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Posts posted by diver

  1. I am not a huge Dylan fan either. My exposure to him is his early years. Blood on the Tracks and before. I recently listened to his new album. Took a couple of listens but its has some pretty good songs. I like Workingman's Blues #2. I find him a cross between John Prine, John Hiatt and Harry Chapan. A couple of tunes on the album sounded like Louie Armstrong music. The music is different. I prefer his slow ballads over his rockabilly.

    I have tickets to go see him in October.

  2. In a few weeks the team will be playing for real. All year long I come to Two Bills Drive and read all the posts. Its part of my morning ritual. Its hard to say that the season is just like another long pre-season. You never know what will happen. Every Sunday I kept pumped up cheering on my team. Losing sucks but I love the Bills like no other. Do the best you can guys! Go Bills.

  3. MLS is building several soccer specific stadiums this year. This will help. I went to see the KC Wizards play. They had a crowd of close to 20,000. Arrowhead Stadium looked empty. It seats 80,000. MLS is on the rise.

    I coach Premier club soccer. Parents are telling me. "Don't tell anyone but I can't believe I go home and watch soccer." I guess he doesn't want his baseball, football and basketball friends to know.

    Soccer is a great game. Very physical for those who don't know anything about it. The moves, the shots, the player combinations. There more to it than just the scoring. Catch the fever.

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