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  1. Before reading buftex's reply I was going to mention the UT/Mack Brown situation but seeing that he did I just want to add something. Last year he was courted for the DC position at UT and turned it down because he wanted to stay in the NFL.He has said that his ultimate goal is a head coaching job and I have heard is name mentioned in regards to the UT job in the event of Mack Brown's demise. This is all of course rumor and speculation but it's still out there. With that being said I don't think TD's decision had so much to do with timing as it had to do with the fact that he had to do something and this is when it happened. Certainly better after a win than a loss but it would have happened around this time regardless. He's a busy guy with a list of things to do and this is when he got to that one on the list. I don't dislike Gray but I would have liked to have kept Lebeau instead-experience being the main factor. I do think Gray is a guy that learns from his mistakes and makes changes accordingly(unlike GW), and what we've seen from him is only the beginning of a great carreer. Now an aside to buftex- This is my 3rd football season in the Austin area and away from the Buffalo, I get very homesick listening to the postgame on NFL field pass and am wondering if there is a good place to watch a Bills game. I went to Rhino's and Jock's off 183 the first year out of desperation but haven't gone back.Do you know of any decent places to watch a Bills game?
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