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Posts posted by THE GASH STATION

  1. As much as I enjoy crayonz's show (and I really do--he always manages to ensnare some unsuspecting posters into thinking he's serious), his post today about Suh "slipping" inspired me to post this separate thread (I think most of you will agree, based on the content, that it deserves its own thread)...I actually have a valid point regarding Suh.


    I've mentioned before that, despite many credible personnel men's beliefs (which I share) that Suh is the best overall player in the draft, I believe that it's very unlikely that he goes #1 overall. The biggest reasons for this are actually not related to on-the-field circumstances, but rather to the current salary structure, draft pick compensation, and upcoming labor dispute.


    As you all likely know, the #1 overall pick will receive a contract in excess of $70M, with guaranteed money in excess of $40M. In reality, there are only 3 positions in the NFL for which the top players at those positions garner that type of salary with any commonality: QB, LT, and DE. The fact that these 3 are the highest-paid positions in the game is--in my opinion--the largest contributing factor to the reality that no other position has been selected #1 overall since 1996. Why? Because when one of those 3 positions are drafted #1, it doesn't completely throw off the salary structure for that position throughout the league.


    Case-in-point: When Matthew Stafford was drafted #1 overall in 2009, his $41M guarantee didn't mess up the salary structure for Peyton Manning, since any elite QB is in line to receive upwards of $30M in bonus money anyway once he's proven himself (based on deals signed by guys like Tony Romo, Big Ben, David Garrard, etc.). The same situation existed in 2008, when Jake Long was selected #1 overall. Jason Peters (as a 2-time pro bowl left tackle), regardless of how you feel about him, would be in line for $30M in guaranteed money on his next contract, even if Long hadn't been selected #1 and given that amount of money (based on deals signed by guys like Jordan Gross, etc.).


    Now back to current day NFL economics: if Ndamukong Suh goes #1 overall, a huge domino effect will come as a result. Right now, the highest amount of guaranteed money paid to a DT is $41M for Albert Haynesworth, which was more than double the highest guarantee paid to a DT before that ($18M to Oakland's Tommy Kelly and Cleveland's Corey Williams). That one contract can be considered an anomoly, and furthermore won't mess up the pay structure because Haynesworth had 2 dominant NFL seasons prior to getting that deal. Suh being drafted #1 overall, and getting a similar deal, would cause a ton of guys to expect that kind of money. Among them: Chicago's Tommie Harris, Arizona' Darnell Dockett, the Jets' Kris Jenkins, Cleveland's Shaun Rogers, Jacksonville's John Henderson, and Minnesota's Kevin Williams. Ask yourself: how does anyone expect those guys NOT to hold out for "Suh money"?


    Given that expectation, which I highly doubt is unique to my perception, how could any owner justify selecting Suh #1 with such an intense labor dispute on the horizon? This labor dispute will include discussions regarding the salary cap, prospective rookie cap, player compensation, revenue percentages, revenue sharing, etc., all of which would be heavily affected by Suh going #1.


    If it happens, I'll be the first to admit that I was wrong, but--for now--until I see him on the podium wearing a Rams' cap, I just can't conceive it.


    Great analysis..

  2. Fred Jackson... in 40 games (15 carreer starts) over three seasons amassed 1933 rushing and 878 receiving. Phenomenol to say the least. The one thing that stands out is that he's played in 40 straight games. Withstanding the coaching and OL woes of this season alone is a considerable achievement... especially without injury. That's a hell of a lot more than can be said for Sally Lynch. Consider over that time that he's also contributed punt and kick returns as well. As dismal as the Bills offense was this year, without him, they would have undoubtedly have been the worst offense in NFL history.


    At 28, he's probably got only 2 or three seasons left to contribute at the top level. It sure would be good to see what he would do behind an established OL and with a real QB. With his receiving ability, he could be Thurmanesque.


    When it came time to stand up and be counted, Fred stood tall.... Marshawn didn't even lean forward in his chair.


    Nuff said.


    I posted a topic asking who you thought the best overall player on the team was last yeat Jan 9th



    My pick was Fred Jackson...

    Not naming names but to the guy in Melbourne..told ya.

