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Alexander Hamilton

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Posts posted by Alexander Hamilton

  1. I love all the coaching GM speculation. It's great. Is there any way, until there's a shred of evidence that someone is going to get fired, that we can move the speculative posts to a separate board?


    While we're at it, maybe we could also create a "trading up in the draft" board for the "Let's trade X and move up to grab Reggie Bush" posts.

  2. One of the talking heads here in Philly was saying that Randall was a better QB than Mcnabb the other week. I laughed and laughed. Then he made his point that McNabb has a better system (, better surrounding cast, and a much weaker division than Randall ever had--Giants under Parcells, Skins under Gibbs, and Cowboys under JJ--yet those Eagles teams made the playoffs several years.


    (bump to TSW?)

  3. Before you post slanderous stuff, show a link to your information. Im sure you have heard it somewhere but without a backup source you have zero credibility at all. I personally dojnt remember him 'beating' any women ... you also have to remember that people are going to make allegations against NFL players to simply win lawsuits - not people they are the truth. The child support thing I mayhave heard about - not really sure though. I did a google search for both of them and found nothing (which is kinda what you are). Anyhow - Simply said - thats off the field stuff. Your not a true Bills fan if you can not support a person that BLEEDS Red, White and Blue - Eric Moulds.





    LOL. Change your name to OJ-lover. Or maybe just add this to your sig line "Eff Nicole and Ron--he's a Bills player dang it!" That off the field stuff doesn't matter right? Maybe the Bills should sign Lawrence Phillips up.


    Anyways, here's some links to support both your selective memory and remedial Google skills.


    child support summary


    Shepard said that while Moulds was attending Mississippi State he was ordered to pay $50 a week in child support to his son, provide his income tax returns to Bradley and provide medical and dental insurance to the boy as soon as he was financially able to do so.


    "Mrs. Bradley wanted the income tax returns so the amount of child support could be adjusted, since Mr. Moulds was paying the minimum in child support as a student," Shepard said.


    But from 1996-1998, years in which Moulds was getting more than $1 million a year from the Bills, he only paid $350 in child support and failed to provide medical insurance or tax returns, Shepard said.


    What a guy.


    And the break down the door and choke the girlfriend story was only alluded to in there, but here's an excerpt from one link.


    Eric Moulds has been charged with harassment of a woman he allegedly poked in the face numerous times and picked up by the neck.... He apparently showed up at her apartment in Buffalo about 3:15 a.m. and pounded the door so fiercely that the wooden frame on the door began to give away. Moulds has been ordered to appear in Buffalo City Court.


    He later plead guilty to two charges of harassment.


    If you want to see what the Bills fans thought of this circa 1997 when it happened, google "Moulds" and "arrested" in the newsgroups search on Google, and limit the date range to 1997.


    Apology accepted. Shove your "slander" accusation, reverse your "no credibility" accusation to apply to you, and have fun at your "I love Eric Moulds" rally.

  4. "In his career Eric Moulds has bent over backwards for the Bills' organization. Through mostly losing seasons, the three-time Pro Bowler has taken pay cuts, and accepted a wide array of unsuccessful quarterbacks. After Jim Kelly retired, Moulds has seen such world beaters as Todd Collins, Billy Joe Hobert, Rob Johnson, and Alex Van Pelt. The only decent quarterbacks in the Moulds era have been Doug Flutie and at times, Drew Bledsoe. Although first-year starter J.P. Losman has shown flashes, Moulds hasn't been his favorite target. In Losman's eight starts, Moulds has caught just 27 passes for 168 yards and no touchdowns. During Kelly Holcomb's four starts, Moulds pulled in 27 passes for 343 yards and three touchdowns."



    Cry me a river. He took pay cuts to stay VERY highly paid rather than being cut because he underperformed. And as to accepting QBs--what? He gets paid to do his job. Believe it or not, you don't get extra credit just because you're not an Ahole to the level of TO or Moss.


    He beats women. He didn't pay child support until he was facing down jail time. Stop the madness.

  5. ... i cant believe the people who have just turned their backs on Moulds - its sickening.


    10 years - 2nd all time in nearly every category - has nearly NEVER caused a problem - always a team player ... DISGUSTING on the fans part in my opinion.




    Besides choking a girl and not paying three years of child support, he's an excellent guy. Oh yeah. And how about undermining the rookie QB? And how about not listening to the coach? I agree with the sentiment in another thread. Stop licking Moulds' butt. He's no Jim Kelly. Eric cares about Eric.

  6. And to the fish on top of it.  The look of MM on the sideline did not seem to be one of a plan to win the game.  It was "what the hell is happening.  What do we do now, Run the ball run the ball."



