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Posts posted by MRM33064

  1. One might take a quick glance at the stat sheets and conclude that this particular message had been delivered to Maybin fairly consistently throughout the season.


    The "tenuous" knock on Donte; however, is pretty dramatic for CoachSpeak®. That sounds more like "don't let the door hit ya on the way out" than typical negotiation posturing.

  2. The fact that the question even supports a thread actually highlights the issue.


    Evans is a nice player, he seems like a polite, soft-spoken guy (which buys him a lot of extra space in Bills fan land), he would start on most teams ... but he is not a game changer.


    Was he missed? Sure, he's missed out there - particularly on this team. Would his presence have had a major impact on the result? How often has it?

  3. Kay Stephenson/Hank Bullough 1985 Bills, courtesy http://www.jt-sw.com/football/. Perhaps a tad more potential on that roster?


    S Martin Bayless

    RB Greg Bell

    DB Rodney Bellinger

    WR Mitchell Brookins

    WR Chris Burkett

    DB Derrick Burroughs

    WR Jerry Butler

    T Greg Christy

    RB Joe Cribbs

    T Justin Cross

    G Joe DeLamielleure

    T/G Joe Devlin

    LB Anthony Dickerson

    QB Vince Ferragamo

    LB Guy Frazier

    DB Steve Freeman

    LB Hal Garner

    C Will Grant

    LB Jim Haslett

    G/C Dale Hellestrae

    DB Rod Hill

    RB Anthony Hutchison

    DB Lawrence Johnson

    T/DE Ken Jones

    P John Kidd

    LB Larry Kubin

    LB Steve Maidlow

    LB Eugene Marve

    QB Bruce Mathison

    DE Sean McNanie

    TE Pete Metzelaars

    RB Booker Moore

    TE Ulysses Norris

    K Scott Norwood

    DB Jim Perryman

    DE Dean Prater

    FB Mike Pruitt

    TE Eason Ramson

    WR Andre Reed

    QB Frank Reich

    WR Eric Richardson

    G Jim Ritcher

    DB Charles Romes

    LB Lucius Sanford

    NT Fred Smerlas

    DE Bruce Smith

    NT/DE/DT Don Smith

    RB Anthony Steels

    LB Darryl Talley

    WR Jimmy Teal

    G/C Mark Traynowicz

    C/G Tim Vogler

    DE/NT Ben Williams

    RB Van Williams

    DB Don Wilson

    LB Eric Wilson

  4. Right now it looks like Rosemary's baby.


    Ralph will open his wallet for players (frequently even overpaying for the wrong ones), but for whatever reason does not believe in investing in top front office talent. No offense to Evans, but I wish it were possible to dump the $9mm or so we pay him and instead invest it in the front office.


    Meanwhile, the Patriots* continue to reload.

  5. "I respect _______ so much that I'd gladly take a pay cut to play for him."


    That is a phrase we haven't heard in Buffalo for many moons. Quite the opposite - I fear that any talented free agent won't even give us a thought without getting a ridiculously overpriced deal.


    Modrak, Guy, and the rest of the "braintrust" has put us into a hole so deep, that it's going to take some dramatic stroke of good luck to turn around this rickety broken-down ship.

  6. Perhaps a little fun?


    Edwards is Chan’s star

    Suddenly, “exit stage left”

    Ralph behind curtain


    Jags snag Trentative

    Sims-Walker books vacation

    Jack Del BrainFreezo


    Johnson, Losman, Trent

    Bills love West Coast gunslingers

    Brady? Guy said “who?”


    Last play of the game

    Drops back! … Looks! … runs out of bounds

    Our Trent, we’ll miss ya.

  7. Whatever happens with Trent from this point forward is largely irrelevant, because it was painfully clear he wasn't going to succeed here.


    The only question in my mind is whether we could've scraped some kind of consideration for him from one of the teams lower down on the waiver priority list. However, there was also going to be an intangible cost of having Trent still around, looming as a theoretical - if not realistic - "option" if (or, when) Fitz and Brohm tank. That kind of call is just a straight up judgment call best made by the GM ... and they obviously felt it wasn't worth it.


    PS: I'm giving Buddy the benefit of the doubt by assuming Uncle Ralph wasn't the primary driver behind this. This kind of move - how it went down, etc. - does have some Ralph-ish fingerprints on it.

  8. Good ole Sal, telling us like it is...




    ""Cornell Green can't play. He can't pass protect, he had a holding penalty and a false start that really hurt. But who else can the Bills play at RT? Jamon Meredith? He's so bad, he was inactive.""

