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Posts posted by Snorom

  1. I'd be happier embarassing the jackass... Keep him and force him to show up until his contract runs out.....


    these types of players have to be made an example out of otherwise more players are going to pull the kind of crap Lynch and others pull...


    For a few million there should be no reason not to be here working out no matter how upset you are about your situation.

  2. "Bills RB Marshawn Lynch is not in attendance at Thursday’s voluntary team workout."


    Don't sweat it, Beast Mode will be ready...it is freakin' June...



    This has nothing to do about him "being ready" this has everything to do with dedication to winning and pride of repairing his damaged reputation. Voluntary's are NOT voluntary for characters/players like Marshawn. He has everything to prove to Buffal and the fans about his dedication to the team the city and the fans.


    All this is doing is proving to everyone that Marshawn is scum of the earth.



    but I don't care what marshawn thinks or does anymore... He'll never be a great RB, he obviously is undedicated to that process.

  3. Clausen would of been a horrible choice for Buffalo and would have set this franchise back another 4 years.


    I am exteremly happy we didn't reach for any QB in this draft. teh only QB worth considering in the 1st 4 rounds was Bradford. After that none of them were worth it.


    Levi Brown in the 7th was a solid move. If the Bills are still looking for a QB in 2011 then next years QB class is much much more promising then this years lame ass class of QB's

  4. The next time I see Ralph's wife I'm gonna ask her to play tennis with me, then try to seduce her and make her my mistress. I'll get her drunk with a few Old Fashioned Highballs, then she and I will figure out how we can keep the team when the old man kicks off.


    I've seen her in person, and I can say this will truly be taking one for the team.


    But this is OUR hill, and these are OUR beans.......



    We need more humans like you in this world. Willing to sacrafice for the rest

  5. If it does happen the Bills ticket offices will again be high fiving eachother for another easy year of selling tickets with a mediocre team. :blink:





    Do you really think fans are going to flock to the bills to buy season tickets if they sign a covicted felon ?


    I bet the farm lots of people call up and cancle season tickets if you bring Vick to Buffalo.


    I find it laughable that people are delusional enough to think Vick will increase seaosn ticket holdings. I bet the farm that bringing vick to Buffalo will be a PR nightmare

  6. I doubt the Pats* won't resign the big guy. HOWEVER if they do decide that he won't sign with them they will franchise tag him and trade him. They won't let Wilfork end up with the Jets or Fins (Lets face it he won't come here).



    Only the Fins


    The Jets we're a final 4 team and therefore cannot sign any free agents unless they lose a FA of equal value 1st....


    lots of new rules to play with this year.


    The Patriots also get 2 tags liek all the other teams so I'm sure they will tag him and then trade him like suggested above.


    The Patriots already have about 10 extra picks over the next few years they will be reloaded in no time

  7. per my count only 7 of the 32 teams play in a dome (i left Cowboys toilet bowl off the list, as well as retractable roof stadiums in AZ and Seattle because theyre often left open),



    The Seahawks do not have a retractable roof stadium. it's always open but the seating is covered for the most part by design. Seating near the field level is exposed some


    The mariners however do have a retractable roof ballpark, right next door.

  8. and the next decade will see the Bills build a team poised ot become a playoff contender. Which will be quickly followed by Ralph's passing, and the sale of the team to non Buffalo interest. This team that was poised ot become a playoff contender in Buffalo will now be a multi-superbowl winner in another town/ dynasty (see the example; Quebec Nordiques --- Colorado Avalanche)



    it's Buffalo and we come to expect the biggest and cruelest jokes

  9. Especially when you consider that, absent a new CBA, he'll be only a RESTRICTED FA. Houston can retain him with a minimal tender offer of just over $2M, and any team wishing to sign him would have to give up a 1st and 3rd round pick.



    yep the CBA rules change this year.


    All players must have 6 years before they are considered a UFA and all teams can use 2 franchise and/or transition tags this offseason.


    There will be slim pickings on the FA market

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