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Posts posted by RJsackedagain

  1. Sackmarino...I think I might have been sitting near you, because I heard the same thing, idiots calling for Holcomb ALL GAME. Even after the first TD pass.




    The backup QB is always the most popular guy on the team with the fans ... even back in the Kelly days there were people screaming to put Reich in

  2. It seems strange that he calls out Buffalo fans for not giving Donahoe and credit, even after you gave him some credit in your question.  For the most part, it seems like the fans have moved on from this whole deal.  I wish Mort would do the same.


    How can he move on?? TD cuts his grass once a week and then they head out for ring dings and pepsi down in a park in Georgia.

  3. Good - more room for professional sports on ESPN.


    Yeah, I hear Stu Scott is going to be the play-by-play guy for the following new pro sports:

    Lawn Jarts, Painting Your Fence, Pocket Pool and the Preparing Chris Berman's Combover relay. .... ESPN is a joke now. They can't even show a baseball game on a holiday any more - Memorial Day, July 4th and Labor Day we got jacksh!t for games.

  4. While it was important, it was nowhere near as important as the virtually perfect game Brian Moorman had.  You don't pin a team inside the 10 FOUR times in one game.  It just doesn't happen.  That was an absolute clinic.


    Well said ... The addition of Moorman might be one of the few things I can give TD credit for during his reig of terror, opps, I mean stay in Buffalo

  5. Who the fark cares if the Pats want to cut Freddie every week and then re-sign him? ... I suspect the only info Freddie provide the Pats during his first tour of duty with them was what color crayons Roscoe liked to use to complete his term papers at the U.

    Let him go

  6. Chilli is all made and I threw in some hot Italian sausage for something different. If that works I guess I'll be eating that all season. Probably go with some Bud Lights for a kicker to get the chilli percolating for tonights game.  :lol:


    The chili sounds good, but might I recommend a more manly beer like Sam Adams, Newcastle or Guiness. Bud Light, just not a fan of that swill

  7. OK, if your brother ticks you off tell him to wear green to the game.

    Sundowner is a good choice and so is Duff's -- anchor bar has smaller wings that cost more!! Also, mix in a little Mighty Taco at some point over the weekend.



    Tips at the game:

    Consume lots of alcohol, don't drink from the troughs and bring your own food --- stadium stuff stinks and costs a bundle

  8. Got it.  Unfortunately for the Chefs, it looks like Willie's really done this time.  No contact with the team isn't a good sign. 


    And interesting that Will Shields has a high ankel sprain.  Could be a tough year for LJ and the Chefs' offense.


    Doesn't matter who is coming back, it would be a tough year for any offense run on a team coached by Herm Edwards. .... He's amended his philosphy to include "you play to kick a field goal."

  9. In response to the premature reports that questioned Peerless Price's motives for missing practice Sunday, the Bills wideout admitted he made an honest mistake.


    "I misread the schedule," said Price. "I was (looking at) last Sunday's schedule. I thought we just had meetings." :blush:




    That's a great excuse Peerless, I'm going to try it some time at my job if I want to be fired!!!

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