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Posts posted by tjwbills

  1. I recommend the Samsung that Directv currrently offers especially if you want to get the Bills games on the ticket. In order to receive the off-air HDTV signals you still need a receiver (along w/ your HD ready TV). This particular receiver seemlessly blends the offair antenna channels with the DTV channels, a combination of HD and digital channels. Its about $300 but I believe you can get it for cheaper if you go through one of your local independent satellite providers. Should come w/ 3 regular room receivers, dish, and off air HD antenna all installed. Good luck.

  2. There's a lot of denial on this board, and that's okay if it makes people feel better, but the honest truth is there is only one reason the Bills are in Buffalo.  That reason is Ralph Wilson.  Sadly the Bills will be gone from Buffalo within 5 years after his death unless a WNY buyer steps forward.   List all the justifictions you want, but there are numerous communities better suited than Buffalo to support a NFL franchise (for weather, population and financial reasons).  Whoever buys the Bills will move the team to their pet location.   Just the way it is.



    Just my 2 cents but actually Buffalo ranks in the top five franchises in regards to profitability and although I think some of your points are valid, ticket sales actually are a major contributor to a franchise's financial success. A close second only to merchandising which Buffalo is very strong in as well. You have to understand the dynamic of a small market team and its involvement with its community and what that means for the league in the long run from a marketability standpoint. Buffalo fans are born and raised regardless of whether the people/fans stay in Buffalo or move to other (warmer?) parts of the country and the NFL knows that. The town is like a highschool and the team is their prep football team. LA is an event town, like a Miami, more transient, less homegrown. Sure they'll sell the place out to start but they had better put a good product on the field year in and year out. The LA deal is a cash decision for the league and its owners and to move any existing franchise just doesnt make fiscal sense when you can add to the overall league revenue as opposed to just reshaping it.

  3. Porkandbeans - No worries, no offense taken, good discussion. I watch all the games in HD and have for a few years. There's no comparison with real life because you cannot appreciate taking in the depth of the action on the whole field all at once, obviously when you're restricted to whatever position the few cameras are in its impossible. If we're on offense you can't see the routes being run out to completion until Bledsoe releases the ball. HD is certainly as good as it gets at home though

  4. A few things I noticed at the game and about the team as a whole yesterday:


    1. Its amazing how fast the game is in real live action, particularly Evans and Moulds.


    2. McGahee doles out punishment everytime he runs the ball and is a very large back. He has the pure speed to get around the corner and run away from linebackers. How often do you see an NFL team run a toss-sweep? Not often, Buffalo ran it at least a half-dozen times because they know McGahee can get around the corner and he did yesterday.


    3. The tailgate before the game always amazes me, the people of Buffalo come together like a family and its great fun. It was FREEZING!


    4. I was sitting a few rows below the club level, and around the end of the first half I hear someone say "look, its OJ" and there he was in all his evilness. He doesnt look real, kind of like a wax figure of himself....what was strange is how everyone clamoured around him and kissed his ass looking for autographs and yelling out "we love you juice". Kind of made me sick.


    5. Tucker and Price played fantastically. Good blocking all day. Big mike had some solid blocks in the running game.


    6. Drew is a very accurate passer who throws to spots on the field. His passes that were dropped whizzed off Aiken and Reed's should pads almost as if they mis-calculated the speed.


    7. Too many Dolphin jerseys in the crowd. I was shocked at how many there were. OT- One kid in a Dolphin jersey got pummeled by a mob of Bills fans for no other reason than his jersey. They were drunk and he was in the wrong place at the wrong time, I hate the Dolphins but these guy's were fricken idiots who should be barred from the Ralph. The poor kid was with his family.

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