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Posts posted by basskik11

  1. So, I just listened to Mike Florio on WGR, and I gotta say that as much as I HATE to acknowledge it....Buffalo is going to lose the Bills. This hurts my heart to say, but with this Lockout and a New CBA looming, we're !@#$ed.


    So now is the time to put it all out on the table and go for broke. We haven't beaten New England in years, The Jests are simple, but have a great defense and Miami is just a pain in the ass. If I'm Buddy Nix and Chan Gailey...I go nuts in Free Agency and come gameday, I let Fitzy throw over the top and live and die with our new defense, and at the same time, do whatever I can to win the line of scrimmage both offensively and defensivley.


    I know that this is a little too much "Minor League", but since Ralph is getting up there, and the fact we have a couple of "good 'ole boys" runnin' the show in the FO, and that the clock is ticking... it's time to win the "Whole !@#$ing thing!"



  2. Bottom line: our defense in terrible. We need play makers-I still think Shawne has plenty of gas in the tank-he's been hurt but has a lot to prove. It's obvious we need guys in the front 7-...if we can get a guy like Shawne Merriman to make plays at the price they are paying-then this is a no brainer. The guys potential is thru the roof. He has been a star in the NFL and wants another taste of it. This is a solid move as it is a huge upgrade to our current LB corps.


    Let's go Bills...it's time to get righteous again! I'm sick of losing!


    ...and for the record...I say we let Whitner walk. We get more playmaking out of Byrd, Wilson, and Scott. I appreciate Donte for what he has done, but he was reach for us in the draft and hasn't been the game changer Levy thought he was. We can sign another LB/DT/DE/LT for what he is asking...Just my opinion!


    Go Bills! :thumbsup:


    I like it too! :thumbsup:

  3. Hey, I dunno why everyone is so shocked that Kyle didn't make the pro-bowl. Did he have a good season? sure...but he's on the worst defense in the league. He played hard, but the D as a whole had nothing to show for it. And if he really was that good, why is Poz and Whitner topping the league in tackles...just sayin'.



    The defense stinks.

  4. Are you kidding me? I understand where Schlereth is coming from, but I don't care who you are-there is a differece between playing tough and playing dirty. We sell DVD'S on tough hits, but they are clean. Schlereth is a cry baby. I used to like him a lot, but no way do I give a !@#$ what he has to say. He's the new Sean 'Berry.

  5. Honestly, a 5-2 at this point would be fine. I don't care if any team tries to go over the top on us. We can defend the pass well enough. The numbers the Jets have run up on us are rediculous. Changes need to be made and the 3-4 scheme isn't working. Anyone who thinks a change isn't necessary should have their head examined.

  6. I respect what Ralph has done in his lifetime. Period. He's been a great business man, and he's the only owner of our Buffalo Bills. Kudos Ralph. I'm not a Ralph basher. I kinda just went with what he's ever done. Great.


    After today, with the Kelsay deal, I've pretty much lost all hope, and I don't respect anyone in the organization. I can't enjoy anything they do, because I don't believe in them. The person I respect most is Chan Gailey, as odd as that seems.


    However, this organization is without direction. Period. They don't do anything well. They suck at customer service. Even with the uniforms, they find ways to screw up everything. It's just one thing after another. They don't get along with the local media because their feelings are hurt because they get bashed, in which they should.


    It just seems like there is no light at the end of the tunnel. It's awful. For the first time ever, I wish Ralph would sell the team, so I can find out already whether or not the team will remain in Buffalo and have a competent front office. I'm ready to gamble, even though I believe the Bills will move. I'm ready to take the chance and find out.


    This post really means nothing, except to say that I've been beaten down so bad by this organization that I'm ready to find out if the grass is greener on the other side.



    Please do us a favor Ralph and move on. Sell the team to someone who will keep it in Buffalo, we'll build you a statue, and give us our damn team and dignity back.


    Buffalo Bills tickets right now are worthless, and there's no end in sight. It's one bad move after another. If it honestly wasn't the best tailgating city in the NFL, I don't think anyone would go anymore. We all love to see our friends, and the atmosphere that FANS create. It would sure just be nice if the friggin Bills would do something to actually add to the NFL experience again.


    I agree with every single word of this. I've been thinking the same thing for a couple of weeks. This is getting really tough to take more so now than ever.

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