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Carmel Corn

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Posts posted by Carmel Corn

  1. Geez, the overall reaction on this board is depressing and ridiculous.  Those who don't like the Allen pick obviously know much more about football than our front office and should have been in the war room instead.  There was nothing we could do within reason to get Mayfield or Darnold, so it boils down to all of you being pissed about not getting Josh Rosen.   Rosen is a good prospect, no doubt but given the status of our o-line, he may get hit again and again.  Two concussions in one season is a big red "flag" concerning his durability.  Believe what you want about his personality, but I wonder about how coachable he is.  Not convinced he is a better long-term option for the Bills.


    I like Allen's size and abilities.  He may take longer to develop, but you all need to give him, our GM and coaching staff a chance to show they know more than us fans.

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  2. I've lived in Indy a long time, but still love the Bills from back in my Buffalo year when Kelly faced Marino. Manning has played on a team built for getting out of the gate fast with a well-coached and fairly well-stocked list of weapons to choose from. Both high draft picks (ex. James, Clark, Wayne, etc.) and lesser draft picks (ex. Collie, Garcon, etc.) have been good contributors. Yes some questionable ones too....Addai, Gonzalez. You could also perhaps question Polians committment to defense and special teams (coverage mainly). The defense was built to play with a lead and to play a system. They were small and fast, not bruisers. I remember a lot of people (including here) saying Polian was nuts for drafting Dwight Freeney as high as he did and based their opinion solely on how Bryant McKinney supposedly handled him in a bowl game (while we selected Mike "bust" Williams). My point is that Polian fielded strongly competitive teams until this year. I wish the Colts would have kept him.


    As far as Manning vs. Marino...IMHO Manning is a better field general/manager whereas Marino was the better pure passer. Both had lightning quick releases....maybe a very slight edge to Marino there. Yes Manning only won 1 SB but the one they lost to New Orleans was more of a defensive failure vs. an offensive one. If I had to pick which one I'd want on my team, I would still have to favor Manning.

  3. Living in the Indy area...you can see this eventually building over time.


    1. QB - already discussed...no quality replacement on the roster in the event the franchise quarterback went down. Earlier in the year, Irsay tweeted about going to visit Favre....wish he actually did.


    2. O-line - definitely a problem right now. Part of it is through loss of starters to other teams, but I think a BIG factor is the loss of Howard Mudd as coach. The Indy line was pretty lousy last year too after Mudd retired. The darn Eagles actually brought Mudd out of retirement this year.


    3. No running game. James Addai has not been very effective and has been often hurt. No quality depth behind him.


    4. Offensive coach - although Tom Moore is still on the roster, he is not the offensive coordinator. That job belongs to Clyde Christensen (who???)


    5. Linebackers - a glaring weakness for multiple seasons. Gary Brackett is not a superstar, but is the best they have...and is hurt


    Sure the injury bug is seemingly worse in other positions, but IMHO I am sorry to say that much of this collapse is self-inflicted.

  4. Indy Dave, maybe you can refute or corroborate this. I've spent considerable time in Indianapolis. My sense is that it will always be a basketball city. The moment that the Colts suffer any type of lapse in their successful run (likely the day after Manning retires), they will find it impossible to fill that stadium, and, in all likelihood, will be moved to another city.


    Winning, of course, sells seats anywhere. But the long-term committment to that team by its fans pales in comparison to Pacers/ IU Hoops support.

    I don't think either team is going anywhere for a long time, but I completely agree with your winning statement.


    I've lived here nearly 20 years and feel that over time Indy has made some progress in moving away from being just a basketball town. The Pacers are actually lagging in attendance, due primarily to lousy teams and pubic disdain for several of the players who act more like criminals than professional athletes.


    That being said, there is no doubt it is still a strong collegiate sports town....having the NCAA headquartered here helps to maintain that amateur sports focus. As far as the stadium itself, no doubt it has that new car smell appeal....but if you get a chance to see it with you own eyes, it really is spectacular!


    Having lived in both places, I still believe that it is hard to match how much the Bills are part of the fabric of the WNY community. As much as Indy has going for it, it will never reach the same degree of following or spirit as the Bills & Buffalo. The best way I can put it is that I've never stopped being a Bills fan, even 20 years later. I like the Colts, but I LOVE the Bills.

  5. I think you're right, that game wasn't exactly exciting by any means whatsoever. If I recall correctly there were several threads started after that game about how boring the Bills were to watch. Indy didn't put up any numbers in that game either, it was a game of only short runs and short passes.


    I've always heard that the RCA dome is the hardest stadium to play at due to noise and crowd involvement.


    I agree....first of all the Bills/Colts game was not a "classic" by any standard....Indy fans can be lulled to sleep during a boring game just like any other stadium. Second, the RCA dome can be extremely loud at times. When the fans are truly into the game, the sound seems to reflect back in and you walk out feeling like you've been to a concert. The key is whether the crowd is engaged or not. IMHO - Indy fans are generally quiet until they have something to cheer about.....actions on the field trigger the crowd noise, not the other way around.


    Indy is still enamored with college and amateur sports, which tends to sometimes distract local sports interest away from the pros. Therefore, when I compare living here vs. my years in Buffalo, I still say that there more passion for the Bills/Sabres than what you see here with the Colts/Pacers.

  6. IMHO - fans here in Indy are a bit less involved with their professional sports teams than other alternatives (ex. college and high school sports). But you have to admit the Bills/Colts game was kind of a yawner for a good portion of it.


    That being said, Indianapolis is buzzing right now.

