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Ranger Ranchod

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Posts posted by Ranger Ranchod

  1. And what is your point?


    Like 80k screaming and yelling fans circled around a 300' rectangle will not have an affect on that same person?




    On the football field, he is in his element. He can focus on doing what he's been practicing for his whole life. Ever watch those NHL award shows? Most of the guys who win are so nervous up there they can barely get their words straight. Totally different experiences. It's not just the number of people you are faced with, but more what the situation demands of you that defines how you behave. :doh::D:D:D:doh:

  2. Davis is too good to pass up. Only Mario and the Brick score higher on my personal wishlist for that first pick. Ngata is nice, but #4 in my eyes.


    Think about it this way... we're not going to contend next year so why worry about plugging all our holes in one off-season? Plug the ones you can as best you can and do the same for the others later. I'd rather draft an impact TE and sign an impact S and DT then acquire a bunch of decent OL/DL/S/TEs. Short-term that strategy would leave us hole-less all around, but no potential to dominate anywhere. We want this team to be great in 3 years, not good in 1.

  3. Who we draft will depend heavily on who gets signed. Unless DaBrick falls to 8, we aren't picking an O-Lineman anyway. On the D-Line, I'd only consider Williams or Ngata worth selecting there. Davis rounds out the 4 guys I want and that the team needs. (edit: long-term, Huff makes a lot of sense here, too)


    There are numerous advantages to drafting a dynamic TE like Davis. For one, there's offsetting the Moulds loss and the decreased necessity to pass out of 3 WR/4 WR sets. Also, as with Crumpler, Shockey, and Gates, having a go-to TE who you can always count on to dump the ball off to does wonders for an up-and-coming QB. Combine that with a genuine deep threat receiver and a high-end RB and you've given your QB enough weapons to succeed (granted, of course, he has to have more than 1.7 seconds to make a decision on where he wants to go with the ball). If JP can't succeed with Evans, Davis and McGahee and a revamped, albeit not dominant by any means, OL, than I think we'll be a lot closer to having our answer on whether or not he's got what it takes.

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