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Buffal0 Bill5

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Posts posted by Buffal0 Bill5

  1. I was just about to post this. It's almost like hindering freedom of expression, IMO. It's not like they can actually use the footage in a commercial without the NFL's consent. I think it's a little too much being made out this. But then again, maybe not as it could have little kids striking the same pose because of the influence these players have. I can't remember so I will ask, did they ban the "sharpie" from the NFL as well after TO pulled that one off so it couldn't be done again? What about the "cell phone" from Joe Horn's "can you hear me now" rendition?


    I would gather "the pose" is a registered trademark of the Captain. I'm sure that would constitute a violation. The NFL is a business, and they sell advertising. If they allow this, where would it end. You would have people doing the 5 dollar footlong as a celebration, jingles, etc.

  2. This is a whiny game night rant, but why, Why, WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY do I ever put this guy on my team. I play him and he gets injured, or disappears. I give up and bench him and he busts loose.


    Two leagues, two close games, and he's in the locker room.




    I feel better now

  3. I don't think he is a small time hack. I think he has a huge audience. That's the problem. It would give him opportunities to leverage the NFL, and they don't want to let him in just so he can use them for a platform. No not a platform for his political views, but as a way to promote himself (make money).

    No doubt Rush likes to make money.


    As for 90% of America tuning Rush out (Thurman#1), that is just preposterous. I rarely listen to Rush, I consider myself a conservative, but his ego bugs me. I spent a good deal of time in radio with an affiliate that carries the full 3 hours of Rush daily, and there are these things called ratings. Rush still pulls in a huge audience, or we just wouldn't be having this conversation.


    As to the original question, I don't see why I would be opposed to his ownership of the franchise. He made a really stupid comment about McNabb, and should have kept it to himself. I get his point about the NFL. I remember when I was foolish enough to take ESPN the magazine, and they did a round table discussion with the best quarterbacks in the NFL. It included Elway, Young, Marino, and.............Kordell Stewart. Stewart didn't belong in that discussion, at the table or on the list. What was his purpose for being on it? I think Rush told us the reason. It was foolish to do so for two reasons. One, any white guy who says that is automatically a racist, and two, Donovan McNabb is a pretty good QB. Before we get our shorts all in a tangle over the "bloods/crips" one liner, how about considering the context it may have been in. Remember the throat cutting gesture a few years ago? Was that appropriate? If the statement was in the context of that type of behaviour, how far off would it have been?


    I am not here to defend Rush, but I am frightended to be in a country where a guy who has the money can't buy a product because people don't like his political ideology. If you could stomach his show, you would know that the guy does know and enjoy football. That is why ESPN put him on in the first place.

  4. Totally disagree with this absurd take. Limbaugh's NOT some small-time hack trying to make a name for himself. He IS one of the most well-known, highest-paid media personalities in the world....including ALL media....and at this point, he needs no one for anything.


    He WAS involved, as he as stated, because he loves the NFL and has always been a fan, and has dreamed about being an owner. He sounds like many of "us", who if we had the resources, would probably want to do the same thing.


    Well said. It is amazing the number of people that have an opinion on Rush, but are so ill informed of his history. Do a little research into his beginnings in broadcasting, and then support the take that he has no interest in football for the sake of football. Love him, or hate him, the man loves the game.

  5. Let them coach themselves and draw up plays in the dirt in the huddle. Can the result be worse than 3 points against the Browns and 9 false starts?




    "Are you telling me that you men finished the season on your own?


    "That's a fact, Jack!!"


    That about sums it up.


    Thanks for a good laugh.

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