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Everything posted by darkman

  1. Run the ball in the gut...dude..enough Dancing..go on Dancing with the Stars or something.
  2. I finally get to watch a buffalo game and all Willis wants to do is dance around in the backfield.
  3. Dude, find a new team to root for. Your a bandwagon ass pirate if I ever saw one. Everyone is always looking for positives in a loss and bashing. It's a WIN. A WIN is a WIN.
  4. Good: He finally learned how to do it. Bad: He finally learned how to do it. Better: We Won. Best: Losman haters get the week off to relax a bit.
  5. Wow Interesting STats: J. Losman 26/38 340 3 1 D. Carr 25/30 223 0 1
  6. Ouch! R.Lindell kicks 65 yards from BUF 30 to HST 5. D.Wynn to HST 42 for 37 yards (K.Thomas). so much for pinning them back...
  7. Hey, I posted the FAITH definition, I want first swing. (now where'd I put that bat?)
  8. Yeah but the defensive adjustments took away from the offense. I told ya the NFL rule regarding the Buffalo Bills offense and Defense.. they can't be in the game at the same time. Kinda like matter cannot occupy the same space at the same time.
  9. He shows up late and you wanna give him a contract? YIKES.
  10. Next time check your mail. Memo's are important communications between parties before a match like this.
  11. We've established the fact that they have no faith in JP, now let's move on.
  12. If I had a name like this, I'd change it: D.Faggins
  13. Looks like the D is done with the Cheerleaders...
  14. Definitions of faith on the Web: religion: a strong belief in a supernatural power or powers that control human destiny; "he lost his faith but not his morality" complete confidence in a person or plan etc; "he cherished the faith of a good woman"; "the doctor-patient relationship is based on trust" religion: an institution to express belief in a divine power; "he was raised in the Baptist religion"; "a member of his own faith contradicted him" loyalty or allegiance to a cause or a person; "keep the faith"; "they broke faith with their investors"
  15. Were's Reed? Price? I saw an incomplete to Parish..but were are the other two?
  16. We also had a 14 point lead at one point....
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