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Posts posted by HAMMER07

  1. I think the helmet law should be based upon speed.  if you're going less than 35 (e.g. on a city street) you should have to wear a helmet because the likelihood of a minor crash that you can survive is high, if you're on the freeway the hell with it because if you wipe out you're road kill, especially these guys on the racing bikes, they fall, they're dead, the only thing the helmet will do is allow your faily to identify the mass of shredded flesh you will have become.



    You are quite wrong, my best friend was on the freeway speeding excessively when a spare fell out from under a pickup in front of him. His leathers and full faced helmet saved his life. His brain was injured slightly, mentally he is slower than he was before the wreck but he is living a full productive life.

  2. Maybe he can't take care of his toenails because he weighs 292 pounds, and can't even see them?


    I don't care what sport you play, if you weigh 292 pounds, you're obese.



    Nominated for worst post of the year, the guy is chiseled like a statue, far from obese. Now if you were talking about Sam Adams.

  3. Hard to imagine a worse mandatory call than that delay of game last night.  I can understand if it's intentional, then you are "delaying the game."  What happens when you ice the puck?  How come that's not a penalty? 


    I knew they were cursed when Carolina scored the first goal off a guy's shoulder 8 feet from the goal.  The guy didn't even know it hit him. 


    The Sabres had, what, 2 power plays....and both were cut short by penalties...the 2nd one was a horrible call. 


    I've read and heard enough about how the team was shorthanded by 7 players.  It's no compensation to me.  To have to wait another year and another 3 rounds of playoffs, with horrible officiating and all the b.s., I'm not sure I have the heart for this. 


    I am proud of the team, and the effort.  Carolina makes me puke, whiny bastards, and I'm not sure I can watch a minute of the finals.  I'd like to see them get swept, although that might make people think less of the Sabres.



    Fans like you make me puke, whiny bastard. Quit cryin about calls, you make the rest of us look bad.

  4. I know this is off-topic but apparently this ran on the scoreboard during the Sabres/Hurricanes game yesterday.  Under the notes section for the re-cap of last night's game.


    In the first period, a message on the scoreboard read: "The Carolina Hurricanes have won as many Super Bowls as the Buffalo Bills."


    WTF?  Why does every city have to kick the City of Buffalo all the time?  Did the Penguins do that to the North Stars when they skated for the cup in 1992?  I mean, enough is enough!!!  THis S*** fires me up!!!


    GO SABRES!!!!



    "Waaaaah, waaaaah, I'm sick of you picking on me." Quit crying you little snot nose girl, you give Buffalonians a bad name.

  5. Naw, don't bother. I don't think there's one in particular on Ko, it's just the Wonderlick thing in general. It's a bit tiresome (to me at least).


    Frankly, I don't care if any of The Bills can spell "Mother." It doesn't matter. Not for nothing, but OJ wasn't the sharpest knife in the drawer. Oops, bad analogy there. OJ wasn't the brightest bulb in the socket, but it didn't stop him one whit from dancing through defenses and making his mark on the Pro Football world.


    I'm just going to roll my hopes up in a neat little package until the season starts and watch the entertainment of the game of Pro Football. I just don't care how many pounds each player weighs, his number, time in the 40 or number of illegitimate children he has, or if he's a pillow biter. I just care about how they can produce on the field of football and if they're entertaining while maintaining some semblence of respectibility. Aw, screw it. They don't even have to be respectible if I've had enough to drink.



    One of the best posts to ever grace this fine website!

  6. No.


    Based on the article about pre-draft visits and so forth (a great article), I would say bringing Huff in was either a diversion - or they wanted to meet him because they did not get an adequate chance at the combine.



    You are correct, they didn't get a chance to spend enough time with him at the combine. It is hard to imagine they would have passed on him if he was there.

  7. There are always haters that want to see a successful college QB go bust. It is a sad indictment on those people in my opinion. Most people that evaluate players feel he will be a great NFL QB. I can tell you one thing, he is certainly the most prepared in this class. If the Titans take him he will have a very solid rookie season due to knowing Chow's system like the back of his hand.

  8. Mike and Mike? Those two are a couple of idiots. My dogs have a more accurate mock draft.


    And, just for the record, my dogs have the Bills trading down.



    Why is it that every journalist is an idiot, I see this on every message board. I guess all of us message board "experts" know so much more that we can berate professional journalists.

  9. Wow, this really doesnt make me feel any better about this signing. I was actually looking forward to him coming back, but to hear comments like that from Drew is pretty disheartening. I hope he proves me wrong.



    Hmmmm. maybe this is why no one else wanted to pay him what we did.

  10. If EM had gone to a playoff team, or a team that is just a piece away from competing for the Super Bowl, I would have understood his motivations and wished him well.  I don't blame him for being frustrated at the revolving door of QBs and coaches he has had to endure over the course of his Buffalo career.


    Going to the Texans, however, tells me that EM is nothing but a primadonna and a quitter.  He can spin it any way he chooses, gushing about Andre Johnson and how exciting the Houston offense will be, but it's all ringing very hollow.  Houston will struggle to be .500 next season, and EM will likely end his career in a few years without another playoff appearance.


