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Posts posted by RochBillsFan

  1. Here's the Monday take from Willis (from Chris Brown's blog):


    McGahee was asked if he really didn't know it was fourth down after he made a comment Sunday in the locker room that he thought it was third down. The Bills top back says that wasn't the case.

    “Let me clear it up," said McGahee. "When I got interviewed after the game I got asked the question one or two times and I answered it. If you look at it I reach over the marker so I knew it was fourth down. After the first group of reporters left, two other reporters came and asked about the fourth down play again and I got frustrated. I said I thought it was third down to end the conversation. I was just getting frustrated. I shouldn’t have said it.”



    actually what he said was probably totally unintelligible, until it was translated....

  2. Next week, I would stagger playing McGahee and Thomas. If McGahee continues to underperform...


    Trade McGahee NOW, get draft choices for next year

    A-Train becomes #1 back

    Gates is resigned as back up.


    Why wait?


    I don;t think that McGahee fit's the 'character' that the Bills are trying to create, he's obviously not a intelligent player, so I think it's a matter of time. I mean, a 4th and 1 at a pivotal point in the game and he doesn;t know the down and avoids contact to nail the 1 yard gain.


    Why not start right now making the changes you need to?

  3. Went to training camp yesterday. Great to see Marv walk the sidelines again.


    I have to imagine that one of the tasks that Ralph gave Marv was to come up with a succession plan for himself (being 81...probably a good idea). Given the state of the relationship between Schottenheimer and A.J. Smith in San Diego, I'd love to see A.J. come back to Buffalo in a couple of years (cause, I don;t think Polian's coming back).

  4. While I didn't agree with Thurman on his thoughts about the Bills moving and their draft, he was dead on about Willis.  Again, I realized the OTAs are voluntary, but he pretty much sums up my feelings.

    Perhaps, Thurman should give Willis a call and express this.  Anyways, Thurman is the man.


    Willis has a looooong way to go before he should be even mentioned in the same breath as Thurman.

  5. Ya...because this guy from the "U" has not shown talent other than to shoot his mouth off. He sounds more like his agent every day..."I want mine"


    When he shows up on a Sunday afternoon in September in NE, or a Dec afternoon in NY then he has the right to shoot off his mouth...

    the more he talks the more I think he has no talent left and he knows it...:the NFL no. 1 running back! ya right...he hsn't earned the right to hold the top 10 jock straps... and that is from a huge Bills fan



    I guess my problem with Willis is he comes across as being:

    a) completely self absorbed, non-team oriented

    b) completely stupid


    I'd take less talent with more character and intelligence anyday. We need to find our next Thurman.

  6. I remember the Coach's first day on the air.  He did it with Art Wander on GR when it was actually a good station.  He was actually calm and made very good points...  That was ages ago though.



    whatever happened to Artie-baby-boo-boo?

  7. I absolutely agree!


    initially, I was wondering what satellite dishes the Bills front office was talking to. But if you look at the methodical approach taken by the Bills, I think it was a solid and well executed draft.


    Marv in his first year as a GM showed Tom Donahoe how it should be done.

  8. It seems like those 2 teams could call their bluff, pretty well knowing the Bills do not need a QB.


    Nice little dream scenario, though...



    Not a bluff, though.....


    You go ahead and draft whichever quarterback is available and pull a San Diego/Giants swap from 2 years ago....


    When they see the player is gone, they'll do what they need to....

  9. Arizona and St. Louis both want quarterbacks.


    The Bills, at 8, have Bunkley targeted. With Cutler and possibly one of the other quarterbacks available, the Bills could trade their pick to Arizona at 10 (and a second rounder...maybe), knowing that they'll still get Bunkley for subsequent.


    THEN, they tell St. Louis that they will pick the other quarterback, unless the trade up to that one spot AND their 2nd or 3rd round pick.


    With a little luck the Bills could pick up 2 additional picks in the 2 and 3 rounds AND they get their player with the 11th pick in the first!

  10. Wrong approach.


    He has 3-4 years (maybe) to position for the acquisition. Golisano is worth $1.2B, he also used to making much more than 6% on his money and he would probably enter into this as the majority partner of a consortium of upstate investors.


    So....in actuality, he could buy the Bills completely right now and eliminate half of his net worth, or he can wait and take partners and continue to accumulate value on his money in preparation.


    In short...when Ralph is ready, he'll be ready.

  11. A few more things:

    He said unfortunately, Dante Culpepper will help the Fish and Drew Brees to the Saints was all about 'All the Zeroe's on the check'.  When he was signing the jerseys, someone mentioned JP & he 'rolled his eyes'. (Not is a good way).

    Funny when Vince Young's name came up, Steven A said 'This guy got a "6" on the Wonderlic'...... Jim started to laugh and said he told Young to study hard & listen to your QB coach whichever team takes you.  He can be a good NFL QB but it'll take time.


    He also spoke extensively about Hunter & how the foundation is doing and lauded Pataki for donating $7M to the fund....  National program & getting all states involved to test newborns on 66 diseases.


    He wife was there as well........



    'Rolled his eyes". Not in a good way.

    Okay, so this is what that tells me:

    1. Publically, he'll state the party line...that JP has talent and they need to find out what they should have found out last year.

    2. Privately, those involved are making strong contingency/alternative plans as they do not buy JP as the QB they need.

  12. Then the next question is....


    Would you give up the Buffalo Sabres to keep the Buffalo Bills permanently in Buffalo?


    Because if Golisano buys the Bills, I guarantee that he will have to sell the Sabres.





    You are right. Someone can own both an NFL AND NHL team...however they cannot be in the same city. If Golisano buys the Bills he would have to sell the Sabres...:-(

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