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Posts posted by bflo83

  1. Couple of holes in your arguement.


    1. JP isn't a rookie he is a first year starter, huge difference.

    2. Eli only played 9 games but JP should play 16?

    3. The Buffalo Bills are not a rebuilding franchise as the Giants were last year.


    Hard to argue your points but I will anyway :unsure:

    1. No he isn't a rookie but all the coaching and film work can take you but so far. Getting on the field is where it really has to come together and four games is too soon to pull the plug.

    2. JP should play more than four games. He should play all 16 as long as he shows improvement in his level of play as the season progresses.

    3. The Bills aren't a rebuilding franchise but they aren't playoff caliber either. They had their golden opportunity to step to the next level last year and they crapped out.

  2. I might be a lowly Rockpile ticket holder, but if the change is made, I can honestly say that I won't have tickets next year.


    Get rid of Tom Clements - RUN THE !@#$ING BALL AND WE WON'T HAVE THIS PROBLEM!


    I don't think I would get rid of my season tickets but I would probably sell a few more games and think twice about making multiple trips up from LI to Buffalo.


    And BTW there is no such thing as a lowly rockpile ticket holder!!!!

  3. All the respect he built up last year when he told RW to (respectfully) STFU when things didn't start out very well... it's all gone.


    This is an admission that he didn't know what he was doing when developing the plan, which is bad, or that he has now turned into a cut-and-run artist w/o a spine, which is worse. If there's something the organization needs, it is stability and knowing what course the ship is sailing. We were expecting a letdown while JP was developing, but we got that he was developing. Now MM is chasing the wind and you don't get to your destination any faster that way.


    I think he knew what he was doing last year. He stayed the course because he had no option - Shane Matthews wasn't an upgrade and JP was hurt (thanks Troy Vincent :D ). Travis goes down and it's Willis time. I think circumstance guided his hand last year.


    Fast forward to this year and everyone is talking how JP is just going to have to be a caretaker and we'll be fine. Unfortunately we lose our biggest playmaker on D, the new offensive line is a step back from last year's and our coaching staff is not putting their players in a position to succeed. Mularkey needs to step up big time before he loses this team.

  4. Wade Phillips all time record as Bills Head Coach: 29 -19, second only to Marv in winning percentage.


    As Dave B. pointed out it was his hiring of a completely inept ST coach after DeHaven's firing that was a poor career choice for Wade. Add in the RJ/Flutie QB controversy and it was time to go.


    The fact is he could have taken a Bills team to the Super Bowl were it not for the forward lateral in Tennesee. Wade wasn't a bad coach - he looks even better when compared to the coaches that have come through town since his departure.

  5. Of course we do.  One of them took a penalty that negated Freddie Smith's punt return and, since that wasn't enough, fell down in front of McGee and tripped him up at the end of his big kickoff return.


    That was the sum total of Mark Campbell's contributions yesterday, folks.


    So it's safe to say that Campbell's sterling play yesterday has outweighed his production this year - what a nightmare.

  6. Wasn't Mularkey a tight end once? You would think he'd be a little more conscious of the importance of a tight end in the development of a young qb. Through four games our tight ends have totalled three receptions for a whopping 18 yards and no tds. (Jason Peters one yard td reception doesn't count - he was tackle eligible on that play)


    I know the braintrust has been utilizing the TE for blocking a lot more this year but come on already! Mark Campbell is disappointing. I wish they had made a run at Marcus Pollard in the offseason but the way the OC is game planning that probably wouldn't have mattered anyway.

  7. These are the stiffs that need to go at the end of the year:


    1) Eric Moulds. You're done dude, give it up.

    2) Troy Vincent. See Eric Moulds.

    3) Nate Clements. That's a whole lotta money for a whole lotta nothing.

    4) Mike Williams. Sorry.


    Close seconds:


    5) Mark Campbell. Done.

    6) Tom Clements. What is it with the last name Clements anyway?

    7) Jeff Posey. Yeah, Jeff FREAKING Posey.


    Gotta move Mark Campbell to the top list and also add in Teague and Ron Edwards. They can take Posey's place on the list.

