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Posts posted by billnutinphoenix

  1. I'm continually astounded by the number of fans who think they know more about football than guys who have spent their entire lives in and around the game.


    If you thought Nix and Gailey were going to take the Donahoe/Williams & Levy/Jauron mess and fix it in two years your expectations were unrealistic.



    Totally agree!!!!!!

  2. It's official, he resigned with the Falcons.


    Please don't give me any of this "we tried" crap. We lose because we won't make the decisions that other teams are to win. Still cheap and don't realize that paying players more is an unfortunate circumstance of owning a team in Buffalo.


    Don't you love how the Jets kept David Harris, Holmes, and may get Nazi? And they were over the cap!


    We are comical


    I totally agree!!!

  3. This "no one wants to play in Buffalo" is ridiculous. First, has anyone ever been to Green Bay, Kansas City, Oakland, Minneapolis, Detroit, Cleveland, or even Houston for that matter? Buffalo is no worse than any of these places. The real reason players are nervous about coming to Buffalo is the fact that we haven't been to the playoffs in 11 years. We've had no continuity at the top of the organization, with the coaching staff, at the QB position, and as a result haven't been successful during that time.


    Second, a large percentage of NFL players are not coming from big cities. They don't have a bias against Buffalo because they are all from Chicago, NY or LA. Furthermore, most of the college campuses are in the middle of nowhere, so it's not like the players will only go to play for colleges in big cities, otherwise Boston College, Rutgers, Miami, and Northwestern would dominate year in and year out.


    Bottom line is that just like a corporation, an NFL team has to display a committment to excellence otherwise the top talent will not want to play there. If you were a top executive would you want to go work for a unstable company that consistantly failed to meet expectations and was losing market share, no.


    The Bills need to establish themselves as a stable, solid franchise that puts winning before all else. It'll take some time, but once that happens, we can compete with the rest of the NFL for free agent talent and the "Buffalo" stigma will be a non-issue.



    I don't think it has anything to do with the area itself but the commitment to winning...

  4. Nix stating they won't spend much in FA is a disappointment, come on Buddy you have to spend some and DW is outta here, pick up some GOOD god dang players!! THIS is the year! I would be very unhappy if they don't make some decent signings and I don't mean just attempting to, I mean getting some ink on paper.



    I thought they had to spend quite a bit of money.....They actually have 36 Million...

  5. Florio was on GR earlier this morning...it is all sounding pretty sobering. I hope to god the Bills reamain in Buffalo throughout my life (I got at least another 30-40 years or so, I think!), but as the details of the new CBA that seem to be coming out, things do not sound favorable for the Bills, and other small market teams, long term.


    I am not really going to read a lot more of this stuff (it is too depressing, and has been going on for far too long), and just hope for the best...and of course, savor the seasons that are left, as long as there are some...



    This is why Ralph needs to become a minority owner or former owner soon...

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