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Gene Frenkle

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Posts posted by Gene Frenkle

  1. On 8/31/2023 at 7:40 AM, Andy1 said:

    The dude needs to retire ASAP. He achieved his legacy - The court is controlled by the right, Roe is gone.


    Yes, look at all of the autonomy he has taken from people. What a great man. We should celebrate his life now because his mind has failed him. Plus, he's far too tame for what the Right has become. Mitch is dead. Lomg live Mitch.

  2. 6 hours ago, TSOL said:



    We get it dude, you support the FBI death squad. 


    Kinda scary, I'm against death squads personally 


    Holy crap, how far down that quabit hole are ya'll gunna go? He made death threats against the president. Going back many, many years, how has this ever been a good idea? He did the thing you're not allowed to do. It's ***** simple. He taunted the world. ***** around and found out. Personal responsibility. Am I doing the right thing right???


    This is crazy town when you disgruntled lunatics are defending this ***** 

  3. On 6/22/2023 at 9:17 AM, SCBills said:

    Maddow used the same defense - It’s a legal maneuver. 


    It’s honestly tiring trying to discuss current events with mainstream propagandized folks, such as yourself…. You look down on everyone else as being sheep while moving in lockstep with the flock. 

    You’d think taking L after L over now debunked propped up media stories, you’d have some sort of awakening, but apparently that’s not in the cards…




    Yeah, she's crap too!

    On 6/22/2023 at 8:20 AM, All_Pro_Bills said:

    I don't typically catch Carlson's podcast but I watched episode 5.  And I'm left curious about exactly what you would characterize as lying in that episode?




    You didn't think he was lying to you when he was lying to you, but he's totally not lying to you now!


    Tucker loves the uneducated too.

  4. 12 hours ago, Chris farley said:

    It's gotta be illiegal to hire based on age.  Imagine the federal and state contracts  have the same terminology in them. 




    It says in the script that you're supposed to be mad about the "white guy" part. An easy mistake to make, no doubt.

  5. 6 hours ago, Westside said:

    Simmer down old lady


    Am I wrong, gangsta?

    6 hours ago, JDHillFan said:

    Any interest in sharing your thoughts on Muhammad?




    Yeah, eff em all!

    6 hours ago, BillsFanNC said:

    @Gene Frenkle


    What is a woman?


    Don't tell me, you're not a biologist.




    Friggin morons.


    Why do you care so much what other people want to do if they're not hurting you or yours, old man?

    4 hours ago, leh-nerd skin-erd said:

    Choose tolerance, Frenx.  And it’s “altar”, ya maroon.  


    It's actually BS, but it's your fairy tale, not mine. Your god is a lie. 

  6. On 6/2/2023 at 10:19 AM, B-Man said:









    Shouldn't that priest have an alter boy or two, for accuracy's sake?


    I love how you morons talk about trans people not being real, but then kneel down every day to a guy who "rose from the dead" like a zombie after three days. Then you celebrate by literally eating his body and drinking his blood like a vampire. You literally believe that. Totally more plausible than someone being trans. No wonder you're all such easy marks.

  7. 3 hours ago, Unforgiven said:







    The Trump Virus




     The Frankish Reich


    Niagara Bill
















    Gene Frenkle



    John Adams





    redtail hawk





    LOL>>>>>> all cancelled .....


    You are one of, if not the stupidest poster I've ever seen on PPP, and I've been here a long time. FYI Carry on.

    1 hour ago, B-Man said:





    But Libs (like Frankie) find that concept too hard.




    You're not far behind, but all you do is post tweets that others write, so not quite there. It is always fascinating to see the sources of your particular brainwashing. Lemming.

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