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Posts posted by DrFishfinder

  1. George Edwards sucks. That's how i see it anyway. Until we replace him, our pass rush will be nonexistant, unless we bring 6-7 guys. It doesn't seem like that's in game plan. Get rid of him and I think our pass rush will improve. Just my take on the matter.


    We have no real pass rushers. But Edwards needs to go, anyway. The offense has improved greatly, with essentially the same personnel MINUS Lee Evans. What's Edward's excuse?

  2. so the wife's in vegas for a conference and i asked her to place a bet for the Bills to win the AFC (i always bet this when i get the chance, thinking any winnings might go towards a sb ticket). 18:1. asked her to get one for my best friend who is a lions fan: 13:1 to win NFC. sounds about right to me for both. comments, opinions? as to how much i bet, lets just say that i've been very happy with the bills this year but remain cautiously optimistic..ie, not much was bet but i can dream.


    Bills might get in as a wild card in the AFC, but I don't think they'll win the AFC East, let alone the AFC. The offense will have to carry the team as well as continued take aways by the D and of course they need to stay healthy and get Kyle Williams back.

  3. My Chevy pickup is 12 years with zero problems other than scheduled maintenance. I've never had a serious problem with any American vehicle I've owned. Jeep, Saturn, or GM.


    You actually get the scheduled maintenance done. I'll bet a 126.6 lb Chinook salmon most people don't.

  4. Buftex, in due time you'll soon see how what Dr. Herschel said in relation to plagues and cures relates to what's discovered on the farm.


    HEY!!! Insider information!!!!


    Amen to that!


    For as much as I like this show and Fringe, and the 1st seasons of Eureka and Warehouse 13, these just reinforce how far above the bar LOST was. Man I miss that show.

  5. Well, the receiver drops have been worse than anyone predicted I think.... Just for starters. It also seems that Brandon Marshall is the closest they have to a vet leader right now- oops!


    If Marshall caught just half the balls he's dropped in the endzone this season might be far different.


    Woulda, coulda, shoulda. He didn't and it isn't. Just enjoy the My Yami nosedive. .

  6. Did you watch the game? Starters were pulled mid third. They stopped taking shots at the end of the half inside fg range with 30secs and a timeout. What were they supposed to do? They called a HB dive for the last 11 plays!


    Are you kidding, watch that game? I wasn't that hard up for a football fix. The Colts were that bad? Yeesh.

  7. Last night's episode flew by. I am into the show more this season than last. This farm house thing is curious...just seems way too intact for there not to be something going on, especially when the walkers were all over that school just a few miles away like it was a freak convention. I thought the scene where the blonde chick is walking along in the woods, and then out of NOWHERE there is a walker coming right up next to her was brilliant direction. That was easily my favorite scene of the night.


    What I love about this show is that even though the plot sort of slowed down a bit with the missing kid and the kid who took a bullet, they still give us what we want - awesome zombie action! I just don't remember these things being this fast last season...when those two guys (I think I just realized that I don't know a SINGLE name of these characters lol) were running away with the medical supplies, a few of those zombies were HAULING ASS.

    Good pinoint about the farmhouse folks. Really odd they appear so unconcerned about the carnage and untouched by it. Methinks something ain't right.


    Thoughts from last nights episode? By the way, will that little girl be lost the entire season or what?


    Not sure what direction they're taking, which is a very good sign. I don't like being able to see through the plot and predict. That's why I liked LOST so much. I think it's very likely they will not find the girl and her mom and one or two others stay behind to look for her when the group moves on.

  8. Who were they going to sign that was content sitting behind Manning for years on end? Having Rodgers behind Favre is the exception not the rule


    Who would have been a worse choice than Painter? Hmmmmm?


    Which begs the question - did the Saints have to run up the score ?


    Good point. That .was an unnecessary run up.

  9. This is a team that has imploded. Their problems are mostly mental at this point and it's not going to get any better for them until they replace Sparano. Even then, they have a big hill to climb to get back to any semblance of respectability.


    I effing LOVE IT!!!!!!

  10. I would be surprised by a clean sweep of house. They are playing horrible but that was expected. They built this team around Manning. They cannot win without him.


    Kerry Collins, Curtis Painter, Dan Orvlosky? Ugh. Alot of teams would struggle to win games with these guys at QB but 62-7? Thats not because of QB play

    Not at first look. But Indy only had 11 first downs and held the ball for less than 22 minutes. That is at least partially because of QB play. Especially when he's 9/17 for 67 yards, no TD's and an interception.



    I agree with you, the Colts are built around Manning. Without him, they are unable to put points on the board or even go 50/50 on TOP.


