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East Brady

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Posts posted by East Brady

  1. i have no issue with someone asking for a raise, in sports or the "real world".........


    however, there is a big problem with refusing to honor a contract that you have put your name to, in sports or in the "real world".........in the "real world", you get sued if you refuse to show up for work when you are contracted to do so........i wish it worked that way in the NFL as well........would set a great precedent.....

    True but, in the real world your neck doesn't snap like a twig to often, and your leg doesn't explode, just for the hell of it.

  2. Plus I don't have it as an option because of where I live...apt complex where my orientation is such that I cannot view the satellite. More, the sat folks don't allow the Ticket to a non-landline phone address. I would have ordered it for my truck camper, but they won't allow that. So f... them, forever.

    Dude have the bill sent to your apt and home phone number then run a phone cable down to the truck one time if necessary, which I doubt. Tell them what they want to hear and your good to go. Its called bs the man.......not to much of a hurdle to get around. They are concerned you will drive into a blacked out area and be able to watch the game thus breaking the law.........BS the man!

  3. Yikes....take it easy, pal. Something tells me you're not married.....


    It's less of a hassle (to me) because the cable is easy to set up. I admit I don't know much having a dish, but I can't imagine the setup and configuration is easier than a dish. Plus, I'm not necessarily thrilled about possibly losing a signal if the weather is bad enough.

    The weather thing is over rated. This year I lost the signal for a total of about 10 minutes at the height of a couple major thunder storms in the summer and tv sucks then anyways.

    I was wondering, do you have to ask the wife if you can go potty? :censored:

  4. Everyone. This team does not have the luxury of throwing games away to give the young guys work. Each game is part of the learning process for the younger starters. Especially a tough road game like this.

    Right On Duey, screw the Ravens and their chance at a bye week, we are not going to lay down for those dogs and futher more we are building for next season's playoff run. There are scores to settle and goals to be met. Everybody plays to see how they respond to the challenge of getting up for a game after a devestating loss. JP needs 190 for a 3000 yard season Willis needs 40 or so for a 1000 yard season and we NEED to kick somebodys ass for what happened last week. F the freakin ravens we are going for the throat, I expect no less from Big Dickey J. <_<

  5. After reading the thread, I guess I'm in the minority here. Willis has played very strong since the bye week, while injured, which says alot. I think he can be somewhat immature as a football player, but judging by the results of the season and this coaching staff, we should extend his contract with a nice raise and some makable incentives built in.


    With the continuity that is being gained by the O-line we also need that same continuity at the rb position. Willis really earned back some respect from me as a fan and I hope we keep him. I am sick of the cycle of running off quility football players and this team is building a very strong foundation for the future and Willis has earned the right to be a part of that, with his play the last 8 weeks. I believe that Big Dickey J can get the best out of this guy and he just doesn't turn the balll over. Hell one thing we know and that is 4 monster games per season against the jets and dolphins, Big Dick will get the best from him as he did coming down the final 6 weeks this year. I hope we sign him at a fair price with incentives.

  6. Can they still possibly get HFA if the Chargers lose?


    Whats the deal with the Colts and their annual year end collapse?


    The Bills need to be up for this game to prove alot to themselves, and to the league about their status going into next year.  Man I miss the days of the road to the Superbowl going through Buffalo.  When you are on the outside looking in there are always certain teams you want to avoid playing.  I remember when we used to be calling for the next best in the AFC to come to Rich for a butt kicking.


    I believe they can get the hfa, not positive, I hear ya about being on the outside again..Now I can only hope that the jets win out so that it wouldn't have mattered. If the titans get into the playoffs I really think they will be sniffing around the championship game with their coaching and VY.....I don't know why it's just an awful gut feeling I have.....Yesterday was like watching the rose bowl again and we were playing the part of USC......

  7. What section?  Wind in the stands and on the field are two different matters, in my experience at the Ralph. 


    Anyway, if the kick was short, a sizeable percentage of the same folks moaning about the call would have been complaining that DJ should have gone for it on fouth down.  It's a Man Law of TSW.


    That is why I feel it was a team loss. In the 3rd qt we played it in their end of the field and only got 10 points........The D was stuffing them and forcing punts with the wind at our backs.......

    should have scored at least 10 more points in the 3rd qt alone ..... :D

  8. He's been doing pretty good but he was the one that caused the first interception.


    Nothing personal but you are wrong on this point. The int was a perfectly thrown ball over the lb and in front of the saftey, just as it was going to drop right into Brads bread basket. The lb who had no idea where the ball was, throws his arms into the air after reading the rec's eyes and just barely tips the ball into the air and right to his teammate for the pick.


    That pass was thrown right on the money into tight coverage and the guy got lucky, plain and simple........It was the first time this season that I can remember JP making an attempt on the deep route over the middle to a TE, I believe it was also into the wind, just a beautiful pass and they got lucky by 1/2 an inch. :D


    By the way, I just watched it again on the dvr, and it really stung the second time in slow motion.

