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Whiskey Dick

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Everything posted by Whiskey Dick

  1. Wonder what makes the UN so important to Democrats that they would even care enough to halt the nomination of Bolton. As a supposed bastion of the "one-worlders" it should be pretty obvious to a casual observer that the the UN's claws were clipped a while ago...assuming they even had any to begin with. Please tell me what authority the UN even has anymore? Instead of a powerless body like the United Nations the Left would be better off going after a body that is truly one world and has power; The WTO.
  2. Perhaps but some of that was deserved. That whole "I voted for it before I voted against it" Kerry sound-byte was a well-framed piece of Republican opportunism that Kerry so thoughtlessly provided. It still doesn't erase the double standard of yet another classic Bush (Steel Tariffs anyone?) "flip-flop".
  3. Bringing up a topic like this is just dumb, and an excuse to bring up partisan politics. I'm sure that our beloved US Senator Hillary no doubt would agree with our President as she moves ever closer to an (UGH!) presidential run.
  4. That character was a classic! What was his name again?
  5. You can twist polls anyway you want to so they really aren't worthy of consideration. The thing to do is eavesdrop on conversation and find out what the populace thinks. I have yet to hear the Iraqi conflict mentioned at all. Either we must be doing something right or the mainstream of America has more pressing day to day concerns.
  6. If there was a poll sanctioned by Sports Illustrated asking how many of our sports heroes are "born again" I'm sure the opinions would be diverse as well....from the anti-Christian crowd to the zealots. Then there's the old quote from a washed up baseball pitcher: "If a ball player found out that there's a way through believe that he can tack on a couple wins a year he'd be in church everyday."
  7. Well it's a difficult poll question for me because I'm bi-sexual... ...when I want sex I have to buy it.
  8. That's the news! In a nutshell! And I'm outta here!
  9. They've co-opted Terri Schiavo and the Pope. They know no bounds
  10. Yes, that did play a part but just like Gore before him Kerry was brutalized by a right wing machine that knew no rules.
  11. What does one reply to stuff like this? Overzealous doesn't describe your condition, extreme might be more fitting.
  12. Hey kiddies! Can you say DRAFT? Well there's one group that isn't influenced by those darned hippies, but unfortunately can't serve. What do you tell these people? http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?.../w125234D98.DTL
  13. Then one could assume, using your logic, that Jimmy Carter would be considered "Just Another Unpatriotic American". http://www.progressive.org/blogs05/ap040605.php
  14. Ralph will be doing one of his rally the people deals next thursday a few doors down from Ani DiFranco's church on Deleware. Punk poet Patti Smith will once more be at his side. Bring extra patchouli.
  15. Any gains for the Libertarians in your neck of the woods (I think you said you were from PA) in town, city, or state government? The Libertarians in these parts aren't very visable. Maybe I'm wrong but I seem to recall them missing the ballot in '00 or '04 in NY.
  16. I don't hold office nor am I media member. Not being a republican or a conservative I didn't feel manipulated in the least for the sole reason it was obvious to me what the RNC platform was going to be as soon as her tube was pulled out again. I was just shocked at what extent they went to see it through to its end, encapsulating everything along the way that repubs and cons used to vehemently oppose. "Manipulated' might not be the right term. "Used" is more like it. "Pandering" is another good adjective that fits in well with the spirit of "The Memo".
  17. It's statements such as yours that make me pull out my "Dissent is Patriotic" shirt and wear it proudly.
  18. What I find more important is the concept of baby steps to attain the goal of third party viability. While most would look at the Presidency as the end result it would be much more advantageous to start small (local, state level) and work one's way up. As I mentioned previously the Greens were starting to do this until the 2000 election/Nader thing caused some to rethink their alliance with the party and it's goals (which I was never to clear about to begin with) thus causing the splintering. They have yet to recover so the moral of the story is start small.
  19. The republican party decided early on that they would have a clear agenda on Schiavo, circulated it and rallied around it-and thanks to the media-crammed it down our throats until they were finally bowled over by a landslide of negative public opinion.. They played into a cockeyed, preconceived notion that right and righteous America would rally around them, take Pinellas Park by storm and stick the tube into Terri themselves. The 50 or so down there is evidence this was not a very good idea from the republican leadership. In foisting this on the nation they managed to upset more than a few conservatives along the way. I take it you're not one of them.
  20. Technically you are correct in that "the memo" issue isn't anything to get irate about, unless you're a republican who feels somewhat minipulated by the whole Schiavo thing, now knowing that the fix was in from the start for that party's chosen stance, and their chosen course of governmental intervention.
  21. 'When in doubt, don't slam a majority leader who is right on the money and knows a lot more than you could ever dream of.' Tom DeLay once stated that DDT is not harmful.
  22. The Washinton Times, during the height of the Schiavo spectacle, reported the supposed memo that was circulating around republican circles to use Terri's condition for political gain was the brainchild of democratic operatives, a vast left wing conspiracy if you will. Well, it wasn't http://www.orlandosentinel.com/news/local/...-home-headlines Does anyone wonder what happened to those protestors down there after the circus left town? I wonder how much they made...if anything.
  23. It's healthy to know that their are a number of activists trying to promote the idea of third party unity in matters of ballot access and such but that may be as big an impact as they're going to have. The current machinary is in place for a reason, so's not to threaten the status quo. While third party people continue to struggle and shout to be heard most Americans sigh a collective yawn and pull the lever for A or B.
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