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Posts posted by UB2SF

  1. If I was doing this, I would use numbers instead of letters. If you used 1 for "Y" and 0 for "N", then your final column could simply SUM the 1s and 0s in the Y/N columns and divide by the total number of Y/N columns. For example, if the Y/N numbers were in columns C through N (12 columns) in row 2, then your forumla would be:




    If you don't go numeric, then I can think of two other options:


    1) Use Y/Ns, but then run a pivot table to gather and analyze the results. Pivot tables RULE!!!


    2) Use nested if/then statements to convert the letters to numbers (for example, if <cell>="Y", then 1)... but I would avoid this because it will get very complex.


    Good luck.

  2. I just re-watched the game last night and had the opportunity to watch replays of plays for which there wasn't a network replay, and I was hugely impressed by Josh Reed's blocking. He has a powerful point-of-attack and does a better job of holding his blocks than any WR I've seen in a long time. Not just against defensive backs, either -- he successfully solo-blocked LBs on a number of occasions. Dude is strong and has great technique... probably owing to his days as an RB at LSU before making the switch to WR.

  3. He was exhausted. Did anyone of you ever suit up? After all that juking and running he probably didn't know who the heck was around him. So "simply" lateraling it probably never entered his mind.



    Yes, I suited up and was a kick returner. So I agree and I can hardly imagine how exhausted he must have been. HOWEVER...


    Did anyone catch the body language of Jonathan Smith when the play was whistled dead? The guy was freaking out, which made me think he was hollering to McGee for a lateral and McGee didn't respond. I'm not going to second-guess McGee's heroics, but my brain has been unable to turn off its woulda/coulda/shoulda filter on that particular play.


    By the way, I screamed so loudly that I scared the bejeezus out of my 7-year-old and 4-year-old... which says something, because they became immune to my football screams in utero.

  4. Jerry Rice = Barry Bonds.  Great player, but all about himself and all about his numbers.



    Having lived in the SF Bay Area for 15 years, I'm pretty familiar with the personalities and professional attributes of Bonds and Rice. To say they are equal displays profound underestimation of Jerry Rice's team-player attitude throughout his career.

  5. Isn't the Largent thing old news? I mean, when Jerry went to the Broncos this year, #80 was already taken by Rod Smith, who is the leading receiver in Broncos history. My guess is that Rice asked Smith if he could wear #80, but all I know is that Rice showed up in camp and preseason wearing #18, and didn't raise any public fuss about it.


    I agree with the "mutual respect" opinion.

  6. If you can watch that and not come away with an appreciation of how much London Fletcher means to this team, you don't know anything about football.



    Well said, Darin. I'm surprised nobody has mentioned yet the scene with Fletcher on the sideline after the first defensive series of the Texans game. He was so amped up that he THREW UP! Afterwards he said something about feeling better, to which Spikes said, "OK, now let's go get us something to EAT!" And he wasn't talking about a PowerBar -- he was talking about devouring the Texans offense.




    Seriously, that show was one of the best football-related pieces of TV I've ever seen.

  7. Accountability?  You blame the governement for people not having the sense to evacuate 48 hours in advance.  You don't need money to have some common sense.  At this point, I simply don't know how anyone can claim the response has been inadequate given the enormity of the situation.



    No, I did not blame the government for failures in individual common sense. That's certainly a big issue here. But not everyone has the ability to evacuate. You say "you don't need money to have some common sense," which makes me wonder if you have any experience with life inside big cities, especially in cities like New Orleans where the poverty rate is well above the national average. The reality is that there are thousands of people in every major city who simply would not be able to evacuate if the order was given. An elderly couple with no car and no immediate family? -- those may very well be the kind of people seen on MSNBC laying dead in front of the New Orleans Convention Center.


    To your point that no one could claim the response has been inadequate, I'll again refer to the Convention Center. People were told that if they couldn't (or wouldn't) evacuate, they should congregate at the Convention Center, the Superdome, and other shelters. Once the storm passed, they were told to wait for help and transportation. Now, several days later, there have been no deliveries, no assistance, and no authorities. The MSNBC cameraman was incredulous to find the only "authority" figure who visited the scene was Harry Connick Jr. Harry Freaking Connick Jr.! I am on the other side of the fence, oh fellow Bills fan: I can't see how anyone could claim the response has been adequate.


    Here is the MSNBC video page in case you're interested.

  8. While there are certainly some who engage in the blame-game as a sort of socio-political sport, there are others who are simply outraged at the post-Katrina situation and whose cries of "how could this have happened?" are perceived simply as blame. Count me in the latter camp.


    How can someone see what's going on right now and NOT be outraged at the lack of appropriate response? Have you seen what's going on at the New Orleans Convention Center (as of today, Thurs Sept 1st)??? If not, go to MSNBC.com and watch the video report they have. Four days, just waiting, with no authorities there and no deliveries of food, water, or medical supplies.


    To me, "blame" and "accountability" are very different from one another, although they are often conflated by those looking to start a simplistic argument. I'm talking about accountability. And to figure out who's accountable for not dealing with the big issues here -- prevention, planning, and response -- one has to go pretty far up the totem poles of government. President Bush and the congressional leadership rushed back to Washington on a Sunday night to grandstand about Terry Schiavo, but it takes them 5 days to convene a session on one of the worst tragedies in US history?


