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Posts posted by BoondckCL

  1. Aaron Brooks is not a good quarterback. The only New Orleans player i want up here is LeCharles Bentley.


    In response to him furthering Losman's development, NO! If anything all Brooks would do is cause an even further regress in Losman's already below average development. I don't want him anywhere around JP Losman, i wouldn't even let his dirty clothes rub up next to Losman's at a laundry mat. :D

  2. Well, in my never-ending quest to find even a glimmer of hope that D'BRICK will somehow get to us, I took a little field trip to some other message boards for the following teams:







    There was a lot of interesting information on those boards.  And, while I still believe that it will be virtually IMPOSSIBLE for D"BRICK to fall to us, there might be a VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY SLIM chance.  Here is what I was finding. 



    Well, this, I believe is the toughest team for D'BRICK to get past.  There is a lot of talk about Cutler here, and I think that may be our only hope.  We have to hope and pray to God that Cutler lights it up this weekend and the combine.  I really see  NO taking Leinart and TEN taking Young.  I just see that breaking down that way at the end of the day.  This leaves the Jets with Cutler or D'BRICK.  Now, there is a small chance that Hawk goes here, but that is most likely not happening.  In the end, the Jets will probably take D'BRICK, but if not, there may that GLIMMER of hope i was looking for.  That is because I see the following happening with the other teams.



    There really isn't too much debate here, at least on their message board, that they want to get Hawk or Williams.  It seems as though most believe that Hawk will be the pick here, but it could definately be Williams......either way, there seems to be no talk of D'BRICK at all.  Not even a mention.  They want defense and look to be heading in that direction.  That leads us into.....



    They seem to really want Hawk.  There seems to be talk that they will take whoever GB doesn't choose.  They want Hawk, but could be willing to take Williams although there are rumors that they may want to trade out of that spot if Hawk is not there.  There were some that were calling for D'BRICK here, but to be honest, they just spent a fortune on Jennings last year.  I can't see them taking him if he is there, but this is the first mention of D'BRICK since the Jets at #4.  With that said, I think he would slide by the 49ers here because they REALLY need defensive help.  Huff may be considered here as well, but if Hawk is here, he will be the pick.  So, that lease us just 1 more team before our spot.



    Here is where it gets a little interesting.  Not so much in the fact that they want D'BRICK, because I don't think they do, but they really want Super Mario here.  HOWEVER, there is a TON of talk over there about another defensive player that will be available at this pick......none other that Haloti Ngata!  They are VERY high on him now and there is talk that if he performs well this weekend, he might get the nod here.  Seems as though Al Davis loves this kind of player and will not pass him up if he is there and Super Mario is gone.  That will probably anger a lot of Bills' fans here as he seems to be the pick that most everyone here wants.  He is a solid pick, but it doesn't look as though he will make it to #8 is Super Mario is already gone.  That would be a little rough for us because if all these players are gone, we are looking at Safety or Corner.......Huff maybe?

    Well, I guess I accomplished what I want on my little field trip.  I found that GLIMMER of hope, but it is just that...........a glimmer........I virtually guarantee that he will not be there.  He is too good a player to slip that far.  Even if he gets past the Jets, teams WILL trade up to get him......D'BRICK won't be there.  But, in a perfect world where the Bills catch all the breaks, the draft would look like this (barring any trades)........


    1.  HOU - Bush

    2.  NO - Leinart

    3.  TEN - Young

    4.  NY - Cutler

    5.  GB - Williams

    6.  SAN FRAN - Hawk

    7.  OAK - Ngata

    8.  BUF - D'BRICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    That is the only way it can happen.  I am dreaming, but in a perfect world, this is how the 2006 NFL Draft would play out.  There is only 1 sleight problem.......the world is not perfect and the Bills ALWAYS GET SCREWED!!!!!  The Bills NEVER CATCH A BREAK!


    But hey, a guy can dream..........THERE IS JUST NOW WAY THIS DREAM COMES TRUE.......


    Oh well........should be used to it by now being a Bill's fan for the last 27 years...........


    Maybe someday!



    I could also see Cutler going to the Raiders. I know it was from PFT.com, but it was rumored that the Raiders aren't too happy with Kerry Collins. And we all know that Al Davis loves to pass the ball.

  3. OK, but TP was in the backfield making sacks and creating chaos a large percentage of the time too.



    Wow are you serious? What the main point is, is that even though Hope had a better statistical season than Polamalu does not mean he is as good as Polamalu!


    People don't want to give a playmaker like Polamalu the opportunity to make a play, so they avoid him as much as possible. Which means you do not throw in his direction and you pick on the other guy.


