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The Plastic Cup

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Posts posted by The Plastic Cup

  1. 3 hours ago, Gary M said:


    Have to hope she wasn't drinking with a pilot!!!


    Without more photos I can't say yes or no. Drunk mugshot just doesn't cut it.


    Any 49 year old alcoholic would need a lot of clean up.  Can't see it happening here.

    25 minutes ago, ExiledInIllinois said:

    Shift work disorder/syndrome?


    That excuse is probably buried somewhere in the union contract.  She'll be back on the job next week.   :rolleyes:

  2. 1 hour ago, Royale with Cheese said:


    Here's the thing....she was dumb about it.  Like, really dumb.


    When she finished the Boston Marathon, she wasn't sweating that much.  Officials believe that she only ran 1/2 mile to the finish line.  

    When she was on the subway in NYC, she was dressed in her marathon attire, her number and was talking to people.  One person she talked with for awhile who reported it later.


    My ex was a runner.  They study their mile marks like it's a science.  A few seconds here and there makes a HUGE difference in their training.  This woman didn't know what those were. 


    If you're going to cheat, be better.  Make it seem plausible.  


    I wonder if she really intended to 'win', as opposed to just finishing high up like she had in NYC.  She may have boned up the math and broke out of the crowd and onto the course earlier than she meant to.

  3. 10 hours ago, Johnny Hammersticks said:


    Too much “thigh meat” for my taste


    I assume this is a joke.......more thigh meat would be ideal but understand you wouldn't want to do anything to change that backside.


    That aside, I love everything about Koepka on the course.   He's very easy to root for.



  4. 2 hours ago, The Bills Blog said:

    Oh my god... "Tom Brady signs extension" is a different topic than "Tom Brady puts home on market." Excessive moderation making it difficult to access desired content quickly, again. Did PFT merge all of its recent articles about Brady?


    Thank you!!  I hate when we can’t keep all our Tommy threads organized!


  5. 5 hours ago, Misterbluesky said:

    Cano gets hot and the today happens.



    It’s still the equivalent of spring training when it comes to Cano and running.

  6. 1 hour ago, Deranged Rhino said:




    The establishment media and ruling class (which crosses the aisle politically) want us divided. They want to fan the flames of division, partisanship, and social friction as much as they possibly can. The more divided we are, the more we fight with one another and the less we hold them, the establishment, to account.


    The wall-to-wall media coverage, which focuses on creating more conflict rather than honest journalism (chase those ratings!), creates partisan barriers which prevent citizens from all sides of the political compass from coming together to have an honest discussion about the numerous causes of such tragedies and working together to find a solution. If we were to come together as a people, it would end the establishment's hold on power. 


    And they can't have that. 


    They'd rather watch hundreds if not thousands of us kill one another (preferably in front of their cameras) than actually work to solve the issue. Which is why they push constant division after tragic events like this, never honest discussions.

    Divide and conquer. 


    The oldest tricks are the best tricks because they work.


    Explains why they all went apoplectic when a guy who wasn’t beholden to their rules beat the ultimate establishment candidate in the last election.

    • Like (+1) 1
  7. 2 minutes ago, LeGOATski said:

    I'm sure a lot of them were. A low-level Walmart employee would be able to notice the difference in the customer demographics.


    It's this sentence that doesn't make sense: "...and what authorities have preliminarily estimated to be between 1,000 and 3,000 Saturday morning back-to-school shoppers." It just put the back-to-school-shopper label on everyone in there.


    We're kinda nit-picking a basic news story at this point, though.


    I’m guessing a certain % of them were too, but is that all it takes to be included in the first paragraph of the story these days?


    Apparently a mass murder isn’t moving enough (read:  won’t attract enough clicks) unless you can create an image of happy families shopping for backpacks and notebooks.


    And yes, 1000-3000 is a little broad!

  8. 19 minutes ago, DaBillsFanSince1973 said:

    time or two, or few thousand times. of course, my technique is to always aim for the drain and done before the actual showering commences.


    now, wth else can yinz come up with? 


    (had to the the yinz in there, not from pa)


    Time it with the rinsing of the shampoo to ensure rapid drain area cleaning.

    • Like (+1) 1
  9. It was an early morning yesterday
    I was up before the dawn
    And I really have enjoyed my stay
    But I must be moving on
    Like a king without a castle
    Like a queen without a throne
    I'm an early morning lover
    And I must be moving on
    Now I believe in what you say
    Is the undisputed truth
    But I have to have things my own way
    To keep me in my youth
    Like a ship without an anchor
    Like a slave without a chain
    Just the thought of those sweet ladies
    Sends a shiver through my veins
    And I will go on shining
    Shining like brand new
    I'll never look behind me
    My troubles will be few
    Goodbye stranger it's been nice
    Hope you find your paradise
    Tried to see your point of view
    Hope your dreams will all come true
    Goodbye Mary, goodbye Jane
    Will we ever meet again
    Feel no
    • Like (+1) 1
  10. 1 hour ago, BuffaloBud said:


    My thoughts exactly.  Have been to WDW, Epcot, Hollywood Studios.  I'm always surprised to see how many families are literally dragging their kids through these places while the kids are pitching holy he-double hockey sticks fits or sound asleep in a stroller.  If the kids are that unhappy in the happiest place on earth, don't you think that something needs to change?  Do you really think that at 3, 4, 5 years old they are going to remember / appreciate the $ you spent to get there and into the park?


    Take your grouchy snot nosed kids to the pool or back to the room for a nap!


    People put way too much pressure on themselves to ‘fit it all in’ or get their moneys worth.


    We had a free trip to Disneyworld when kids were 5 and 3 so of course we went.  Kids were engaged until about 2:00 each afternoon, at which point we bolted back to the hotel to jump in the pool.

  11. On 7/21/2019 at 3:47 PM, Doc Brown said:

    My issue with steak is it's nearly impossible to reheat it without losing some or most of its flavor.  The best you can do is eat it cold.


    If it was originally on the rare side, I’ll slice it thin and cook it for 30 seconds in a hot pan and make a cheesesteak.

  12. On 7/23/2019 at 5:26 AM, Buffalo_Gal said:

    I think I saw something about this in another thread, but am putting it here too. And wow, #metoo has been around for two years!? 

    New Yorker article: The Case of Al Franken

    NY Daily News article: Al Franken was pushed out of Senate by Chuck Schumer in secret bedside ultimatum

    Al Franken was forced to resign from the Senate by Majority Leader Chuck Schumer who reportedly delivered a bedside “quit now” ultimatum to the ex-Saturday Night Live funny man in a secret meeting as sex harassment allegations mushroomed.

    Franken says Schumer refused to allow him to present his side of a damning photo that showed him fondling a female comedian’s breasts as well as several other allegations — and gave him just a few hours to resign, The New Yorker reported Monday.


    “I couldn’t believe it,” Franken said, according to the magazine. “I asked him for due process and he said no.”



    So a woman's 'right to be believed' suddenly becomes a 'rush to judgement' when the perp is a leftwing politician.   And they print this ***** with a straight face.  Unreal.

  13. Nights in white satin
    Never reaching the end
    Letters I've written
    Never meaning to send
    Beauty I'd always missed
    With these eyes before
    Just what the truth is
    I can't say any more
    'Cause I love you
    Yes I love you
    Oh how I love you
    Gazing at people, some hand in hand
    Just what I'm going through they can't understand
    Some try to tell me, thoughts they cannot defend
    Just what you want to be, you will be in the end
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