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East Brady

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Posts posted by East Brady

  1. Say what you will about The Fed, but they are playing a key role in keeping us out of a depression. The jury is still out on whether they are able to do so or are just making the disease worse. Regardless, take a look at this piece from the Economist. Keep in mind that this is hardly a conservative magazine. More games being played with the future of our country and they couldn't pick a worse time to do so...



    Thats it, lets have the scum that created the mess, try to fix it. How's your dollar feeling lately?


    Get your pitch forks ready. Anyone buying Lehman Bro's , I hear they have some new stock to sell.



    Just more Rats fleeing the ship they punched full of holes!!!







    Helicopter Ben for President.




    An update from "Bill Basement" make sure to read the May Cali Foreclosure info, dumb ass's.



  2. I tried logging in at 8;30 nothing ...I started calling at 8;57 got through a couple times by 9;02 I got the message that tickets bla bla bla press 1 to transfer, press 1 transfer failed so I continued to loop through by pressing 1 after the mess about tickets . I was served at 9;05 she said they have about 12,000 available for each game maybe.




    Don't redail if you have your call answered just keep pressing 1 when the mess. starts. Or press 1 when the mess. starts

    about ticket sales. stay connected. Worked for me.

  3. So now you're quoting the mainstream media you've been telling us we can't trust?

    Sometimes they have factual articles, are you shocked? Not all mainstream reports suck, when have I said that?

    Furthermore the article was based on Shadowstats.com, but I know the genius's here would have attempted to blast anyone that posted a link to http://www.shadowstats.com Of course not everyone is buying the chit being sold, then again I'm sure you wallstreeters have no problem ripping off the nation, have you figured it out yet?


    By the way here's some very good info from todays post http://mrmortgage.ml-implode.com/


    Looks like "Billybasement" is kicking some ass again!! Of course not everyone lurking here is foolish enough to buy all the lies and crap being peddled by the wallstreet gang.


    Back to the stupid D vs. R battle!!!!

  4. umm, this is not being drilled yet. They don't even know if they can. It's considered technically feasible oil It might turn out to be a great source or perhaps closer to deep sea oil - lots of it, but not economically or technically possible.

    You might want to read this report from a few weeks ago, they are drilling and producing. At least thats what I read.

    Here in western pa. they are currently popping nat. gas wells at 15,000 ft. compared to the old depth of 4,000. 1st one in this county last year is currently pumping a million per day whsl. I'm just sayin.




  5. umm, the Congress didn't ask the Saudis to increase production, Bush did.


    The American people consistently oppose more drilling when polled, especially in ANWR. You would hard pressed to find a poll (except one in Florida) that support increased drilling and the bulk of the analysis done by the oil companies (and they're damn good at it) shows the US doesn't have much in the way of light crude reserves and what is available would be quite expensive to extract.


    The answer isn't to drill our way out of this - we have to conserve more energy and develop cost effective alternative fuels.

    I believe this is considered light and sweet, and they are currently drilling it for about 20 a barrel.










  6. The website was screwed, my password worked but it would then dump me into a checkout page which also asked for a password. After trying the supplied password, I soon figured that this was actually the password for my ticket master account. It also wouldn't work and timed me out the first attempt, was successful the second time around. 508 row 1.


    Log in to your ticketmaster account first.

  7. The time you put into this post would have been better spent learning the difference between an "opinion" and a "prediction", ya freak. :thumbsup:

    Oh silly me, my my, I made a boo boo, late last night, whatever will we do??


    Of course if I was to act and think just like you, I would do the same thing everyday, sit in the same little cubicle, and do whatever my bosses asked of me. Meanwhile I would strap a laptop top to my chest and waltz through the day jumping up and down every time someone posted something in which I was in disagreement with. I would be especially sensitive to anything outside my daily little world of politics. I would be sure to jump extra high when anyone posted a thing other than a topic in which I was in total agreement. What's it like to live in your insular little world, you know, the one that must have the corporate stamp of approval??

    Be sure to haggle EXTRA hard on all topic's that deal with the phony left vs. right arguments, maybe another abortion debate that would be real fun, lets drag out that tired old topic for another spin.



    Hey there BIG feller, refute these numbers for me. I'm having trouble grasping the situation and could really use your EXPERT opinion give it a shot,,,,,,linky dinky.http://globaleconomicanalysis.blogspot.com/2008/05/flood-of-foreclosures-prove-loan.html

  8. While collecting his award for "Distinguished Leadership in Government" scumbag Bernanke rattles the official tin cup to speed up the bailout of home owners, or in other words, the bailout of the banks, have fun paying the tax increase boy's.


    Massive second wave of foreclosures headed to wall street, hide your wallet, here comes Alt-A prime melt-down. If you thought sub prime was bad, just wait. Who's the next Bear?



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