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Posts posted by RochBillsFan

  1. 1. It has always been a little questionable as to whether the success of the the Bills defense was because of LeBeau/Williams/Gray...or whether it was Gray. I'm thinking, these days it's the former.


    2. There's a lot of cap room being used by 'impact' names that are not being 'impact' players. If it were my money, quite a few of these folks would be gone, replaced by FA and Draft and Trade....there's also the age factor on some of these guys.


    3. Nate. Well, Nate has not helped Nate this year. And, btw, did he graduate from THE Ohio University? I have listened to elementary schools kids speak better...

  2. If the Bills had continued down the path of winning some, losing some, it would not have been as apparent that this present situation just does not work.


    What this did was eliminate all doubt that the train is off the track.


    That being said, we have some good young talent to build around and can (I think) rebound pretty quickly with the right coaching, management and SOME player adjustments.


    The present situation is unrecoverable. The 2006 situation can be saved with adjustments that are, obviously, needed and required.


    I feel bad for Ralph. He deserved better from these guys.

  3. Agreed.  I actually think Ralph's silence re: TD speaks volumes.  I remember thinking there was no way that Ralph was gonna fire Wade Phillips, but he surprised me with his awareness and willingness to swing the axe.  And, I think you're right that the comment about "materials" is a jab at Donahoe.  In fact, let me be the first to predict it:




    I'm really starting to believe it.  In the past, Ralph has stood up and supported his president - not anymore.  I wouldn't be surprised if Ralph has been talking inquiring around the league about possible replacements.  I think it will all happen rather quickly after the season is over - TD will be fired or resign, and Modrak and Rick Spielman will be two of the finalists.



    Not in this age of 'saving face'. Ralph is a classy person and only acts abruptly when he is severely pissed off (Polian...Butler). I think Donahoe will be gone at the end of the year, but the way this will happen is that TD will be 'leaving the organization' to spend more time with his family in Pittsburgh a nd pursue some other activities of personal interest. He will never be 'Fired'.

  4. Looking down the coaching roster the only guys likely to take a hit this year are Clements or Gray.  I think it HIGHLY unlikely that both will go - that's just too much change.


    As for the other coaches, think about it:


    Wyche will probably remain QBs as a result of his health.

    McNally has a mulligan to work with the OL again - largely down to the fact that MW proved a total bust and Peters looks to be coming along very well under his tutelage.

    Miller (TEs) - likely candidate for a reshuffle as TEs have been underwhelming. I really don't see the need to shuffle the pack this low.

    Studesville, Tolbert, Verducci - unlikely to be reshuffled also.



    Krumrie - loved by everyone, depsite the DL basically sucking.  Can't motivate Big Sam and the DL has been woeful this year. It's too much of a reach to see him promoted or sacked.

    Szabo - old, he could retire - but DBs seem to be performing well under him.

    Lester - what does he do???? I think Chucks time could be up. Sacrificial lamb maybe - not a huge loss, he's ginger  :rolleyes:

    Blackmon - no way we lose this guy.


    So no way there is wholesale change even if the OC or DC is 'rotated'.


    IMO - the coaching roster only changes if Gray gets his HC shot.




    IF they make coordinator changes, I hope (no....make that pray) that they don't promote from within and/or get more first time coordinators. We need experience.

  5. heres the deal:

    1. It won't happen during the season. But Ralph can not be happy

    2. Ralph does like, however, a full stadium. So, from a Marketing perspective, the Bills are clicking on all cylinders...so, he does not want to upset that part of the business.

    3. At the end of the season, I bet what happens is something like this:

    - Donahoe moves to become more Presidential and gives up GM responsibilities

    - Modrak (maybe, maybe not) or someone of significance is hired to run the GM part

    - It's up for grabs on the coaching aspect. I like Mularkey, but Ralph will want to win now. The next coach, if they do make a change will be a very experienced head coach who will bring in a very experienced staff

  6. 2005 is a lost cause. I like Mularky but I think the Bills need new DC and OC to start next year...AND, if that means a new HC as well, then we need to do what it takes. For some reason, Tom D has been apprehensive to hire coaches with significant experience and I think that's been the core problem here. Haslett, Billick, Fassel and others will be available. It makes me sick to think we could have had Weiss or Marvin Lewis.....


    Changes for 2006:

    Waive/trade: Williams, Moulds, Vincent, Milloy and Clements. Get $25M in cap money and get a offensive line. Keep Peters, Gandy and Preston. Everyone else is gone.


    Remainder of this Year:

    Losman QB's for the rest of the season...personally I think he's gonna be real good. All young talent gets in for evaluation and jumpstart 2006.



    I have been a huge Tom D supporter, but I can see the counter argument at this point. If you make the change, go top shelf...get Polian back here, get Wolf, get someone that can turn it wround quick. Ralph desires to see results for his money.

