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Posts posted by basskik11

  1. if its not, will you finally stop?


    I'd take Manziel. QB is probably the biggest question mark we have. I know that EJ only has had a year but 3 injuries?...and he really wasn't setting the world on fire when he was healthy...


    If not, I hope it's Mack or Watkins. I agree. You don't trade up to a top 3 spot and take a tackle. But this is the Bills...lol


    Just sayin.


    right, you initially wrote "he's out." now your couching your opinion, which is correct in regards to Jeremy Sr., but the wording of the statement fails to rule out other possibilities. odd, that i need to to spell that out to you.

    odd, too, that you feel almost all of the information that gets reported is false. how would you know that?

    or are you going to know backtrack on "almost all."






    there is meaning to the statement, and it's to make sure that there is no speculation in regards to the Bruins' ownership future. they aren't in play.




    thanks for straightening me out there.



  3. right. you know. geez.




    Ok, so there is obviously a communication issue or we have some peeps in here that get upset at strong remarks, which is crazy, especially on this board - so I'll 're-word' my initial comment.


    "Hmmm...I think he's out. There doesn't seem to be any subliminal messages there. I feel that almost all of the information that get's "reported" is false and don't think we will know anything until something actually happens."



    There. I hope that helps some of you.




  4. The chances of Byrd being in Buffalo next year are about zero. He's a jerk, his agent is a bigger jerk and if the Bills franchise him again he'll play less than he did this year due to attitude. That and 10 other teams will want him. That and it's not cool to play in Buffalo. I'd love to be wrong about all of this.


    Agreed. No way he's in Buffalo next year.

  5. Just listening to a couple of guys on sports radio in New England talking about this week's game. Not sure who they were. I was just scanning channels and came across these two idiots. They feel that the Bills have nothing to play for and the Patsies do. So the Bills will probably just roll-over and play dead. Saying that it probably won't even be close at the half. The Bills are just thinking it is 60 minutes of work before vacation time.


    Man, I hate the arrogance around here. The Bills had nothing to play for last week either and the Dolphins did. Look at that outcome - but no mention of that. I hope the Bills blow them away. I am not expecting it though. I think it will be a close game. Especially if the D steps it up a notch and gets in Brady's face.


    Just had to vent a little - thanks.


    Merry Christmas!




    Agreed. MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!



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