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Posts posted by jdubs

  1. For anyone that's not sure of JP's play, I offer this:  He played such a good game that he has caused LSI Cadet to officially jump on his bandwagon.  More importantly, he's done what no other poster on this board could do... he's silenced Deluca!  Now that may be the most impressive stat from the game.


    The haters are losing their ranks fast.



    LOL! :doh:

  2. The best way to "rebuild" teams is through the draft. It's even better when you have your choice of QB's to chose from.



    You do understand the leap from college to NFL isn't a walk in the park right? With QB's especially, you need to give them time to learn defenses and get adjusted to the speed of the NFL game. If you see the amount of young talent on the team now, everyone can see that with expierience and playing time, they will only get better.


    Your short-sighted insistence that Brady Quinn will be a good fit for Buffalo is right up there with the other idiotic things you've said in the past 3 days. He'd get killed behind our line, plus we'd have to wait another 3 years for him to develop, in which time you'll be screaming for the next college QB your currently jockin' because your so impatient.


    Shouldn't you be rooting for Miami or something? I'm sure they could use your great football insight to help their team.

  3. JAX D plays to their opponents, so I think they may play a little more pass protection to try and get JP to turn the ball over after seeing what we did on Sunday. I think they realize that if they can harass JP all day, the passing game will be taken out of the big picture. I think they may force us to try and beat them on the ground, so the O line will have their big test this week.

  4. In 1996, the Colts drafted Marvin Harrison in the 1st round. In 97, they drafted LT Takik Glenn and RT Adam Meadows in rounds 1 and 2.

    The foundation was being built before Peyton arrived in Indy in 98.



    Thanks Bill, it's interesting to see that they did in fact upgrade their O line and gave them time to jell before getting Manning. All Manning pretty much had to do was get used to the speed of the NFL and throw the damn ball.

  5. LMAO


    Yep. Those 52 TD's compared to Loseman's 18 is like looking in a mirror.  :rolleyes:



    Yea and look at the interceptions & completion percentage. You might want to think every once in awhile before opening your mouth.


    Also, even though we played the Texans and won, the coaches aren't going to get rid of JP because he played a "bad" team. If anything, it has shown the coaches what JP can do when he has time to throw.



  6. This guy's



    See? I don't know why people can get on JP's case after looking at those stats. It's pretty evident Manning was pretty bad. And I bet those idiots who called for his ouster are probably feeling pretty stupid right about now.


    Does anyone know what kind of offseason moves the Colts made prior to his 1st good year? I''d be interested to see what they did.

  7. They look amazingly similar to these....hmmmmmm

    1998 A/C  575/326    Pct. 56.7    TD26    Int 28  Rate 71.2

    1999 A/C  533/331    Pct  62.1    TD26    Int15    Rate 90



    whose stats are those?

  8. Shame on Peter King, he didn't even mention JP coming from behind to win the game with 9 seconds left. I emailed that front runner a nice little email. :)


    Ever notice that all that dude EVER talks about in his columns is his love affair with Tom Brady, T.O., and The Colts?

  9. I think I scared a couple people in the bar after that last touch down :doh:


    I thought the offensive line played exceptionally well today. I know I've bashed them in the past but I love the moves they've made and it' gives us a lot of young talent up front. I would like to give kudos to the offensive line today for giving JP the time to throw the ball and make such accurate throws. Did you guys see the replays of those bombs to Evans!? They were perfectly thrown. That interception was stupid, but it's a mistake that will go away with more time.


    This is just things to come if you can see what happens when the O line gives the QB time to make throws. JP bashers can say what they want but they cannot deny a couple of things.


    1. This IS JP's best game so far. Ever.


    2. The game winning TD was simply amazing.


    3. The line gave JP the time to throw all day.


    Now what is the outcome of that? :pirate:

  10. Ok so JP & his fanclub (myself included) have hereby decided to make amends with the JP bashers. JP is willing to mow your lawn, do your dishes, hang out at your dorm room parties if you'll support him and his merry men (but if you're not careful he may just steal your daughter). Anyways, that's besides the point. The point is my fine friends, we're all here for one thing.


    So let's just agree to disagree. And then let's agree to not disagree that no matter how bad our team is, we'll still love em (kinda like that red headed stepchild).


    This post was brought to you by Sierra Nevada pale ale.



    Oh yea, and GO BILLS!

  11. Goodness gracious.  This topic sure has been beaten to death.  So what if folks have faith in JP or don't?  The fact is, JP is the Bills QB this season, period, end of story.  This regime knows they've drawn a 'mulligan' this season, simply because they've inherited a bad team and are charged with fixing it.  They are going to use this year to allow JP to make it or break it.  And, he ain't the only one.  They know they've got to repair some parts and replace some parts.


    Personally, I think JPs performance stinks.  Sure, I'd like it to be better... everyone would.  But, he just doesn't have the supporting cast to do it. What QB could do a hell of a lot better under the current conditions?  Peyton Manning?  He'd get killed... who would he pass to besides Evans (who doesn't remind too many of us of Marvin Harrison)?  Carson Palmer?  Ditto.  Ron Mexico?  He'd be the same as he is now... just running around and having a couple of great games and a couple of bad ones.


    This team needs a lot more than just a QB right now.  And for those of you that think that JP's the problem and that if he's benched immediately that things will be better are damn dilusional.  Who do the Bills bring in at QB that will perform better than JP with the current supporting cast?  Brady Quinn? Stanton? McNair? Favre? Hasselbeck?  Just who?  Any of those guys would be on IR in just a few weeks.  It's a credit to JP that he's still on the active roster and still able to start... and maintain a QB rating of above 80.  And, each year he's played, his rating has gotten significantly better than the previous season.  That's fact, and that shows some statisical evidence of progress. 


    So, as I mentioned in a previous post... if this regime is as successful in the upcoming draft as it was a year ago and with a major FA aquisition or two, providing JP with a better supporting cast, then we can pass judgement.  The kid has had to adjust to a new coaching staff and learn a whole new offense.  He deserves to be cut some slack after starting only 16 or 17 NFL games with the lack of talent he has around him.  He is making progress.



    a freaking men

  12. our 20 spot from FOX Sports is probably because the editor is a huge bills fan.


    "For more insight on the Bills, we again turn to FOXSports.com editor and Bills die-hard fan, Andy Nesbitt: "The Bills aren't all that bad; but they're also not good.""


    i guess you can throw objectivity out the window.



    Well if Fox Sports is anything like the "fair & balanced" Fox News, then I really wouldn't listen to anything that comes out of his mouth.

  13. We need to give losman the keys to the Chevette and see what he can do with it.




    I used to have a 1976 Chevette, such a POS.


    But as for an answer on the question, I don't think we can really gauge JP as QB until the O line is shored up. If we can fix it in the draft/free agency, I say give him 4-5 games next season and if hestill can't cut it, time to get rid of him.

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