  7. <_< We are rapidly approaching the longest playoff drought in the franchise's mostly dismal 46-year history (will be 6 straight non-playoff seasons if we don't make it this year; the record is 7 straight, from 1967-73). And yet you are characterizing many of us who are losing patience as "fickle?"  :lol:  :lol:


    Check this out, Bills GM's that I've ranked by regular season winning percentage:


    1. Bill Polian: .622 (69-42)

    Seasons: 7

    Seasons with playoffs: 5

    Playoff record: 8-5

    Accomplishments: 3 AFC championships, 4 division titles


    2. Dick Gallagher: .602 (56-37-5)

    Seasons: 7

    Seasons with playoffs: 4

    Playoff Record: 2-2

    Accomplishments: 2 AFL championships, 3 division titles


    3. John Butler: .578 (74-54)

    Seasons: 8

    Seasons with playoffs: 5

    Playoff Record: 3-5

    Accomplishments: 1 AFC championship, 2 division titles


    4. Stew Barber: .561 (32-25)

    Seasons: 4

    Seasons with playoffs: 2

    Playoff record: 1-2

    Accomplishments: 1 division title


    5. Pat McGroder: .500 (8-8)

    Seasons: 1

    Seasons with playoffs: 0

    Playoff record: 0-0

    Accomplishments: None


    6. Teflon Tom Donahoe: .408 (29-42)

    Seasons: 4 plus this current one

    Seasons with playoffs: 0

    Playoff record: 0-0

    Accomplishments: None


    7. Bob Lustig: .317 (53-114-3)

    Seasons: 12

    Seasons with playoffs: 1

    Playoff record: 0-1

    Accomplishments: None


    8. Terry Bledsoe: .125 (4-28)

    Seasons: 2

    Seasons with playoffs: 0

    Playoff record: 0-0

    Accomplishments: None


    My conclusion? Pretty much the same that I had back in April: playoffs this year or the pink slip. Finding a new GM of the same caliber or better as Teflon Tom shouldn't take too long. Is Stew Barber still available?  :lol:


  8. There is NO WAY that this falls on Losman's head. I can see a spotty rookie starting year, but this is consistent at 75 yards per game.


    I think the offensive strategy is all wrong. When is the last time:

    - They were consistent im establishing and staying with a power running game

    - Went over the middle with passes, rather than quick out's or long balls

    - A freakin' screen pass to take ADVANTAGE of blitz's


    McGahee starts off with a 26 yard run and rather than continue to pound, the next play is a Statue of Liberty.


    What bothers me, other than being a long suffering Bills fan, is that there is enough talent on this team to be right there at the top of the division. I CAN NOT understand this offensive approach.

  9. 450401[/snapback]


    There's a loyalty lacking here that I find concerning.


    The Bills drafted WM in the first round a few years ago when not many teams would TOUCH him until much later rounds, due to the nature of his injury. Then,


    The Bills, rather than hurrying him back in that first year, let him sit for the year learning the offense and not risking a injury...letting him heal. Then,


    WM is interviewed during this off season and asked "do you see yourself staying in Buffalo?" and the answer was '...if they pay me". Then,


    When his coach is sending him a direct message about running north/south, his response is "...everyone has their own opinion".


    Now, some of this may be youth and inexperience. But a message to be received by WM is be appreciative, shut up and do your job. You are 23-24 years old. You still have stuff to learn.

  10. Not to come acroos TOO harsh, but I can't be the only who has noticed that, in the past off-season, #21 has been treated as though his **** smells like roses by the fans and media.  I really think his shaky play so far this season is a result of him being young, immature, and believing his own hype.  This would include the petting and stroking of his agent who, as sure as we'll be paying $4 a gallon for gas next week, HAS to be primping him for a hold-out next year if his stats are good. 


    So it is GOOD for McGahee to find out he has some flaws, even if he does not yet fully believe them.  It is GOOD for him to be reminded (though hopefully he is hearing this from his fans, and not the coaches) that the Bills did him a huge favor by drafting him #21, and not the other way around.  And it is VERY GOOD that we have a coach who is not afraid to speak the truth about the way he played last week.  And the truth is that, even though he is more of a "glider" than a battering ram at RB, Willis is not hitting the holes the way he did last year- when he had something to play for.  Forget stats, he was OUTWORKED by a rookie last week, and this was NOT on the list of potential problems we all saw on this team over the summer.  Congrats to Mularkey for forcing the kid to concentrate on the here and now, rather than the dollar signs he apparently sees in his future when he closes his eyes at night.  And I don't buy the crap that the Bills are taking a big risk in pointing out the obvious because they might hurt the boy's feelings.  Good grief, this is not a junior high team!


    So yeah, in case you're wondering :blink: , I am not impressed with the guy so far this year.  I am not flushing the toilet on him by any means, but I am not impressed.  I guess i just wish he hit holes with the same intensity as(....ahem....)Travis henry(double :) ).


  11. Exactly....We already know that Willis is a stud back. He should be even better this year for gosh sakes....I just think there's too much going on in too small of a space, which is why he's doing all that dancing around crap and getting nowhere. Sooner or later, JP has got to get the job done anyway. So we might as well give him another target and see if that sparks things a little. Get one more guy out of the box on defense and spread things open a little more. Willis has great vision, so I think with just a little more space he'll be putting up big numbers again.


    If McGahee is such a stud back....why was he east/west dancing and not hitting the holes that were, in fact, there. There is increasing speculation that Willis is not in synch with the coaching staff.

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