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  1. Lets not panic folks. First off, I think this team overall is closer to the 9-3 version of the latter part of the season than the 0-4 version that started off. I think that Pat Williams should be brought back. As far as casually throwing Jennings, Moulds, Henry and Bledsoe out (as some suggest) you should really consider what you will replace them with. True that Jennings is not a top notch left tackle and you should always look to upgrade, but I do not think that is done quite as easily as you do. I think we saw this year that this line is not the best but it is not the worst either. My first impulse all year was that T. Henry would be shipped out. However, after the year he had his trade value is at its lowest. I also have too many memories of position log jams in the league that after one is traded the remaining one gets hurt. Lets face it, Willis on the sideline and Shaud Williams getting extended carries next year is not an attractive option. Keep Travis for another year. My recollection is that he had a cap friendly contract and for the chance to win a Super Bowl and prep for free agncy or a trade they can find him some carries. As far as simply replacing Bledsoe with Losman. I would encourage anybody recommending this to watch tape of the Giants over the past 7 games. It is a potentially painful option. Why not have a QB competition in training camp next summer? I believe the past six weeks have shown that the Bills will not rely on the QB position to get them wins and that if Drew can stay upright he can be a servicable asset in the pocket. Drew did not play well today but having a 4th string RB run all over the field on you certaily contributed to the loss. I hold no delusions that Drew is "the man" but if Trent Dilfer can win a Super Bowl, then and contionuing evoling Drew can as well. As far as offseason, Draft best available OL and DL for depth and possible upgrades. Get a Tight end for God's sake and replace that sorry kicker. Bring back Williams and Jennings, if financially, possible but do not hurt the cap to do so.
  2. Lets not panic folks. First off, I think this team overall is closer to the 9-3 version of the latter part of the season than the 0-4 version that started off. I agree that Pat Williams should be brought back. As fas as causally throwing Jennings, Moulds, Henry and Bledsoe out you should really consider what you will replace them with. True that Jennings is not a top notch left tackle and you should always look to upgrade, but I do not think that is done quite as easily as you do. I think we saw this year that this line is not the best but it is not the worst either. I think you are wrong about Moulds. I do not think he is one of the elite but I think he fits well into that next catagory. Taking away Moulds from Evans not may not be the best idea. Has anybody heard of someone named Pearless Price since he left the opposite side of Eric Moulds on the line of scrimmage? My first impulse all year was that T. Henry would be shipped out. However, after the year he had his trade value is at its lowest. I also have too many memories of position log jams in the league that after one is traded the remaining one gets hurt. Lets face it, Willis on the sideline and Shaud Williams getting extended carries next year is not an attractive option. Keep Ttravis for another year. My recollection is that he had a cap friendly contract and for the chance to win a Super Bowl and prep for free agncy or a trade they can find him some carries. As far as simply replacing Bledsoe with Losman. I would encourage you to watch tape of the Giants over the past 7 games. It is a potentially painful option. Why not have a QB competition in training camp next summer? I believe the past six weeks have shown that the Bills will not rely on the QB position to get them wins and that if Drew can stay upright he can be a servicable asset in the pocket. Drew did not play well today but having a 4th string RB run all over the field on you certaily contributed to the loss. I hold no delusions that Drew is "the man" but if Trent Dilfer can win a Super Bowl, then and contionuing evoling Drew can as well. As far as offseason, Draft best available OL and DL from depth and possible upgrades. Get a Tigth end for God's sake and replace that sorry kicker. Bring back Williams and Jennings if financially possibel byut do not hurt the cap to do so.
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