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Evil Bastard

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Posts posted by Evil Bastard

  1. He was joking. If you are going to have 20 posts you clearly do not know the personalities here so pleasse try to wait until you know a wee bit about a person before calling them an idiot.


    Not saying that RCow is not an idiot.  :doh: I just don't happen to think so.



    Just because I only have 20 posts, does not mean that I have not been lurking here for a while before registering.

  2. I got a good laugh at your comment that you haven't seen anything about republicans trying to stop democrats from voting; why would Fox or Rush report those stories? :doh:


    Las Vegas



    ...and the moral of the story is:


    Both parties will do whatever it takes to win this election, including unethical or illegal tactics.


    For every story like this there is a story about Democrats doing something similar.

  3. EB -- it's going to be a long three weeks around here.  Here's some advice: if there are people who get your blood boiling due to their bitter partisanship and lack of writing anything bordering on insightful (e.g., blzrul), just go to your profile and use the ignore feature.  It has made my time on PPP a lot more productive lately.



    Well, it is fun to see the desperation in the posts of the political hacks like blzrul, Rich In Ohio, tennesseeboy, and Captain America. The mind-numbing stupidity posted just by these four individuals is enough to keep me laughing all day.

  4. Oh boy, the hatred that spews forth from some of you on the right is just downright comical  :doh: !  Bush is on his way out, and the truth hurts dsoesn't it?

    It must be killing you guys to know that Bush is falling flat on his face.  Flame me all you want children, I'll be laughing at YOU on November 3rd.  Gotta run, have a nice day!



    Yeah, there is no hatred coming from the left. Nice try sweetie, but you are continually exposing yourself to be a complete idiot. The desperation in your (collective your) posts is amazing. How can you people actually look at yourselves in the mirror, after posting crap like this?

  5. You see the trouble is, now that there are thousands sources of information, it's to complex to filter it.  Bring back the days when Walter had all the right answers and NYT would only put out news that's fit to print.



    You are correct. There are thousands of sources, but anyone with a brain can filter out the ones with extreme bias. Everyone knows that Drudge will slant the news one way, and the NYT will slant the other way, and both have also been known to make stuff up in order to fit their agendas. Therefore when reading these sources, this must be kept in mind


    Critical analysis takes time and effort. I know that people are too lazy to do it (just look at the majority of people here), but it is necessary in order to fully understand world events. If you just blindly believe what you are told by the boob tube/political candidates/etc, then you are nothing more than a fool.

  6. Christopher Reeves was mentioned by John Kerry last week during debate #2 which of course you well-informed and open minded gentleman watched and dissected.


    If everyone followed your logic and Bush's logic we'd be thinking horsedrawn carriages were riske'.


    Conservatives are such frightened little people. Change is natural and can be good.  And if there were no explorers or people willing to push the envelope where would we all be?


    Probably living in the shadows, afraid.  LIke in The Dark Ages.


    A great Conservative Era come to think of it.  Imagine how people like you would have freaked out over the Renaissance.



    It is amazing how much ignorance and hate one person can squeeze into a single post. What a bitter, miserable, desperate person.


    You must be a barrel of laughs at parties.


    Now, run along. I think some cartoons are on. They are more your speed.

  7. Welcome to my little version of hell.  <_<


    You shouldn't be surprised, it's a disease that affects our entire society.  PPP is simply a microcosm.  Welcome aboard.



    What did you do to deserve this type of punishment? Who did you tick off?


    My God, I would be banging my head against the wall if I were stuck moderating this group of idiots, and were forced to read this stupidity every day.

  8. That would be pretty damn unAmerican.



    What was I thinking? People actually using intelligence to form opinions.


    It seems like a foreign concept to most of the people here. They just blindly accept what their candidate, or the boob tube, tells them instead of actually thinking about the validity of the information they are receiving before forming conclusions.

  9. You mean other countries that were against the invasion of Iraq, and wouldn't aid Bush, might actually be willing to aid Kerry in Iraq?  Whodathunkit?!  <_< 


    Honestly,  and I'm sure I'm not alone in this regard, I believe there will be a lot of countries that Bush has managed to alienate that will be more than happy to renew their allegience with the US on November 3rd when everybody wakes up to a new president.  Kerry will have his work cut out for him tho', there's a lot of Bush damage to undo.



    Of course, if you actually read the article, you will see that Germany (through NATO) is already helping out in Iraq. By why let a little thing like that get in the way of your stupidity.


    Are you related to blzrul? The two of you seem to have the same mentality, which is that you think that everyone else is just as dumb and will believe anything if it is said often enough.


    Keep trying, sweetie. One of these days you might actually be able to analyze the information in front of you, and draw intelligent conclusions instead of just repeating stupidity.

