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Posts posted by Enemarty

  1. Because he was a chronic underachiever that held back many good Steelers teams. Some folks call him The Albatross and I think that's the best and most accurate assessment of his performance and abilities I've heard yet.

    Most people I know are just laughing and waiting for him to come back into the NFL so the rest of the world can discover what the folks in Western Pennsyltucky have known for years. He's a below average coach that will never succeed w/o the best talent, the weakest schedule and the strongest front office. He'll have none of those things in Buffalo.


    I'm not a fan of Cowher, but to be fair, from what I know of Steeler fans, if they don't win the Super Bowl in a given year, the sky is falling. Talk about high expectations.


    Then again, I'd much rather watch football with Steeler fans than Pats, Cowboys, or Redskin fans. At least they can name the other 31 clubs and know what division they're in.

  2. I guess it's the hiring of Buddy Nix as the GM, after they went after high profile Shanny and Cowher, that makes me laugh. And oh by the way, I'm not the only one, listen to or read up on Sully's recent thoughts on the Buddy Nix hiring. It's like they made a cursery effort to go after the best, and when that didn't work, they stopped interviewing young, sharp minded EXECUTIVES around the NFL, and just handed the GM job to good ol' Buddy who just happened to be already working at One Bills Drive. How could I be the only one to see this? Ralph should have said; "Since Russ and I could not get the coaches we wanted, we have now settled on 70 year old Buddy to do the job for us." Like I said, typical.


    Well, like everyone else in the western world, they probably assumed Shanny wanted a say in GM decision-making, either directly or through his hand-picked GM. So, why would Ralph and Russ pick a GM BEFORE talking with Shanny. Given the title he just took with the Redskins, a sort of co-GM with Allen, Ralph and Russ would have been correct in this thinking.


    Now, the interesting thing is the timing of the Cowher visit and the promotion of Nix. It can be assumed that Cowher may also have wanted final say in GM type decisions. Given that within days after visiting with Cowher, Nix gets promoted, and Cowher has yet to come out and distance himself from the Bills job, the natural deduction is that the Nix promotion may have been floated to Cowher who did not reject the idea. Hmmmm.

  3. Indeed. Actually, based on the precedent, it's guaranteed you won't win the SB. I'd love to see the Bills get an up and comer that has fresh ideas, can manage a game and knows how to maximize his players efforts. I have no idea who falls into this category, lets hope Buddy Nix does.


    I still feel players are 90% of the reason you win in the NFL. If Buddy Nix brings in the horses, and he doesn't have a dolt like Jauron on the sideline, the Bills will win.


    I too would prefer the up and comer approach. But I will say this, the one team over the years that consistently wins with the same tried and true approach, stout defense and run first, is the Steelers. So if anyone has a chance to win the big one with two different teams, it would be the guy that brings that proven approach to his new team.

  4. Buffalo was never on his 4 team initial list. He doesn't see him wanting to be a Big fish in a small pond in Buffalo. He says it is possible if Ralph offers enough money.


    All silly talk. When did Cowher make this 4 team list? How is going to Tampa or Charlotte not a big fish in a little pond? For that matter, how was Pittsburgh, where he spent 14 years, not a big fish in a little pond. Indeed, of all of the cities in play, the only one that would come close to replicating his Pittsburgh experience is Buffalo. For my two cents, but for his wife's desire to stay near her home, Cowher would be interviewing with Buddy and Ralph right now.

  5. No. He is a good player. We need more good players in the league so we can enjoy higher level of plays in the NFL. Otherwise, you should just watch UFL. Just because the Bills get torched by good players doesn't mean we should get any enjoyment out of seeing those players get hurt. We should hope for the Bills to get to their level so that they are competitive.


    agree. UDFA makes good. Nice story.

  6. I think you need to get your head examined. You say some really absurd things. McKinnie will be starting at left tackle in the NFL for many more years. A bust? Nonsense. You were wrong about defending the Williams pick at the time. We get it. So what? It's over, there are no points gained either way. Be a smart fan, not an idiot.


    And for the guy that started this thread.....seriously, give it up. Nobody in their right mind buys this argument. He got benched because he was having a bad game against arguably the most talented(but enigmatic) DE in the NFL.


    Rather than trying to defend the bad picks of this organization, fans should just face the facts. The Bills have made some poor choices in round 1 this decade.


    When you can't protect your QB, you draft the LT, not the RT. When you can't stop the run, you draft the DT, not the SS. When your line play is poor, you don't use the #11 pick on a RB. When you can hardly stock your roster with NFL quality players, don't trade up to fill positions of need with players who don't warrant being drafted there(McCargo,Poz).


