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Everything posted by Hammertron

  1. They stuck with Bledsoe through an ocean full of bonehead plays and lame excuses for failure. I'm sure Losman won't have his plug pulled after one half. Although, I must say, he doesn't seem to be very prepared to start every game in the NFL yet. Everyone uses the "It's only preseason" excuse, but for the most part, he was going up against the first team opposition he should expect to see when the games count, and didn't do very well. He needs time, yes, but the regular season is here and the offense has looked pretty terrible all preseason long, and it makes you wonder if they just aren't ready, or if Mularkey and the rest of his staff are geniuses for not showing their offense (they certainly didn't apply that philosophy to defense, so I doubt it). We'll see how long this "relax, he's still adjusting" attitude carries into the season if he flounders.
  2. Steve Baker is probably the easiest cut Mularkey will ever have to make, what a terrible punter. I know they don't want to risk Moorman's leg and all, but enough is enough. I don't see the hype behind Greg Jerman, who suddenly became some great prospect because his face was in the paper, after showing nothing special the first two pre-season games. He somehow managed to fall down out of his stance, and while amusing, it still costs five yards. Gates needed to switch to some new spikes, he was falling on his face every other play, including during a pretty crucial kick return, which he also fumbled. He also dropped a few passes, not a good outing for him. Nice to see Lindell back up to his regular season consistency after much ass smooching for a 54 yarder. But don't worry, bad snaps and the grass will be blamed, it wasn't his fault (and it never is).
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