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Posts posted by diver

  1. At the New Orleans game there was a Bills fan in the upper section 312 with me. He had his face painted wearing a hard hat. He left with about 8 minutes left in the game. He stood up to the crowd and said, " Our team is Garbage". I was pissed you call that a fan. Then walking with my wife outside the stadium after the game I said to her our team sucks. I will always be a fan. Is the fan that screamed our team is garbage a fan? At least I kept it too my spouse.

    Yes the Bills are hurting and drinking does help. When I get a cut the blood runs Buffalo red and blue.

  2. JP IS OUR QB. Live with it!!!!!!!! Too bad we had to go with Bledsoe last year. Last year should have been the year JP took his lumps. But it is this year. GIVE the kid a chance. Do we waste the whole year? No we won't be wasting the whole year. The experience that JP gains is not wasting the whole year. I am tired of people panicing on this board. Its the end of the world always seems to come up.

    Remember last year. 3rd down on the 4 yard line. Bledsoe goes back. and down he goes. Field goal. JP ran a 3rd and goal in this year.

    Also remember the game plan. McGahee will run the ball. Let JP learn. Sorry if it costs us some wins. I hope he improves and improves and improves.

    Ok yes there is the possibility that we made a mistake but we won't know that until JP has a year under his belt. Holcomb is a great backup to have. For those to say we should start Holcomb I bet you were the same ones that said stick with Bledso while he was winning.

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