    And for chrissake, don't be afraid to trade back. The last time this team traded back in round 1 they ended up with Clements/Schobel/Henry/Jennings on day 1. The excuses people have made to defend this organization are ridiculous. Yeah, there are exceptions to the rule. But the teams that successfully overdraft easily filled positions are teams that already have their foundations in place.


    And lastly, don't let your good players get away in free agency so that you have to waste another 1st round pick to draft a player that MIGHT in 3 years be as good as the guy you are letting go. That is retarded. Either sign them before hand, or pay the market rate.



  7. Well said! Ignorant!! Damn right!! Commoners and their forgiveness....makes my stomach turn just thinking about it.


    I would bring Vick in... Ignorant means having know knowledge or awareness of... I have knowledge and awareness of what Vick has been through. I also believe people can redeem themselves. To err is human. The guy made a serious mistake, poor judgment, and no doubt a product of his environment. What's your excuse?


    Unfortunately, if I had to pick an example, today, to show my son what human beings are all about. I will take the man who has erred, acknowledged his wrong-doing, owned his mistakes, paid the consequences and persevered. I will take that over the guy that judges, makes comments based as much in misunderstanding (true ignorance,) hatred, and rage any day of the week. There isn't a religion, or sane person in the world that doesn't believe in compassion and forgiveness, but there have been plenty of lunatics that believed pure hatred and grudges, and generally their stories don't end well.


    I would like to see who the coward was if Vick were in front of you... would you still call him POS, and throw him over the falls. Because he would still be who he is in front of you. He is a man who's poor judgment was put on trial in front of the world, who's humiliation was a public event. He has been to hell and came back, yours is only known in your head and your heart, and I hope, for your sake, that you can get over it.


    I wouldn't trade Lynch for Vick. Putting our eggs in the Freddy Jackson basket are a bad idea, in my opinion. I would be more inclined to trade future picks. I think that we would need the depth at running back to help with Vick's shortcomings at the QB position. He would be a much better than just a stop gap like a Pennington, while we groomed a young QB to come into this league...the right way.


    This will be one interesting off season to say the least.


    I think Don Beebe would react favorably to this post. :thumbsup: So would Frank Reich. And so would another guy, who I believe has a birthday coming up in a couple of weeks ... although the latter might also advocate going for Clausen, cause you know where he and his father stand when it comes to Notre Dame Football. 0:)

  8. I wanted Orakpo over Maybin.


    But let's get two things straight: Maybin plays DE, Orakpo plays OLB. Maybin plays sparingly, Orakpo is a starter. Hardly a fair comparison. Maybin also missed Training Camp.


    DE is one of the hardest positions to learn in the NFL and Maybin is quite raw but has unlimited potential. He's very talented and once he gains size and experience, as well as adding a few pass rush moves to his repetoire, he'll be a force.


    Remember when everyone lambasted Casserly and the Texans for taking Williams over Bush and Young? Let's give Maybin a chance.


    I was not pleased with the Maybin selection and his season certainly pales in comparison to Orakpo. But I think the direct comparisons with Orakpo are a little unfair. Although, at this point, Orakpo may be the better NFL player, had Orakpo gone at 11 and Maybin dropped to 13, you would not see Orakpo getting 11 sacks on our line and would likely have seen Maybin grab at least 5-6 sacks (maybe more) if he was lining up next to Albert Haynesworth, Andre Carter and Cornelius Griffin.

  9. 1988 vs. the Jets at Rich Stadium. I went to the game as a Jets fan (being 9 years old and born in NYC, and also finding an easy way to piss off my father.) I left as a Bills fan, after Fred Smerlas blocked what would have been a game winning field goal, and the Bills won in overtime to clinch the AFC East for the first time since 1980.




    Having attended that game, where we passed the goal posts up to Ralph, I can see why you left as a Bills fan.

  10. You know Dungy had a pretty mediocre record before he finally struck gold the Colts. Having Peyton Manning in his prime as your QB doesn't hurt. I would not get all sweaty over Dungy.




    I'm not a huge proponent of Tony D, but what?


    TB under Wyche: 5-11, 5-11, 6-10, 7-9


    Dungy comes in and after a 6-10 first year, leads the team to the playoffs 4 of the next 5 seasons, with an appearance in the NFC Championship game in year 4 of his tenure. Tampa was a joke until Dungy arrived.


    As for the Colts situation, it's true that having Manning helped, just like having Jimbo helped Marv. Yep, Tony and Marv, both hired by Bill Polian ... hmmm.

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