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Posts posted by HAMMER07

  1. Amen. I'm sick of know it alls on this board.



    Me three, there are some extremely disrespectful punks on this and all boards that really deserve a little pounding. Funny thing is, I am willing to bet that Marv Levy could run circles, mentally and physically around 95% of this board. How many people here run 3 miles 5X a week? Marv does, at 80 freaking years old. Show some respect, get behind your team, and for God's sake, stop whining and bitching.

  2. Marv may not have the energy levels of a young buck, but the man has good sense, and a lot of experience (not to mention some good karma to spread around).  I, for one, am going to enjoy his tenure as GM, however brief it is.  The entire organization will benefit from his presence.



    Nice post, I agree 100%. Back your team and owner people.

  3. I've been there three times this season and it is always busy - even without the

    Bears' fans. It's somewhat annoying having two games on. No food is a bummer but they have been selling slices at halftime.  It's still worth the trip.


    There are several restaurants adjacent that will deliver the food to you in the bar. There is a Zweigles hot dog cart right outside the door where you can get a killer grilled dog, get the meat sauce on it! This is not a fu-fu sports bar, most of us love the SH!THole the way it is. How can you beat $2 PBR's twenty steps from the beach? Wussy's go somewhere else, we don't need whiners.

  4. I went there last year for opening day and the burnouts who run the joint couldn't even get the game on the set.  I left about twenty minutes into the game and watched it at some other bar up the street.  Hopefully they aren't as confused this year as they were last.  I mean, how do you !@#$ up opening weekend?


    I should have been at Seau's.



    The Melon is THE place to watch Bill's games, been doing it for 15 years now. Mistakes happen, especially when technology is involved, ease up.

  5. Not saying that this would ever happen by no means but if it did I would laugh my butt off and I think it could be very effective.

    Everyone is so pissed about the team right now and rightfully so. Were mad at management especially. I think everyone that has a ticket for this coming weeks game should just eat the cost and not show up. Like a Giant strike. Or maybe a Corporation would offer to buy everyones tickets back to give a big "FU" to Tom. That would be a very expensive "FU" but effective none the less. YOu think Ralph would get the point if we boycotted the game on Sunday?



    This reminds me of those dumb ass boycott schemes people come up with to not buy gas and "show" the oil companies.

  6. The Top Five Most Annoying Fans at the Ralph.


    5. Face Painters & People who Dress in Costumes -  Can somebody please tell me what point of this is? Does it add value to your game experience, or to the experience of others around you? Does the team "feed off it's energy"  No. It is pointless and embarrassing.


    4. First Down Guy and the Guy Who Invokes the Crowd to Stand - These are the guys who insist on, with some sort of exaggerated arm motion, pointing out to the rest of us whenever the Bills make a first down. I have eyes. Sit down and keep your arms to yourself. Even worse is the guy who, before a critical play, turns to the people behind them and invokes them to stand and cheer. I have news for you my friend, this is not the Nuremburg Rally - I choose to cheer when and if I want to.


    3. The Uneducated Fan - These are the people who place blame on players or referees without the complete knowledge of how a play was designed, a player's individual responsibilities, or the rules of football. They need to keep their mouths shut and hide their ignorance. I know I do.


    2. True Believers - Fans who can never accept that the Bills are going to lose a game, despite the score or the time remaining in the game. These child-like fans are constantly coming up with scenarios of how the Bills can overcome the odds and pull out a miracle ("All we need to do is to block this field goal, return it for a touchdown, recover an onside kick, and then complete a Hail Mary". Sound Familiar?) Most of this is a result of the Houston comeback game (I was at that game, and did not leave at halftime like most of you "fans" did). Miracles rarely happen. (Some would say they never do. In the words of William Jennings Bryan,"Destiny is not a matter of chance; it is a matter of will").  Accept the Bills defeat and move on.


    1. People who do The Wave. Let it die people. It was fun in the 80's but it is ridiculous now. What is more perplexing are those who insist on doing it when the Bills are on offense. What are you thinking? That extra crowd noise somehow helps the offense? Have you ever noticed that when a wave is attempted, it usually dies when it reaches the mid-field, lower level seats? Maybe the fans in the expensive seats are better than you yahoos in the end zone, and realize the foolishness of an outdated participatory cheer.


    I offer this list to you a public service. If you recognize yourself, please realize that your behavior is foolish and distracting, and needs to be corrected. I hope you enjoyed this.  I  plan to have weekly Top Five lists for your reading pleasure.



    Killjoy, relax and enjoy yourself. Football and beer are made for acting silly, a release from a long hard week at work and home. The only thing worse than all the people you describe is the jerk who takes it all way too seriously.

  7. Tonight is the SECOND CONSECUTIVE GAME back for Tedy Brewski after suffering an almost deadly stroke less than a year ago. Please folks, tape or TiVo the game. If not for yourself, for your children and posterity reasons. I'm getting choked up just thinking about it.


    Wow, to be alive today and witness such a heroic event.


    Go Tedy!



    Nothing to do but ressurect this crap? Loser.

  8. Chargers | Feeley Acquired from Dolphins

    Tue, 18 Oct 2005 13:22:04 -0700


    ESPN reports the San Diego Chargers have acquired QB A.J. Feeley from the Miami Dolphins.



    Why the hell would they acquire Feeley if they didn't plan on moving either Rivers or Brees?



    Do you realize that Cleo Lemon was their third string QB? Do you think any team would give up their second and third string QB's that know the offensive system in the middle of the season and take on Feeley? Did you even think before you posted? Gimme a break, Rivers and Brees are both in San Diego for the rest of this season.

  9. People get too uptight over players enjoying themselves on the field.  Sure they can go overboard (see T.O.) but a guy doing a little dance after a score is no big deal.


    It goes well beyond a "little dance", it is direspectful to the game and especially to the other team. Plain and simple it is poor sportsmanship.

  10. These morons have have frustrated Bills fans long enough. I wish that Ralph would pull the plug on these clowns and insert Modrak as the interim GM, Wyche as the interim HC/OC and Crumrie as the DC. This is unbeleivable, we now have to watch these cowards blame JP as the cause to their dismal season? I'm outraged by this. I could totally see if JP was the only member not pulling his weight, but the blame for this bad team is on everyone at One Bills Drive. From the GM not getting "real" offensive linemen, to the coaches who refused to attack a defenseless team with McGahee, to the defense who have played softer than the Pillsbury Dough Boy.


    Whose the moron?

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