    How about last year's home drubbing to the (backup) Steelers with the playoffs on the line?


    Get a grip. It sucked, but this loss had no effect on the Bills' playoff chances.

  7. From http://www.indystar.com/apps/pbcs.dll/arti...512010432#noise

    This is kinda funny that this is going down.  However, the part that I really have a question on is this part of the article:

    Can that really happen?  It kinda defeats the whole point of home field advantage if true.  Or are they just talking about artificial crowd noice?



    Back in the stone age when the Bills were consistently good, the crowd noise rule used to come up. Some QBs would look pleadingly at the refs, and the refs would stop the game to warn the fans that they were on the verge of getting a 5 yard penalty. The result of that announcement, as I remember it, is that the crowd would get louder. I think the refs figured out that it was a no win rule, and frankly, F--- some team that can't hear. That's home field advantage.


    Regarding pumping in noise, that's a rollicking crock of S.

  8. Black Horse stuff (results from a quick google)




    When I watched the show last night I thought the horse was a totem which represented that Kate was at a crossroads in her life. Each time she took the road towards darkness.  (remember her father told her that "He did not have murder in his heart"... implying that Kate did)


    Just remember that Kate did walk towards the horse at the end of the show... then she turned away from it.  If the horse does represent the teachings of Christ... then Kate might be more then a little bit of trouble for the rest of the survivors



    I just assumed the horse was her father.

  9. Exactly...and no one felt compelled to defend Manning for even worse play. 


    Probably because they knew he'd improve.  Losman's about as good as he's going to get.



    You need to be knocked around by a utility pole.


    Your argument goes something like this: Losman sucks because no one ever had to defend Eli Manning.


    That's lahjik.


    FWIW, your argument is so stupid that I'm loathe to engage you in debate on it. Nevertheless, if you google "eli manning bust," you'll get a whole bunch of blog morons and articles talking about whether Eli was a bust last year.

  10. It happens.  I'm pleased with Losman's progress so far.  He's starting to look like a player.



    This is my consolation for the season. JP has definitely progressed. Bash the coaching staff all you want: pulling JP out after the first four games in which he was horrific was the right thing to do. He seems to be doing OK now. Not stellar, but OK...as much as anyone can expect with this terrible line.

  11. Alright, here is how I see the rest of the year playing out.


    home  Carolina        Bills are better than average at home                  Win  5-6

    away    Miami          Dolphins are worse than us, Bills finally on road    Win  6-6

    home  New England  2 game winning streak, at home "surprise"            Win  7-6

    home  Denver          3 game winning streak, at home "shock"              Win  8-6

    away    Cincinnati      refer back to today's game, Bills blasted                Loss 8-7

    away    Jets              on the road, against a bad team, lose anyway        Loss 8-8





    4 wins in a row. C'mon now.

  12. It was the gun she took from Sawyer in the earthen jail. It only had one bullet left. Its provenance goes back to the Air Marshal's Halliburton case. I would keep that in mind for the soon-to-come backstory on Kate's original crime.


    But the question stands, How would a gun operate after being in the water for a few hours? The answer is, it's television.



    OK- good call. When I watched that scene, I knew there was one bullet, but I couldn't remember why.


    In the preview for this week, they show her firing a warning shot in the aftermath of shooting Shannon.




    1) she either had more than one bullet;

    2) she didn't shoot Shannon; or

    3) the preview is misleading and she fired no shots in the aftermath of Shannon's shooting.

  13. Jesus Herbert Christ. Talk about your liberal do-gooders looking to create a disease so they can come up with some elaborate scheme to treat the symptoms. And how much do you think all this will end up costing? Wanna know why education costs continue to skyrocket year in and year out there's your answer right there.


    Generations of school kids used to get through the schools just fine without the constant psychoanalysis. Not only that, now if they show the slightest bit of energy or normal aggression they get medicated. WTF has the educational system come to?



    Holy crap. You quote Gary Gnu?


    I wonder if kids in China and India participated in a sex test today.

  14. What does the 'No Child Left Behind' "act" have to do with the 9th circuit decision that basically said the "state" trumps the parents' authority on what their kids will be taught?



    You're right. I've gone off-topic.


    But both the no child left behind and this decision are horrid for children in public schools, and that you'd get your panties in a wad over this decision, and yet not have a daily post about the sad state of public schooling shows how willfully bliss people are about the state of public schools.


    The US is on the verge of losing a war. Not the war on terror. The war for brains.


    I see the problems with this survey being the tip of a bigger iceberg. Public schools are a disaster. DISASTER. Especially on educating kids in science and math, which will continue to drive a global economy. Right now, the engine that drives that economy is still here, but it won't be for long, because our school system sucks.

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