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Posts posted by Snorom

  1. TT and EJ have moved the ball about the same but TT is the better runner so it makes sense to start him.

    TT goes through his progressions much more smoothly then EJ and his passes have been timed better, and more accurate overall as well

    Do you wanna know something interesting I'm starting to realize about TBD? If you go to the last page of any thread, there are people arguing with and insulting one other. Seriously, try it. Like every thread.


    its because those who need to argue and debate stick with it for page after page because they can';t let it go.


    the rest of us just move on after the initial discussion is exhausted

  2. For a team that's needed a competent QB for so long you keep all of them IMO



    I completely agree

    OK- so what if a team offered a #1 pick for EJ? Do you make that deal? So many teams are QB starved. I would not be surprised if someone offered a #1

    not happening but if someone did we jump on that.


    then we use our 2 #1's in 2016 to move up and draft another QB who we groom properly this time

  3. it does not reflect poorly on anyone at all.


    actually I view it as a huge positive. making the right tough decisions


    got to laugh.. local media always spinning the negatives for the negative nancies

    Why hate on Whaley? he gave me 5.5 million and i never did squat, during my one year with the Bills.

    On the couch thinking of how to spend my $$$$. I like the dude. I never would have earned another penny if not for Mr.Whaley.

    best regards, Chris Williams



    and your point is


    there was no point

  4. Were gonna have a roster spot for a RB before the season is over with. Anyone think that FJ is on board with being cut now and willing to resign later on when we need him allowing us to not cut another player.


    FJ is a team guy.. and he loves it here. He could very well be back.... He also know his body can't take a full 16 game season



    it may not be as gloomy and doomy as some of you think

  5. If Fred ends up on the patriots, it will be pretty crap overall outcome.

    Not at all. Right now McCoy by a wide margin is way more dynamic a player then Fred was in his prime let alone now


    Kiko would be nice ot have kept but you don't get argualy the best RB in the league for nothing


    very strange that you would feel this way

    Fred will be lucky to last the entire season,


    Pretty hard for Whaley to publicly admit, "He was cut because I am determined to prove to the world that I was right about Bryce Brown!"



    . We have plenty of young talented RB's that are more important going forward as well as players at other positions we would want the roster spot for.


    This dislike for Whaley is pretty sad.. The guy is one the best GMs this franchise has ever had.. One capable of making tough decisions not one to appease sentimental fans


    I'm 1 billion % positive it has nothign to do with Whaley needing to be right. That's poretty laughable

  7. FYI

    Gutlessly, they won't discuss the WHY, citing "competitive" reasons. GUTLESS!!

    Thanks for that Doug Whaley. We know it was a tough decision, we need to know WHY THE !@#$ YOU MADE IT!!!




    easy decision. Fred is older and slower and has had trouble staying healthy.


    The roster space was obviously more important for the plethora of young players we want to keep who we don't want to lose.



    Calling out Whaley is gutless.. If anything Whaley/Rex had the guts to do what needed to be done. And who's to say Fred isn't willing to wait and not sign with another team and get called back when the injury bug strikes. I don't see fred being in a hurry to play for another team

  8. it is called being a fan. Fans are emotional.



    not really. there are rational fans.. I fail to see why this is an issue outside Fred was loved.. but he's older and slower and it makes little sense to keep older and slower over younger faster with less wear and tear just to appease the fan base.


    its about winning championships and tough decisions must be made.


    I have 0 issues with this decision. I'll miss Freddie but it had to happen eventually


    I think the fact that EJM was playing with 3rd stringers was holding him back in the early games. He would have had better stats. That should be factored in. Against the Browns it was a real struggle with some crap play from the backups (those bad snaps were ridiculous), but he managed to keep things together.




    we were down 5 RBs and our top 3 WR's + during that game which should also factor into Taylor's stats ass well

  10. Most reports said Ryan said he might have broken ribs, one report said Ryan said he did and he's out indefinitely. Any clarity on the actual situation? Be a shame if hes lost for any real length of time as they were using him in more phases of the passing game, and we know he can stretch the defense.


    BTW I read Shazier was in on the tackle....hes the one that broke Watkins ribs in preseason last year. I officially hate the guy now



    We have plenty of speed and have 0 need for Goodwin who is always injured and rarely made a play when he wasn't

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