  8. I originally wrote this a few years ago about the Gilbride-led O. I think it still fits with the Clements-led O. History shouldn't repeat. But I guess it does.

    The snowball fight:

    If we're in a snowball fight and I keep throwing snowballs at your nuts, even if they are small and difficult to hit, you worry about it because although I hit your hip or your thigh most of the time, you know that at some point I'm gonna hit you in the nuts. You've gotta protect your nuts. It's essential because they are your nuts, for God's sake! And one hit in the nuts makes you really woozy and nauseous.


    So now that I've distracted you away from my real target, which happens to be your face, I can take a shot at your face any time I want. And although it's still hard to hit your face, I know that in many cases your hands will be covering your nuts while I'm throwing at your face, and when I do hit you in the face with a snowball you'll get a nosebleed and run home crying.


    See? Throwing snowballs at your nuts is the running game, and throwing snowballs at your face is the passing game. I want you to get a nosebleed and run home screaming, so the natural thing to do is to keep throwing snowballs at your nuts until it's easy to hit you in the face.


    Clements has got to understand the concept of the snowball fight pretty damn quick, or I'm going to hit him in the nuts.



    You're nuts :blink:


    Good analogy - I don't understand how we finally have our first stud running back since Thurman and we don't ride him til the cows come home. Especially with a young QB and an o-line that is built to run block.


    Maybe management is afraid that if McGahee is too succesful he'll hold out next year...

  9. Didn't TD just get an extension? The NFL is a business people. Season ticket sales have improved every year since TD has been GM and are now the highest since the end of the SB run. TD came in to cap hell and has stabilized and even brought the Bills in under the cap. The marketing departments for tickets and merchandise are big moneymakers. Uniform re-designs and throwback uniforms increase revenue even more. Some of his personnel moves have been great (McGahee, Spikes, Fletcher, Evans, Sam Adams)


    Would Ralph want to hoist the SB trophy before it's all over? Of course. But he wouldn't be the only owner never to enjoy that moment.


    I don't drink the kool aid but I don't think TD has completely screwed up. I don't like the Pittsburgh network but that's what all businessmen do - they bring in their cronies. Gregg Williams was a mistake but I think Mularkey will be ok. I wish he had considered Weiss, Crennel, Fox or Lewis a little more before either of his hires.


    Is it time for him to leave? I don't think so. Did you really think we were going to go deep into the playoffs with JP??? Let's get thru the growing pains this year and make a run next. His trailer is hitched to JP. If JP sh*ts the bed this year and the next it's time for a change.


    And btw, I do miss the playoffs. I hate the fact that we have become the Lions of the afc.

  10. 1. 8-8. Stay competitive into December (make that Broncos game mean something!)

    2. Steady improvement in JP's play over the course of the year.

    3. Defense stepping it up. Stop talking and believing the hype and just play. Someone (Lauvele Sape anyone???) showing that they can play defensive tackle.

    4. Separate the wheat from the chafe on the o-line. Find out who's worth a sh*t and replace the junk in the offseason.

    5. Win the two games I'm going to (Chiefs & Broncos) :D

    6. Beat the Patriots once - ok, that would just be gravy.

  11. I disagree - if we don't stay with him we risk losing JP altogether. The offensive woes are not just JP.


    And we don't have a playoff quality defense. We didn't last year when we let the Steelers third stringers take us apart at home and we don't have one this year with the loss of Big Pat and TKO.

  12. Activate Lauvele Sape!!!!!


    The Lauvelle Sape backers on this board would be happy and he couldn't be worse than what we've seen from Edwards, Bannan, Anderson and Big Sam the last two weeks :(


    Seriously, I did not think the d-line would drop off this bad after Pat W. left. I expected a slight drop in production but to go from hardly any 100 yard rushers to teams getting 200+ rushing yards is brutal. Now with the lb corp beat up Troy Vincent could end up leading us in tackles....

  13. Towrads the end of the game, Pennington was either handing off or lobbing the ball up. I'm surprised he completed any long passes after the start of the 4th quarter. Any word on what Fiedler went down with?


    Fiedler got knocked to the ground when he was on the move and said he heard a pop when his shoulder hit the ground.

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