  3. Nick mendola (from wgr550) who sometimes says very valid things and makes great points about the bills completely fails to mention Goerge wilson as a player the bills should definately plan on keeping next year. Folks, Wilson is a beast. He makes whitner look like a child out there. I am a huge Jarius byrd fan and see a ton of potential in him ( needs to learn to tackle) but I honestly would prefer him over any of the other safeties we currently have. Pay attention to the guys in and around the ball Wilson is ALWAYS there, he is also a big time locker room guy. Pay attention to him on the sidelines at games he is constantly barking it seems like this guy never shuts his mouth and then he goes out and backs it up by ripping dudes heads off all day long. If hes not our starting safety next year I will be pissed. Donte whitner is awful and is a back up at best. Anyone else see any main guys leaving by offseason or any surprise players starting here next year? (i.e drayton florence) who has been hot fire the last threegames.

    I agree..Wilson is a nice surprise this year...

    Wish we would have kept Jabari too

  4. hey guys i attended that pathetic, embarrassing game. a buddy of mine is a big shot and scored 6 free $275 tickets and took 5 of us in total to the game. so we had one extra one that got unused. i was in i guess what you would call the second level. pretty decent seats, but most i would want to pay for them at the Ralph would be $70 U.S dollars. I am a Canadian living in southern ontario and it took me longer to get to that stupid stadium then it does to the Ralph. We parked super close and walked right to the Rogers Centre cuz obviously theres no tailgating. After purchasing a 9.5$ beer (smaller then buffalo beers altho ours actualy have a bit of kick to em), i walked in and found my seats. Looking around at all these jokes of human beings made me instantly regret coming. Some doofus wearing a Dolphins hat sat 2 rows in front of me and i thought he was absolutly pathetic. I didn't have the heart to tell him that he was one year too late to see that game. I mean, did he somehow hope that both bills n jets wouild lose to further miami in the division?!?!? Then I noticed 4 boyfriends sporting Brady and Mayo Jerseys and i thought the same thing. 3 rows down and to the right of me was a Chinese dude in a bengals jersey and hat?!?!?!? wtf?!?! then i seen a couple of douche bags in ravens gear, cowboys gear, vikings, pack, and Titans gear. wtf? my section was way more quite then the lethargic people i sometimes sit around at the Ralph, altho a few people clapped when we were on defense and a couple others yelled once in a while. and in fact the only time anyone other than myself and my buddies stood up was when my whole side of the stadium stood to watch 2 douchebags fighting below us and get rocked by RCMP. Nobody knew what the hell was happening in there. I was embarrassed to be there, embarrassed to be a bills fan, embarrassed to be a Canadian, embarrassed i was in the company of so many clueless !@#$bags. Not a fun time, and will never go ever ever again even if i get 500$ seats for free! !@#$ it! OH BTW...... Bills will NEVER EVER win in Toronto, so chalk up a guaranteed loss there year in, year out till this bull **** is done. !@#$ TORONTO! Im not even a leafs fan i love the sabres!!!!!

    Awesome line :D

    Some doofus wearing a Dolphins hat

  5. Well seeing that Turk didn't do any of that stuff last year either I'd say the chances of you seeing it would be slim also.

    I am no genius, far from it but when you run the same set of plays week in and week out

    and possession after possession the guys on the other team are gonna notice.

    So if you try something different and it doesn't work..atleast you showed the D a new look and

    what do you have to lose what you are doing isn't working anyway.

  6. What would Schoenert have done different? Can't run...no one open to pass to. What is a team supposed to do with no O-line?




    Hmm..I dunno Promo..maybe like motion, a sweep, screen...different formation..something the D hasn't seen

    run the same way five times already.

  7. lol...


    I'm really liking this guy so far. It's nice to see someone who remembers that this is FOOTBALL


    I agree...Fewell wants to be the HC and he is demanding and hungry. His players play hard and he holds them accountable.

    Can't help but think of this quote from Gordon Gecco in WALL STREET


    "Most of these Harvard MBA types - they don't add up to dog****. Give me guys that are poor, smart, hungry - and no feelings. You win a few, you lose a few, but you keep on fighting."

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