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Posts posted by maverick544

  1. Bottom Line.... The Bills were not ready to play JP today and JP was definatly not ready to Win the Game. The O-Line put JP in a bad position where mistakes were made, and the O-Line is the reason Trent was knocked out. Those mistakes loaded the gun for Arizona to captilize and destroy the Bills defense. The O-Line is also the reason that Freddie Jackson and M. Lynch were not very steller performers today.

  2. I'm sorry I know Buffalo is not aiming for a QB due to the fact that they have like 5 or 6 on the roster, but if Buffalo gets a chance at Vince Young they have to take him, the only possible exception is if they were to take AJ Hawk over him. Can you imaging Takeo Spikes on one end and AJ Hawk on the other, thats what I call a sick Line Backer squad! I think the big question is going to be who will the Raiders Draft, that will determine Buffalo's fate in the draft.

  3. Vince Young took on the best football team in college history, pretty much on his own and won. JP was spoon fed the play book and still had no composure at all. Vince young is a playmaker and JP is a Slug, hands down. Get two more OL boys, and the Buffalo's will be stampeading in no time, and I guarentee JP wont be driving. ( JP = Rob Johnson/Todd Collins )

  4. Well, they might have the huge contracts, or the big names but what they do have is youth. This means, less injuries and harder working guys, but what this also means is more penalties (most Likely). Hopefully Marv is going to pull a few tricks out from under his sleeves, like a big name QB. Losman, is clearly not ready, and Kelly, although a average QB he is no superstar. What we need is a spark, thats why i think Vince young could be a great edition, or any of the other top draft QB's for that matter. Another option, is a guy like Matt Schaub!

  5. 10. Trading Travis

    9. Mike Williams, a 400lbs ryan leaf

    8. Takeo brok'ed his Leg :(

    7. Difficulty of schedule with alot of surprise teams going well

    6. QB BS!

    5. Air-Ball!!!!!!! (Crappy Passes!)

    4. Two Letters J P

    3. Bledsoe became Brokeback Moutaineer

    2. Not enough Running room and chances to run

    1. MM Playcalling and his lack of cofidence


    Lets hear ur top ten the bills we're so wack this year! :(:lol:

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