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Posts posted by jdubs

  1. You morons. If there weren't any commercials, there would be no money for TV programs. Not unless you want the cost of the shows to end up on your cable bill. So deal with it.


    The reasononing for more commercials is simple. Less and less guys are watching TV. (probably playing video games or surfing for porn on the net) And more and more people have TIVO or DVR. So the best time to reach a captive male audience between 18-45 is to do so during sports.


    TIVO and DVR actually screw us in the end.



    I wasn't saying get rid of all of them, but they need to cut back.

  2. No they're not, we'll be seeing them again ....



    I read something today that said they chose to wear them on Sunday because they were a lighter blue than the regular Bills away jerseys, in essence keeping the players a little cooler in the heat. Ralph apparently took a fine just so they could wear those jerseys.

  3. I'm getting really tired of watching the Burger King intercept Drew.

    The first couple times was funny, but now it's just bringing back ugly memories. :doh:



    Yea why of all teams did they have to pick ours? My gf thinks it's funny when that commercial comes on because she'll look over at me and see me cringe and then she'll go "oh hunny, they're not making fun of the Bills." I know what those Burger King bastards are up to! :D

  4. I was thinking that yesterday as well.  I think it had to do with the number of punts there were.  However, I can't stand the score a touchdown, kick the extra point.. 2 mins of commercials...  Watch a 10 second kickoff...  3 mins of commercials...  Hey! Back to the game...  2 plays later a challenge or a injury...  go to commercial.  It is getting annoying!  Plus as far as PPV games goes, what do you think Sunday Ticket is?



    But there is commercials with Sunday ticket.

  5. Anyone else get ticked off from the amount of commercials on Sunday during the game? It was like 3 minutes of game and then 5 minutes of commercials for some car I can't afford or some investigative drama starring a bunch of metrosexuals that I could really care less about. If I wanted to watch commercials for 2 hours, I would have stuck a pencil in my eye a long time ago. I don't care how the NFL makes it's money, less commercials = happier fans (even with the manhandling we got yesterday).

  6. Fella .... if $200+ for the NFL TICKET isn't worth it to you to get ALL 16 BILLS games every week each season, then you're not a true & dedicated BILLS fan IMHO


    When DIRECTV first came out in Nov '94 it was close to $1000 for the system.  I live in So Calif since high school and I would've sold my car or anything else if it meant I'd have the money for the system so that I'd never ever have to miss another BILLS game ever again ...


    Now the system is dirt cheap compared to when it debuted ... Step to the plate FFS, yer just gonna end up spending that money on something else of less importance anyway.





    I'm not around every week, some Sundays I can't even get to a TV, so I'd rather spend money on a game to game basis rather than buy the whole package. I don't care about any of the other games. I was thinking about getting Sirius so I can at least listen to the games on the radio, but it's not the same as seeing TKO level someone live on TV :(

  7. Is there any other way to watch Bills games if your out of state? I live in CT. and right now the only options I have are convincing a buddy to have people over (he can't this week, he's going to Dallas for the Monday night game) or go to a bar with the Sunday Ticket. I'm not paying $200+ dollars to get a dish and the package with all the games. I honestly think the games should be like a pay per view kinda deal if you live out of state. I could really care less about the other games, I just want to see the Bills!

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