    I have to stop typing now, because my blood pressure is boiling over, and go write another check to the red cross.

  9. Just an update on how this issue was resolved... and the story does NOT end with me getting TiVO (a.k.a. the bottle of Jack on the kitchen counter).


    I wound up getting a DVD/VHS recorder... and I freakin' LOVE it!!! The unit enables me to record from TV to DVD or to VHS, but also enables me to transfer old VHS tapes to DVD. This latter feature is the coolest part for me, because I have tons of old VHS tapes that are slowly deterioriating... tapes of my kids, recordings of my various bands over the years, and even a tape of my son on America's Funniest Home Videos! I began dubbming them from VHS to DVD over the weekend, and I really love being able to create "chapters" to enable easy access to specific parts of each video.


    And yes, I can program the unit to record anything I want, so it's a bit like a bottle of Jack on the kitchen counter. But it's not nearly as easy as TiVo, so I still have a built-in disincentive for returning to my TV-addict behavior!

  10. Is it possible that the signal/pic quality is so poor that your TV &/or VCR is 'blanking it out'?  Try hooking up your DTV receiver to your VCR in some other fahion (RG6 vs. composite, etc.)  If you're looping the signal through your TV, go direct; or vice-versa.

    Using a different VCR &/or different cables will help you diagnose the problem.

    Good luck.



    Thanks for the advice... practical enough that I didn't have to resort to analogies about Jack Daniels and rehab! I'll try your suggestions.

  11. Okay, I get that,but I don't get it. Guess its kinda like saying I won't keep a full bottle of Jack in the house cause I'm scared i'll drink it every night. If you have and use a VCR, DVR would just replace when you use it, but make it much easier.



    Ahhh, but my VCR is an old piece of shite, with no remote and therefore no ability to program it properly. (Hence this post, I suppose!) But I always liked it that way, so I could use it for playing videos without getting wrapped up in taping things. Now with DirecTV, I want to be able to tape Bills games. Period. So, to follow your analogy, I used to keep the bottle of Jack in the storage closet at the rehab clinic, forcing me to break into the clinic and lie to my counselor in order to steal a shot and risk another freaking intervention by my wife's family. But now the bottle of Jack would sit on the kitchen counter with an easy-pour spout, when all I really wanted was something to quench my thirst.


  12. My thoughts exactly. Can you imagine saying, no can't go dinner tonight, something on the Tivo i gotta watch at 8.00pm? Just do not get it



    I hear ya. But here's what happened to my friends. It's a couple who never watched much TV because they have busy day jobs and kids, so they basically have only a couple hours of "free time" a day (after the kids are in bed but before they hit the hay). They used to spend that free time by inviting people over for drinks and conversation, or by working together on fulfilling/creative stuff like art and music. They watched very little TV because it was uncommon for programming they like to be on during their "free time". But all that changed when a family member gave them TiVo as a gift, based upon the philosophy espoused in the posts above. But what happened? Now they TiVo a whole bunch of shows, and they're more likely to spend their "free time" watching what they recorded than doing the things they used to do. I'm a lot like these people and I'm pretty sure the same thing would happen to me! I was a TV addict when I was younger, and I don't want to go back!

  13. Congrats on the DirectTV. Now call them up and pony up the extra $5 so you can digitally record. VCR? What is that? ;)



    Call me a luddite, but I'm resisting the whole DVR thing. I've have friends whose social lives seem to be ruled by TiVo, and I'm afraid I'd wind up in the same boat!

  14. Calling all home-electronics buffs... (and this is only somewhat OT, because it's relevant to me taping this weekend's BUF/CHI game)...


    I'm a new DirecTV subscriber, and I'm having a bizarre problem when trying to record programming on my VCR. When I play back what I've recorded, the video only appears for a split-second and then disappears into the "blue screen" that indicates a blank tape. BUT... if I press "play" and "fast forward", the video image is fully visible, well beyond the split-second that I see in normal "play" mode.


    My first thought was that this might be related to the tape-speed (EP, SP, etc), so I thought I'd try to change the tape-speed setting for recording. But unfortunately, I don't have the remote for this old VCR and the only way to access the tape-speed part of the menu is with a button that's on the manufacturer's remote and is not accessible with a universal remote.


    This problem never happened before I got DirecTV... but I can't say for certain that this related to DirecTV.


    WTF is going on?? :P What should I do? :lol:;)


    In case this is helpful, the VCR is a Panasonic PV-8450.

  15. Last night, aimless channel-surfing led me to find the show Mindfreak on A&E, featuring illusionist Criss Angel. I had never heard of the show, nor the guy. But I was spellbound by what I saw.


    I'm usually a cynic when it comes to magicians/illusionists, but this dude blew my mind. He was levitating himself, and making others levitate, in public parks and street corners in Las Vegas. Apparently, he also does Houdini/Blaine-type stuff too.


    I'm kind of embarrassed to say that I bought his schtick. Any opinions out there from believers or non-believers?

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