    Rather than staying in Buffalo and reworking his deal so that he could essentially still make the same money as what he will be paid in Houston, while helping to solidify his legacy in Buffalo and bring the Bills back to respectability, EM took the whining, crybaby, quitter route.


    I will remember EM in a Bills' uniform for all the wrong reasons -- fumbling against Miami in the playoffs after catching a bomb, dropping far too many passes than a #1 WR should drop, pouting on the sideline and quitting after seeing Evans catch 3 TDs, and now this.


    I'm so glad EM never really approached Andre's numbers as a Bill, and I look forward to watching Lee Evans surpass him in about 6 or 7 years.


    The Bills may miss EM's veteran pass-catching skills in '06, but they'll be better off without him financially, and by '07 he'll be a distant memory.




    You know what, I think he just wanted a change. When you work/play in one place for 10 years you can get the itch to check out something new. He also seems to like the fact that he will be closer to his family in Miss. He owes the Bills nothing, they are the ones that didn't want to continue under his deal. It's a business and the door swings both ways.


    There shouldn't be animosity toward a guy that gave most of his career to the team and the city, likewise there should be no animosity from Moulds.

  11. Yeah, and a malcontent of the same age who disses his teammates publicly and fights with coaches to the point he gets kicked off the team (his second in 3 years) can become the hottest FA commodity and signed a few minutes after he is released, welcome to America, anything can happen no matter how much of a d*ck you are



    Ummmmmm, you are comparing Moulds to one of the best pure receivers the game has seen. Not a good comparison, plus Dallas didn't have to give up a pick for Owens.

  12. the chiefs are the oldest team in the nfl so how does what peterson says coincide with the team hes putting on the field?  A gm like Carl Peterson is not something I'd ever want.  He doesn't exactaly have the chiefs competing for superbowls or winning playoff games.  Not a great example. All Peterson cares about is being .500 to keep arrowhead full. Thats his goal year in and year out. The Chiefs haven't improved in major need areas in a long while.



    Where do you people come up with statements like this? I am quite sure Carl Peterson cares about being more than .500. 0:)

  13. Whether it's Modrak, Levy, or whoever, I think we will see who can win a staredown.  Let's review the situation:


    1) Philly, Denver, Houston, and Green Bay all look serious about acquiring Moulds.

    2) Philly and Houston have floated the idea of a 4th rounder or lower for Moulds.  Green Bay allegedly will "let us have" Walker for Moulds if we throw in some extra picks! (LOL!!!)

    3) The Bills already got a 3rd rounder for a lesser player: Travis Henry.

    4) Despite what the (misinformed) press says, the Bills are under no cap pressure to get rid of Moulds.

    5) The Bills absolutely will NOT cut Moulds or allow him to leave without compensation, or allow him to go to an AFC East team.


    It's obvious to me that teams are doing some negotiating through the press, talking about offering a second day (4th or lower) pick, trying to see how the Bills react.  Stone cold silence is the perfect tack for the Bills.


    Eric Moulds is not damaged goods like Javon Walker.  He still can play, and these teams know it.  The Bills have three goals:


    1) Get maximum value for Moulds

    2) Keep him away from any team in the AFC East

    3) Free up cap space.


    2 and 3 are a slam dunk.  The Bills must stand firm on #1.  Moulds is worth far more than a #4.  Considering Peerless Price fetched a #1, Moulds is worth at least that!  I think the Bills ought to get a #1, or a lower pick with a prime player, for Moulds.


    But to get that, the Bills will have to play hard-to-get, so don't expect a quick deal unless one team caves early to beat they others out.  So expect plenty of crying and name calling here at the Stadium Wall while the Moulds deal drags on.





    You don't know much about football if you think a 32 year old malcontent with an inflated contract will fetch a #1. Pigs will fly and hell will freeze over before that happens.

  14. Hi all, I'm fairly new here & am quickly forming the opinion that a large number(if not a majority) of Bills fans are cranky, negative, opinionated, pessimistic, aggressive, toss-bags with little sense of fun or frivolity who take things way too seriously.

    I live in Melbourne, Australia & am a huge Bills fan.  I was nearly creaming my pants(is that too crude for this forum?) when I discovered The Stadium Wall. 

    Imagine my dismay when within a few days I find myself in arguments over innocuous statements,

    come across countless people who you would think are from Miami by the way they slag off at everything Bills

    & generally get the feeling that knocking things is the way to be.

    Is it just me or is it a case of the 'squeaky wheel'?

    You guys don't know how great you have it.

    I dream of being able to go to a Bills game...even if we got thrashed.

    Please leave me some encouraging thoughts...though I expect by the end of this I will be argued with, slagged off, insulted & generally told that my opinion is rubbish & that 'yours' is the only one worth having.

    Gee, now look who is the negative one....AAARRRGGGHHH it's catching.

    Thanks All  0:)



    You are not imagining things, it seems to be a pervasive attitude in the City of Buffalo. People are always crying about something, they especially like to talk about how "we always get screwed". This site is actually the most positive of the "big three" Bills boards.

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