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Everything posted by BradytoGivens

  1. are you from alaska??? thats awesome!!! isn't it light outside all the time now???
  2. and you go back to pittsville.........yech
  3. i think that people are underestimating corey dillon here...i havent heard his name mentioned once once he starts grinding yards through the middle, lawyer milloy will be brought up to the line of scrimmage, and i dont have the faith in the bills secondary to stop our short passing game, because brady throws to EVERYONE
  4. so, everyone thinks this is a cakewalk from the bills, huh??? all i wanted was some football talk/matchups like mould-samuel or mcgahee-ted johnson, phifer, etc. but people bring up the steelers (????) and providence (btw, whoever said that visitors stay in providence clearly dosen't know the area, it happens sometimes but not always) also, providence is not next to foxboro, its about 20-30 mins away, depending on traffic, but what does this have to do with football, anyways??? look we've sold out for 10+years, so enough with the red sox-pats talk, i didn't expect that one coming actually, it's kinda random i just dont see how mcgahee is going to get to the outside with the speed of the linebackers, and now with williams gone the o-line is thinning and wilfork is starting to step up i respect the bills D, and that side of the ball could be a stalemate, as bill b rarely goes for big plays in home games - the pats just wait for opponent's mistakes also, drew never plays well here pats 17-7
  5. well then your gonna hafta decided cuz i'm a son of sammy above everything else!!!!
  6. i didnt come to this board to talk trash, i just wanna know.... is travis henry done??? troy brown will not be in the secondary next week, so i'm wondering how the bills are gonna score on our field when the rams couldn't on turf??? and how is the statue not gonna get killed??? has buffalo's line improved that much?? i watched the entire game yesterday (I HATE THE JETS) and you guys looked OK, but we are not the jets.....
  7. check the attendences from the 90's on there guy....and also, pats fans filled up the 300's when i was there last month
  8. yeah, way to avoid the question....brady is dating a movie star, btw why are you a sox fan and a bills fan??? are you one of the millions that bought their first red sox hat this october??? if so GET THE F*CK OFF THE BANDWAGON
  9. well, here we go again, round 2 this year, i was up there for round one... what are some HONEST opinions about sunday night??? i don't think you guys have a CHANCE, prove me wrong!!!!!!
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