    Even if Polamalu was in the backfield on blitz's most of the time, the question you have to ask is, how many times did Polamalu force a bad throw from the qb, and also how many of those interceptions will transfer over when Polamalu is not putting pressure on the qb.

  4. As i remember it, Roy Williams only wanted to play for Dallas. He said it in an interview. Bryant McKinnie is a better pass blocker than Mike Williams and the only thing he has over Mike Williams is that he is still on a team.


    The guy Buffalo should've drafted was Levi Jones. I was at the draft when the Bengals took him with their pick in the first round and everybody in the crowd laughed.


    Looks like the jokes on us, Jones is on a playoff calibor team and still has a bright future ahead of him.

  5. I think we're getting WAY too carried away with the lines.


    Our first pick was a DT and our next three picks (considering Eslinger seems to be the next pick) are O-Lineman?


    How many do we need people? Let's start looking at some DB's or skill players now (gasp!)



    Games are won and lost at the line.


    As to the whole DB comment, Eric King is fine as a nickel back and Terrence McGee and Nate Clements are very good and will only get better with increased pressure on the opposing teams quarterbacks.

  6. Hope:






    Hope had more interceptions. Had similar numbers of tackles. Polamalu had more sacks.



    First off ans4e64 is right. Hope is playing deep in the defensive scheme. The other thing that you need to take into account is that who would you rather take your chance throwing at, Polamalu or Hope? MOst coaches would say Hope based on the fact that you don't want to let someone like Polamalu get the chance to rip the game wide open with an interception.

  7. so this means hope is better? wow.... how about this, if you could only pick one safety, which of the two would it be?...... my point exactly, hope has more interceptions because he plays deep as opposed to troy who plays up. I dont care if hope had 200 tackles and 10 int's, there isnt a better safety at either position in the league right now better than Polamalu.




  8. Another thing that i thought of was TD's devotion to running all of Butler's men out of town.


    Think about it, Dave Campo in Dallas "Didn't win a super bowl with his own guys", and ever since people have been reluctant to keep players around from the old regimes.


    If you think about it, with all of our superiority in the 90's, why is Eric Moulds the only player left on the roster from the Butler era? After the 1999 season, Buffalo should've been in great shape to make another run for the playoffs, then we had the 2000 draft which absolutely blew.


    After the 2000 season, Buffalo absolutely cleaned house and brought in Donhaoe's and Greggggg's friends (Examples: Eddie Robinson and Lance Brown).


    By the end of the 2002 season i think we only had 7 people from the Butler era on our team which included: Eric Moulds, Pat Williams, Bill Conaty, Ruben Brown, Sammy Morris, Antoine Winfield, and Peerless Price was booking for the free agent market.


    The following season, we lost Winfield, Brown, Morris, and Conaty. We all know what kind of impact Winfield and Brown made, and why were they gone? Cause Donahoe and friends drove them out of town.

  9. Ugh...you're right..brain fart.  Now I know its going to be a long night.....only 5.5 hours to go!!!


    Now I cant think of the other QB that I meant to say....wasnt Schaub even though he was the next one taken and that was in the late 3rd round



    Yeah Schaubb was there really late into the draft, but i don't think it's going to be that long of a night for you cause i am going to bed. And i would have to agree with the Schaubb comments. I think he is one of the better quarterbacks picked that year.

  10. So the Packers get Losman and Rodgers has the chance of slipping to us in the second...not seeing the downside there.



    Rodgers was drafted last year and Losman the year before. Rodgers is also regarded as having a weak arm that is not able to throw the deep out. :lol:

  11. Hah, blaming Bledsoe for the current state of the Bills is probably the dumbest reason I've heard yet...and I've heard some pretty stupid ones.


    Had we never cut peerless price loose I think the bills wouldnt have taken a step backwards after an 8-8 season.  I know Price wanted big money, but we could have at least kept him around for another season with the tag instead of trading him for WM who contributed nothing to the following season.  I still think wasting a number one pick on WM knowing that he wasnt going to play was a big mistake.  I'll retract that statement though should WM decide to get his ass in gear on the field this year and finish in the top 5 rushers.


    You have to blame Ralph wilson and Tom Donahoe for the current state of the Bills. Its not a cop out.  Its called poor management.  TD neglected the lines and spent more time and money on skill position players and luxury picks, i.e. McGahee and Parrish.  I also think that it was a huge mistake to not wait until the 2nd round for Losman.  Now, I'm a Losman supporter, but I still didnt see him as a 1st rounder, and even if we didnt get him, we would have had a shot at Matt Schaub, who I still think would have been the better choice to backup Bledsoe.  My beef with Wilson is letting TD talk him into another inexperienced HC after the Gregg Williams bust, but I can understand it...TD is pretty persuasive and Ralph isnt as sharp as he used to be (Is it Monday?). 


