white as a ghost flailing to backpedal as fast as he can, yeah, that’s eye opening, and indicates to you exactly where you may stand with him.  It goes beyond self-image and touchy-feels stuff.   That kind of thinking by people in management can have real world impacts on people and their careers and bottom lines.  As noted, I can only imagine what people in groups that have suffered real discrimination must face on a daily basis.


    As noted also, I’m no snowflake, and I laugh at the Internet “alpha male”tough guy talk.  If you’re implying that I’m somehow “beta” for understanding how wrong and potentially harmful such thinking is, well, that’s something I also just laugh at.  I’ve done quite well for myself (educationally, professionally  and financially, the first leading directly to the second and third) starting with next to nothing—I’ll leave it at that.  Have a good day.....

  6. 1 hour ago, suorangefan4 said:

    In related news I'm Italian and I've been asked if I liked pizza and spaghetti before.


    I proceeded to shout at the people asking me that that they're racist scumbags! My head also exploded! I was so furious I couldn't take it!


    Stereotyping happens to white people too. It's funny how nobody cries when it happens to them though.  

    I’m half Sicilian, but don’t look it—other side is Northern European.  Over the years I’ve had more people than you’d imagine make disparaging statements about Italians in front of me, only to realize (too late) who they’re talking in front of.  The look of realization that comes across their face and the stumbling back pedaling is priceless.  


    That said, I’m not a “triggered snowflake” by any means, but depending on what’s said and who’s saying it, it can sting and it certainly opens your eyes to the ignorance that’s still out there.  I can only imagine what others (like African-Americans, Hispanics, gays, etc) go through in that regard.....

  7. 11 minutes ago, bills_fan said:

    I still remember Eric and his wife coming to McFaddens for a NYC BBB event.  Totally cool dude.  Any NYC BBB members have any photos of that?  I cant find mine

    My wife and I were there for that.  It was his rookie season and he was there with his girlfriend (who I believe he later married).  Was a great guy who just hung out and talked football with the fans there.  He couldn’t believe his luck to be playing in the NFL.  My wife and I both walked away very impressed with him and he’s been one of our favorite players ever since.


    i just hope he’s ok going forward and can lead a normal life outside of football.

  8. Just now, Iron Maiden said:


    They called what, 1 holding the entire game......It's not like Jax didn't have any plays that could have been called also.....We always say to let them play....those refs did today.....

    Some of those Pats no calls were obvious holds.


    At a certain point when it happens over and over, you have to ask why one team seems to always get the controversial calls/no calls go their way.....

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