  9. I was at that 1987 game against New England. Man did I get drunk afterwards. Puked from Buffalo all the way back to Rochester. I remember it well. And I tell you that this team has the same feel as the 1987 team. All the bills need is a little better line play on both sides of the ball and they will be in business.


    That game was also blacked out and the bills lost when kelly threw the pick into triple coverage at the score board end of the field. Only because of that year being a strike season and all this game to me really felt like the 89 loss in cleveland.......royals=harmon..........


    Too many points left out there on the field in the 3rd qt.....we could have blown that game wide open when the d. was stopping tenn. :D

  10. Totally agree with you EB...

    Nope... From what I hear... BFLO WON the toss... Which to me is the smoking gun proving the incompetence of these recent coaching staffs playing at their home they call "The Ralph"!




    Back in the day when marv was roaming the sidelines on a windy day. If we won the toss we always took the b. choice and that was which goal to defend....ALWAYS choose to defend the goal so that you have the wind in the 4th qt.


    If we won the toss as you say and rec'd, then something needs to be done about that because that is STUPID..Many many games were won back when weak legged norwood was roaming the sidelines........WITH THE WIND......I truelly hope your wrong about who won the toss and I'm to drunk and lazy to go look it up......Wasn't there a game earlier this season that we made the same stupid mistake.....seems like the jets game was windy and they choose to rec.???????

  11. Buffalo won the toss, they took the ball.


    You always take the ball.


    heres the official rules:


    You do not always take the ball. The rule is you can choose one of two options and with the wind at the ralph the winner of the toss should chose B. which goal to defend.


    I don't know who won the toss but I would hope that it was Tenn and they choose the direction.


    If we won the toss and choose to rec. vs. which goal to defend, then that is one hell of a stupid mistake. Back in the day I can remember always choosing direction when winning the coin toss.

    It is the key to winning at the ralph on windy days........

  12. Playoff loss in Cleveland in January 89. The team played really well except for some breakdowns here and there. Special teams give up a couple of long returns at crucial times. Royals not getting the toe down was about the same as Ronnie Harmons drop in the endzone and the last set of downs was was equal to the kelly interception to Clay Matthews to end the game.


    It was the most exciting game of the day and probably the weekend.


    Sure we can obviously blame the defence for the loss but the offence is equally to blame because they left way way to many points on the field.....On a day when the defence could not get the big stop late, the offence failed to blow the game wide open in the 3rd qt with the wind at their backs and in my mind that is what ultimately cost us the game....If the offence puts up another Td or 2 in 3rd qt the whole game changes and tenn. has to start throwing the ball down by 3 scores...While the defence is taking all the heat, it in reality was a total team loss by little breakdowns in each phase of the game.


    We have the makings of a very good football team next season, maybe one that can break through and make a serious run at getting deep into the playoffs.


    For those that watched the game, you gotta admit, we left alot of points on the field prior to the fourth qt and that ultimately cost us...........We should have been up by 20 points going into the fourth qt., Jp played very very well.........


    It was a total team loss guys, and it sucks to miss the playoffs again, but we are heading down the right road and I can feel very good aboout that.......... :thumbdown:

  13. Not really. The wind had died down for quite awhile.


    all I can say is the flags on the uprights were not moving at all and its very dishearting to not know if we would have made it or not......I just wish we knew the answer, one way or the other, after seeing the results of the 4th and 5 play which had very little chance of succeding.

    It was a very tough call to make either way and that was obvious by the lack of having a play ready after the failed 3rd down.


    I'm very upset by the loss but even more upset about the way VY killed us at various times today.

    If they make the playoffs they can go along way with VY.....He's that good already.


    I still like the coaching staff an awfull lot and feel they really had this team ready to play, we were unable to overcome the lack of size on the dline and experience on the oline showed today at the critical times with the game on the line....


    This loss really f'n sucks but hey I just lapped up a very very nice slab of prime rib off the spit and life couldn't be better......things are heading in the right direction and not making the playoffs may actually be better in the long run because we really just don't have a playoff ready run defence.

    I love the way the offence played today and if anyone had told me this morning that we would score 29 points and lose I wouldn't have believed them. JP rocked again today and will win many games next year. He was off by half an inch on 2 throws today, plus the royals play, but in the end is there any doubt that the titans would have scored 7 instead of 3 on their last drive.


    We left 2 many points on the field today, and dispite the lack of help from the d that also contributed to the loss. It really was an all around team loss, a little here and a little there.



    It really never should have come down to the last drive........Thats on the team as a whole, every unit failed just a little bit today and it cost us a shot at the playoffs......




    Merry Christmas everyone! :thumbdown:

  14. We are so far ahead of where we were last year. I don't even want to consider what would have happened, that is a nightmare........


    Lovin Big Dickey J. regardless of the outcome next 2 weeks. I know the team will play balls to the wall for him. Dickball is fun again.

  15. Champs Sports Bar.  (I think that's the name.)  I been there a few times.  Good bar with lots of TVs.  It's near the Wal-mart, if memory serves correct.


    Quaker Steak and lube is also just up the street from walmart, its new lotsa room and tons of big screens. Just opend last winter, was there over the summer, nice selection of wings too.

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