    The Bills are paying this guy 3 million a year, Trent Edwards made 460.000 in 09



    ""How is it possible that the Bills can't find a tight end for a decade, yet the Patriots find two rookies in the same year, and they both torched the Bills? Aaron Hernandez and Rob Gronkowski are already better than Jonathan Stupar ever will be. And probably Shawn Nelson, too.""


    Another sore spot for the so called pro scouts employed by the Buffalo Bills, the Bills have been equally bad at finding tackles in the draft. How do these guys justify their paychecks over the last 10 years?



    Interesting - and possibly illuminating - contrast. Ralph WILL pay for players (arguably overpay for players), yet when it comes to the front office - the staff that is supposed to identify/pick players - the budget experiences rapid shrinkage.


    Assuming the Bills are going to have some quality draft picks next season, I wonder if we'd be better off dropping/trading one of these overpaid players and using any freed up funds toward recruiting some of the best scouts, talent evaluators money can buy. Put some serious capital behind the process that could impact the team's future for the next 10 years.

  9. As of 7:45am Eastern Time, one of the websites that allegedly reports betting activity (from online sportsbooks)is showing the Bills/Patriots game is: (a) the most heavily wagered on the board; and (b) 82% of the bets are on the Patriots.


    That, coupled with all the newspaper predictions and the ESPN blowhards all looking at this like a "why bother to play it" game ... maybe today is the Bills day. I couldn't get myself to bet on the Bills, but if you're inclined to do such things today might not be a bad day to snag them with +14.5 or more.

  10. Next week, and the Patriots match-up after that. Beat the Patriots. Once. Please.


    It'd be all the sweeter knowing how badly it would hurt them to lose to this heinously bad Bills team.


    Grab Jim Zorn and run some of that 70s Seattle Seahawks "throw-any-kind-of-crazy-sh*t-against-the-wall-and-see-what-sticks" offense. Bring the disco ball, the rhinestones, crank up some BeeGees and let's see that double-reverse, flea-flicker, statue-of-liberty in action.

  11. Lee Evans sounds like nice, soft-spoken guy during his press interviews. With his numbers, his contract, his lack of any overt leadership characteristics (at least publicly) ... good grief. The spotlight could be a lot hotter than the one on Marshawn.


    I realize he can't throw it to himself, and he was JP's guy, and so forth ... but it's kind of interesting how if you're perceived as a nice guy in Buffalo the fans will give you (literally) millions of dollars worth of room.

  12. The personnel decisions have just been mind-numbingly bad. We're seeing on the field the direct result of poor draft selections coupled with poor cash management (with respect to team performance that is, not with respect to the team's financial performance).


    "For whatever reason" - a key phrase now in Bills land - Ralph has almost always been willing to stroke a big check for a player, but completely against paying any kind of premium - arguably even market value, let alone a premium - for top front office talent. He'll overpay for Dockery (and several mediocre free agents like him), commit player-related mistakes that cost literally millions of dollars and impact the cap for years, but he absolutely refuses to eat a single year of Jauron's payroll to get him out of here. Somewhere along the line in his 10,000 years or whatnot of non-football business, Ralph convinced himself that management is fungible. It's not hard to envision Ralph looking at the entire front office staff as overhead, simultaneously writing a $3mm check to Josh Reed while scrutinizing his spreadsheet wondering how many $100K/year college scouts he can cut to save a few bucks.

  13. FWIW, one of the well-respected analyzers of this stuff (Brian Burke, www.advancednflstats.com) just tweeted the following:


    "Re: BUF intent. Sfty-The numbers say all 3 options-punt, go4it, and sfty all about 0.03 WP. Data is very thin there."


    Basically, as was so ingeniously pointed out earlier, with Trent Edwards at the helm it was indeed the Kobayashi Maru.

  14. It's a good watch, no question ... and if you call up central casting looking for a guy to play GM, Buddy certainly fits the part. About as "straight talk" as you're going to get from an NFL front office. I think most folks are going to agree with the vast majority of what he said.


    That said, let's hope he's got a laser eye for QBs.

  15. Could Vick be worse??


    Addendum: Could [iNSERT NAME HERE*] be worse? * Fitz, Brohm, Howard Simon, The Earl of Bud, my mother-in-law, etc.


    Trent has mysterious flashes of marginal competence, which seem to occur when someone tells him to take 3 steps and just chuck it to a spot on the field. The second he starts with his reads, the "bad things will happen soon" clock starts ticking.

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