  10. So let's see if I have this straight: the terrorists now have the materials and tools from the Iraqi nuclear program...that was reported last week to not exist.  <_<  :lol:


    THAT is why I stopped paying attention to the TV news years ago...  :lol:



    You have to remember, "logical thought" and "blzrul" do not belong in the same sentence.

  11. This No Childlike Behavior Left Behind is really working. You conservatives seem to have a glaring inability to read, or understand something simple. Kerry never said, implied or insinuated that he thought terrorism was just a nuisance. He said we have to fight it until it becomes LIKE a nuisance. The exact same idea that George Bush has, and said, when he said, "we cannot win it" about the war on terror.


    The best analogy I have heard so far is that it is like piracy on the high seas hundreds of years ago. It was an enormous problem for a long time for a lot of countries. The pirates were fought, and fought, and fought, and after a couple decades or so they were brought under control, and countries didnt have to worry on a daily basis that pirates would overtake their ships. Pirates weren't totally eliminated, and they still exist today, but they are much, much more of a nuisance than a daily threat to our lives and culture and existence. They are contained, like prostitution and gambling are contained. They are still there, they are a problem, but they don't change our lives or alter our nation's or citizens' behavior on a daily basis. It's the same thing Bush wants and the same thing the world wants and the same thing everyone wants. You guys can't understand a simple concept, or simply choose to mislead, misrepresent or outright lie about it.



    Finally, someone who has a brain in their head. Kelly, how do you stand it here with people like tennesseeboy, RichInOhio, blzrul and Captain America? Do you feel like you are on your own island of sanity in this sea of stupidity?

  12. And we wonder why all we ever get from either candidate is canned stump speeches sanitized to the point of having no meaning.  Could it be that if they ever say anything that could possibly be twisted into something ridiculous it is and then propagated from idiot to idiot like a virus that feeds on morons?



    Well, just look at RichInOhio, tennesseeboy, Captain America, and blzrul and you will see the morons that live for this stuff. I don't think that any of them have had a rational thought in years, if at all.

  13. Overall I think that charlie gibson did a decent job with the handling of the debate. I am in general a charlie gibson fan. i understand that the questions cam from the 140 guests, and that charlie reviewed each of them and then decided which ones would be asked....and when. This is what leads to me the problem that I have with his final question.


    The question read:


    "President Bush, during the last four years, you have made thousands of decisions that have affected millions of lives. Please give three instances in which you came to realize you had made a wrong decision, and what you did to correct it. Thank you"

    Now anyone looking at this question and is the least bit honest has to admit that this is a one sided question. It is asked ONLY to the president, and does not even include kerry or his record. Therefore it was intended to put the president on the spot, and leave the door wide open for kerry to continue his rhetoric and slandor against the president. kerry had no danger in this questions AT ALL!!!


    How could a question like this be asked??? Especially as the final question before closing statements? This was wrong, and I think it clearly showed the bias that charlie and ABC has towards the left.


    I was very disappointed......any comments?




    You have got to be joking. There is no way that any person capable of rational thought would come to the conclusion that this is a conspiracy. Keep spinning Einstein. Maybe one of these days you will actually stumble across a coherent thought, instead of your conspiracy theories. You are just as bad as tennesseeboy, blzrul, and Captain America. All four of you are idiots.

  14. HAHAHAHAHAHAHJHAHAHAHAAAAA NOW you're really being funny!!!!!  The Bushistas read a report that says "sanctions were working, there were no WMD's" and they say that proves that Saddam was arming!


    Bushistas read about bombs going off and children waiting for candy being blown to bits and they say "freedom is on the march!".


    And you accuse KERRY of igoring reality?


    I always knew you had your head up your ass but I never realized you were such a contortionist that you could get it up THAT far.


    What he said,  and what he meant, paraphrased, was "wouldn't it be nice if the daily threat of terror could be so far reduced that it wasn't constantly looming".


    Obviously that's NOT what the Bushistas want because, like the Nazis, they've learned how they can use the power of FEAR to control people.


    Neocons are just little frightened people.  Good thing you weren't around in the colonial days or we'd all be drinking tea with our pinkies stuck out.



    It is obvious from your posts, that you are incapable of rational thought. You are nothing more than a political hack.


    Fear-mongering? Now let's see here. Who is the one spreading rumors that Bush will re-instate the draft if re-elected? That would be the liberals. The continued Nazi references? That would be the liberals. Terrorizing Bush/Cheney/RNC headquarters? That would be liberals.


    Keep trying to spin there sweetie. Your desperation is showing, and I can't help but laugh at the lengths you will go in order to try to get people to side with you.

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