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Carmel Corn

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Posts posted by Carmel Corn

  1. The Bills could have lost the game if it weren't for the efforts of the 2021 Josh Allen.  We would have certainly lost if we only had the 2019/2020 version of him.  My expectation is that our defense cannot be expected to win us any games, but at best only keep us from losing them.


    The Colts are a really good team and if they still had Andrew Luck, we would have lost.  This defense may get us past a Pittsburgh match-up, but I see no hope of them stopping a Kansas City offense.  

  2. 1 minute ago, whatdrought said:



    I'm devestated to see such a great talent walk away in his prime, but I understand the need to protect your future and your family. I blame Jim Irsay and his idiocy for never protecting this guy. The real loser here is Frank Reich. 


    I think there is a lot of truth to this.  I am for some reason reminded of Barry Sanders retiring 20 years (?) ago....great talent calling it quits surprisingly early.

  3. 3 minutes ago, Binghamton Beast said:


    Obviously I don’t know Andrew Luck but that just doesn’t seem like that is in the cards. He seems like a guy that has seriously thought this through. Hell, I’d be willing to bet the Colts front office begged him not to do it and gave him as much time as he felt he needed before pulling the plug. It just seems he is the type of guy that wouldn’t do this to the team unless he means he’s done for good.


    If you don’t think the Colts tanked you’re delusional.


    And, yes, the Sabres tanked as well.

    My comment was in response to the poster saying that Indy not being a football city and deserving an NFL team.

  4. 6 minutes ago, JR in Pittsburgh said:

    I really like Luck. But that’s Karma for the Colts. They rolled over and tanked for 1 season to land Luck. I have never seen an NFL team roll over so badly than the colts when manning went down. 


    Plus, Indy isn’t a football city— not even sure they even deserve a team, let alone one with 20+ consecutive years with a franchise QB.


    I live in the Indy metro area.  Your comment about the city is BS.  Buffalo (Sabres) can write a book about rolling over and tanking!

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  5. Spoiled self-righteous brats who can think the rest of us really give a rat's behind about their so-called values.   They should be thankful to be in the USA because they are millionaires playing a game vs. rotting away in a less privileged country.  Good for the Prez for telling them they are not that important.  It's about the message and too many of you focus solely on the messenger that you are completely blind to the point.  It's really a shame that so many of you are critical of being a patriot and loving our country, like it's a disease or something.  Pathetic.

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  6. 2 hours ago, JM57 said:

    Tyrod Taylor was a lot of things. He wasn't inaccurate though. He was hesitant and protected the ball to a fault. When he wanted to throw a deep ball, he threw a beautiful one. It wasn't that he couldn't physically throw the ball. He mentally refused to do it.



    Are you kidding me?  Did you notice he could not hit the broadside of a barn against Jacksonville?

  7. 18 minutes ago, Greywolf said:

    I wish people wouldn't respond to others' thoughts on these subjects with versions of "so, you think you know more than pro scouts and coaches?"


    C'mon, we all know that none of us are pros. This is just a fan forum and folks like to give their thoughts on Bills-related issues the same way we do over beers with friends. We don't have to be pro scouts to have some fun.


    Yeah right...FUN is not how it looks to me.  Maybe somebody should check to see if there are any statistics on how many people in Buffalo last night:

    - Threw-up

    - Suffered a heart attack

    - Kicked their dog

    - Destroyed their televisions

    - Beat their wives

    - Hung themselves

    - Etc.


    It's amazing how many people say "this org. has set us back X years", when they actually had some success in just one, yet the fan base immediately wants to stone them to death.  Unbelievable.


    People on this board would not have been happy if Jesus himself was our draft pick. 


    There is no FUN left in Buffalo!


  8. 3 hours ago, BullBuchanan said:

    These types of posts are the most unnecessary and useless of all posts on messages anywhere. You're telling us to wait and see, it could be better than it appears on it's face. Enlightening.


    Sure it could be, but it probably won't. I'm not interested in waiting 3 years to talk about whether or not this was a bad move. If it turns out to be a great pick 5 years from now, that's irrelevant. It was a bad move TODAY. They shouldn't be given a pass if they get lucky and the kid doesn't suck. He sucked in college, badly. history suggests he'll suck in the pros. The Bills had countless chances over the last 2 drafts to grab far more accomplished prospects, and instead they sell the farm for a kid from a farm, that still belongs on a farm. Allen at 12 would have been bad enough, Allen + two high second round picks is inexcusable.

    It was true in 2008 and a decade later it's still true: http://www.espn.com/nfl/news/story?id=3350135


    Simply crap!


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