    Poor management yields poor results in any business and football is no exception.



    The Packers seemed to think that Losman was worth a first round pick, seeing as they were on the verge of choosing Losman as Favre's successor.


    Another thing is that TD was hiring weak coaches so that he would not have to worry about being muscled out of the position of GM like he was by Bill Cowher in Pittsburgh.


    I guess SB XV showed everybody who the real genius was in Pittsburgh (TD or BC). :lol:

  12. I wouldn't put all of my chips behind Chris Villarrial, he's going into his 10th or 11th season and he was injured last season. Although i think there is still a possibility of his full recovery i still think his days are a little limited.

  13. The biggest problem on the O-Line IMHO, is that since Ruben Brown left, there's been no halfway decent player that's also a leader ala Kent Hull.  I know Teague being the most "senior" was the de facto guy.  But, really no one who could whip these guys into a frenzy.


    I think Villarial, if he's healthy will step up, but we need someone with some experience and success to come in and act as the "glue."  I see no one on our present roster capable on being "the man."


    Same thing with D-Line.  Adams is no leader by example.  Schoebel maybe.  But, again no leader.


    I think as soon as we address the leadership factor, things will fall into place.


    So eventhough Ruben was a sure bet for holding every other play, his locker room influence is sorely missed.


    BTW, Chris Hovan I think would be a nice addition to our D line rotation.

    I wouldn't put all of my chips behind Chris Villarrial, he's going into his 10th or 11th season and he was injured last season. Although i think there is still a possibility of his full recovery i still think his days are a little limited.



  14. The thing that really gets me about Donahoe is the fact that his specialty was supposed to be the draft but his picks were eeehhhh.


    1st Round Picks

    2001: Nate Clements

    2002: Mike Williams

    2003: Willis McGahee

    2004: Lee Evans

            JP Losman

    2005: Traded for Losman pick in 2004


    2nd Round Picks

    2001: Aaron Schobel

            Travis Henry

    2002: Josh Reed

            Ryan Denney

    2003: Chris Kelsay

    2004: Traded for JP Losman

    2005: Roscoe Parrish


    3rd Round Picks

    2001: Ron Edwards

    2002: Jonas Jennings

    2003: Angelo Crowell

    2004: Tim Anderson

    2005: Kevin Everett


    He did a good job of drafting in the first few rounds but after that, the only real value player that he picked was Terrence McGee. In order to have success in this league you need to draft intelligently and well in the later rounds.


    The other problem that one might notice with the drafting is that in Donahoe's drafts is that he only took one offensive lineman in the first round, and with all of our second round picks we have a whole bunch of white defensive ends. The rest of the picks are skill positions, which only proves that Donahoe does not know offensive linemen when he sees them. We had a shot at LeCharles Bentley in 2002 in the second round of the draft. Did we make the right move? i don't know i am neither judge, nor jury.


    And to add one more thing, most of the guys on the list, the jury is still out on them too.

  15. The thing that really gets me about Donahoe is the fact that his specialty was supposed to be the draft but his picks were eeehhhh.


    1st Round Picks

    2001: Nate Clements

    2002: Mike Williams

    2003: Willis McGahee

    2004: Lee Evans

    JP Losman

    2005: Traded for Losman pick in 2004


    2nd Round Picks

    2001: Aaron Schobel

    Travis Henry

    2002: Josh Reed

    Ryan Denney

    2003: Chris Kelsay

    2004: Traded for JP Losman

    2005: Roscoe Parrish


    3rd Round Picks

    2001: Ron Edwards

    2002: Jonas Jennings

    2003: Angelo Crowell

    2004: Tim Anderson

    2005: Kevin Everett


    He did a good job of drafting in the first few rounds but after that, the only real value player that he picked was Terrence McGee. In order to have success in this league you need to draft intelligently and well in the later rounds.


    The other problem that one might notice with the drafting is that in Donahoe's drafts is that he only took one offensive lineman in the first round, and with all of our second round picks we have a whole bunch of white defensive ends. The rest of the picks are skill positions, which only proves that Donahoe does not know offensive linemen when he sees them. We had a shot at LeCharles Bentley in 2002 in the second round of the draft. Did we make the right move? i don't know i am neither judge, nor jury.

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