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  1. Keyshawn wasn't an exception. The rule was they couldn't take a number in the teens unless all the 80s were taken, but if a player played with a teen number he didn't have to give it up if one in the 80s became available. There were no numbers in the 80s available when Keyshawm was a rookie, so he took 19. After that, he never had to give it up no matter what numbers became available.
  2. He won't be signing for the veteran minimum if he sits all year, because the Bills will still have him under contract. A player must be present and with his team for at least 6 games for him to get credit for a year of service time. Remember Joey Galloway in Seattle a few years ago? He had to show up for the last 6 games (and collect a paycheck!), or it wouldn't've counted as a year of service, and his contract wouldn't've gotten any closer to expiration. I believe the Seahawks traded him anyway, but the point is the same. Travis owes the Bills a year unless they trade or release him. And a "year" has to be at least 6 games.
  3. Except that Donahoe needs a team to trade with. A team that still wants Henry. All FIVE of the teams that were rumored to be interested before the draft - Arizona, Philadelphia, Tampa, Chicago, and Miami - drafted running backs before the 80th pick today. I don't imagine any of them are still in the market. And if Travis really does refuse to show up to training camp (he can't be THAT dumb, can he?) and sits out the summer and into the fall, how much trade value would he have left if a team suddenly needs a back due to injury? A team in that situation would want someone who could step in right away, not a perceived malcontent who hasn't been in live football action in almost a year. I'm just afraid that we're down to hoping that some other team's starting back rips up a knee in mini-camp. I don't often disagree with Donahoe because he makes a lot of money to know more about it than I do, but I think he may have misjudged the market on this one and gotten stuck with a player he doesn't want. There is no doubt that Henry could be an asset to most teams, but he won't be an asset to the Buffalo Bills if he's b*tching and whining about his role and refusing to show up to workouts.
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