  7. You haven't been watching indy for the past few years have you? Cato June is an olb for indy. There are never "monster dt's" in front of him. He excells in coverage 10 ints in the past 3 years. and he's a pretty good tackler as well averaging 118 tackles in the past 3 seasons. He'd be a good addition for our defense seeing how we play the tampa 2. Would also be much cheaper then lance briggs


    Actually I do see him a lot...I live in Indy :unsure: . I did error on the position :devil: , however I still stand by my opinion that he is too small and also disagree with you on his tackling ability. Despite the # tackles, his ability to be an effective run stopper is minimal at best. Here's an opinion from PFW:




    Yes he might be cheaper, but I'd prefer to see a more physical presence in the LB corp.

  8. I do not care if it was 50 years ago. If I was a Colts fan back then, I would have a Ravens fan yesterday. :thumbdown:


    I can feel the pain of Baltimore, Cleveland, and Houston. I am not sure the fans cared when the Cards went to Arizona and the Rams left L.A.


    If the Irsays had not fled under cover of a Saturday night, the city of Baltimore would have filed whatever it is you file, to freeze the Colts' assets (eminent domain) on Monday morning, and the Irsays might not have been allowed to move to Indianapolis.


    Modell bites. HOF my ass!


    Yes...it's called eminent domain and the city of Baltimore was threatening to impose it. So you would be willing to be a Raven's fan (had you been a Colts) fan earlier, but does that differ from if you were a Brown's fan before Modell shipped them down to Baltimore? Granted not under a Mayflower scenario, but still an injustice in many people's mind? Doesn't make sense to me you would support being a Raven's fan when the Browns were shipped to Baltimore.

  9. There is no way the Indianapolis Colts should beat the Baltimore Ravens in Baltimore.


    One sign said something like "Irsay family, isn't it time for you to leave?" I know in the end it is business, but when they fled Baltimore it was a like a covert CIA operation!


    Imagine waking up Monday morning, and finding out the Bills and all their stuff left town in the darkness of night in Mayflower vans!


    I really like Peyton Manning and Tony Dungy and a few others on Indy, but...

    It just ain't right! :w00t:

    What a bunch of crap! That was 23 years ago! But you're right, it's a business!

  10. the problem with that is the indy crowd is pumping manning as one of the best ever and the guy is in his 30's and never even been in a super bowl.  of course many teams would trade for him but does he rank in the all time elites like staubach, bradshaw, montana and now brady? no, not even close.  at best right now he's another dan fouts who was all about reg season stats and early playoff exits.  whoopteedoo, bills fans know all too well it's all about winning super bowls since we cam so close 4x.


    I'll be happy to admit that Manning got "happy feet" against the Steelers last year in a game they should have won.....call it choke or whatever. However, as others have stated....winning the super bowl is not the only criteria by which great quarterbacks are defined. Statistics are important too, but in the grand scheme of today's NFL, how many QB's today are actually running their offenses to the degree Manning is? Jim Kelly was that kind of quarterback in his prime and so is Manning today. Defenses are more complex than ever, which truly tests a QB's ability to think like an OC on the field. Manning's accomplishments this year (so far) are even greater in my opinion based his loss of the Edge (Edge was also a good pass protector) and limited play of Brandon Stokley. The Colts lack a defense, and so they have to win by his "laser rocket arm". Finally, I challenge you to find a more "durable" quarterback in the last 5 years.


    Could Manning achieve the same success with our beloved Bills?....No way, but I would like to think he would be the difference between 3 and 5 vs. 5 and 3 start. Polian was wise to build a team around him.

  11. Eli might. :P


    Manning's critics can trash all they want, but who here wouldn't trade Losman+ Holcomb+Nall for either of the Mannings.


    It must be nice to have a GM who knows what he's doing (Polian) and a quarterback who consistently gets you to the postseason. It's been so damm long since we've had either, I've forgotten what it feels like. Until Marv & Company rebuilds the line, none of our QB's will become playoff quarterbacks.

  12. Sorry, as much as I still love the Bills....they typically never play well here in Indy. Everybody knows the Colts are vulnerable on their run defense....perhaps this is the only way the Bills may succeed (by keeping the Colts offense off the field). Sanders' return and is a huge factor at Safety.


    IMHO, Manning is having the best year of his career. I say this because he does not have the Edge in the backfield (besides his rushing ability, Edge was very good at pass protection) and has missed his 3rd receiver (Stokley) for most of the year. Whether or not he can keep this up remains to be seen, but I am more impressed this year than others.


    I predict that Freeney will finally have the game he has been looking for this season (0.5 sacks going into the NE game last night).


    But still, let's hope the Bills can pull one off....may not be the worse thing for the Colts to get beat (for their own good).

  13. Yeah, I don't think we played it right or anything - Bryant McKinnie, while not great, is distinctly a less-bad Mike Williams, and a consensus choice over him.  Levi Jones and Freeny at #4 would have had Mel Kiper cuss out Donahoe on national TV, which shows what he's worth.  Henderson and Reed are great players.  Javon Walker - eh...he got out-caught by Josh Reed for three out of four seasons.  Granted, that's a big injury in there for one of them, and he had one amazing season.  But that was with a yet-uncrappy Brett Favre.  I say he's still got to prove himself.  For a first round pick!



    Hindsight is 20-20, but I sure remember thinking that TD blew it because we needed a LEFT tackle, not a right side player. McKinnie was at least a proven collegiate LT and was being highly touted for neutralizing Freeney. The Bills needed a LT more than a RT at that time (any maybe still do). I know McKinney may have had some baggage or attitude problems....but there's no question which has had a better NFL career to date.


    Picking MW may be right up there with another wasted high 1st rounder.....Tom Cousineau.

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