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Everything posted by G-Daddy

  1. Oy Vay.....no bad karma today. Wait until the clock runs out please!!!!
  2. Sorry, but that play to Watson down the middle when he turns a linebacker around is the Pats* bread and butter.....we got beat on it twice in two minutes. That's poor coaching.
  3. Wow...defense being a little aggressive. Way to go Perry.
  4. Wrongo......how about telling McKelvin to either down the ball or be very careful returning as our hands team was on kick off coverage. How about letting Watson catch two TD passes in the last few minutes on the same pattern that they beat us on every time we play them.
  5. Understood, but he just drove the team down for a scoring opp
  6. Why does it seem as though every other team can find routes to get their wide outs open except us?
  7. I don't think so.....why the heck did they bother to sign him if you're not going to throw to him?
  8. Empty backfield and still Trent can only throw short. He has no confidence throwing longer.
  9. D is gonna have to win it for us....Trent is a head case and special teams are weak
  10. So far 2nd half shows the Bills playing not to lose. Let's see how that works out.
  11. Freddie shouldn't have caught the 2nd down play. And why can't we call a pass play to get a guy open on 3rd down? Trent had plenty of time, but should have thrown it away.
  12. Did Schonert kidnap AVP and grab the offensive play call head set?
  13. Boo birds....3rd and 16 and they run a draw to Fred. Come on Dickie grow a set.
  14. Tony S says that the Bills offense looks flat coming out for 2nd half
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