    That being said, it's inexcusable that the Colts have stuck with such a blatantly bad backup QB as Curtis Painter for the last 2 or 3 years. If someone is going to get canned, they should get canned for making the decision to keep Painter, not for the Colts playing the way they are with Painter.




  11. Watched the Syracuse games last night and DE Chandler Jones had a monster game after being out the past month. He had 2 sacks and was wreaking havoc all night on the beleaguered WVU QB. He is 6'5" 265 and could easily be an OLB and according to NFL Mocks he can be a dominant prospect.


    "The senior defensive end proved that he has a fantastic skill-set and can be absolutely dominant at times, so he is certainly a prospect to keep an eye on as we move forward."





    Also liked FS Philip Thomas as this guy was laying dudes out all night but he is only a junior.


    We need somebody. Chan said they were sending 5 after Eli and "still couldn't get there. " So at least they were trying to put some heat on Manning, which is encouraging to hear. We have got to make pass rusher(s) a top priority in the draft/off season.

  12. The fact that Wannstedt is in the mix now and yet the defense is still getting torched is even more baffling. Exactly what is Wannstedt doing? He's not having much effect up to this point.


    I don't have insider knowledge, but he primarily coaches ILB. The ass't head coach title is something that definitely does make the guys look up to you and he has Gailey's ear more than another position coach, but it generally only means that he runs the team if/when the coach isn't there.


    Well if the powers that be brought in Wannstedt to have no impact on the defense, they seem to have nailed it. Yay for that.

    I can't see Wannstedt languishing around like this next season.

  13. Tough to know where the blame lies. Given that Wanstandt is in the mix now, I'm less inclined to blame Edwards (or at least Edwards alone).


    A better pass rush and more consistent play from the corners--and this defense looks a lot better.


    The fact that Wannstedt is in the mix now and yet the defense is still getting torched is even more baffling. Exactly what is Wannstedt doing? He's not having much effect up to this point.

  14. I wonder about the role that Wannestedt has had so far in the season. Does he see an increase in responsibility after the awful start from the D?


    Can anyone tell me exactly WHAT Wannstedt is doing? In net total yardage, Buffalo's defense is 31st. Maybe I'm missing something here, but I don't see a whole lot of difference from his "mentoring" so far.

  15. Although I'm concerned about the defense, I'm not sure Edwards is in over his head. He's got good mentors. Bob Sanders was the DC for the Packers for three years and has 30+ years coaching experience. Dave Wannstedt has been both a HC and DC in the NFL for many years. I'm sure both are solid advisors who keep Edwards head above water.


    Gailey is all about winning. If Edwards truly is the problem, Gailey will ax him. I see no evidence in Gailey's history that he has a misguided sense of loyalty. It would be easy to fire Edwards when Wannstedt is already on staff as a potential replacement.


    I wonder if maybe our defensive personnel just aren't as good as you think they are - and the coaches are doing the best with what they've got. Remember, Kyle Williams and Shawne Merriman (our two 'star' players) have both been playing hurt when playing at all. Our best DB has missed some games as well. Dareus is still a rookie and learning how to be effective at this level.


    Remember also the Bills have a high scoring offense which forces opponents to open up their own offenses. So predictably, we see opposing teams pass a lot, gain a lot of yards, and turn the ball over as they attempt to keep up with the Bills. We force them to play high-risk, high-reward.

    Edwards' defense has been horrible from the time he took over. Mentor, schmentor. The fact that he has good mentors doesn't necessarily mean he will be successful. There are plenty of bad students who have good teachers.


    We definitely need more play makers on D. We have no legitimate pass rusher. Buffalo's D ranks 31st as of now. Last year's D ranked dead last in stopping the run.

    As in,




    Why Edwards was kept as DC when Wannstedt came aboard is beyond me.






    We have needs to address in the draft in the front seven, no question about it. Merriman is on his last year or two so I can imagine we'll get one of the best linebackers available in the draft. For this year we've got what we've got and after all we are 4-2. Our defense has given up more points than we would like, but it has been aggressive on turnovers and produced a lot of points on its own. I think the bye week should be one of innovation and getting tuned up, but not a week of tremendous change. Hopefully a time for williams and merriman to get better. The defense certainly has room for improvement, but I think whatever improvement there is will have to come from existing personnel.


    It may not be fair to say so, but I believe the fact that the D has as many take aways as it does is more the individual players than the DC. The fact that we were dead last against the run last year and are 31st now are ugly but undeniable facts. IF we were able to get pressure on QB's (see Dalton & Manning), we most likely would be sitting at 5-1 or even 6-0 right now.

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