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Posts posted by Cheeseburger_in_paradise

  1. Suicide bombers, on foot and in cars, have been concentrating on police recruiting facilities in Iraq:


    In February they killed 47 in Baghdad at a recruiting center.

    A few days later, another 53 killed just south of Baghdad.

    In June, they killed 35 waiting to join the Iraqi military.

    On July 28, they killed 68 at a police recruiting center in Baqouba.

    They killed 20 at a police training facility in Kirkuk earlier this month.

    Another 47 killed yesterday in Baghdad waiting to sign up with the Police.


    That is 270 people we couldn't protect even at known, obvious targets like police and army recruiting centers.  I am no expert on anti-suicide bomber tactics so I am not suggesting that there is some way to prevent these.  Quite the contrary.  How long is it before we start seeing these kinds of attacks here in the US?  Do we really think that the reason we haven't so far is due to our vigilance rather than a decision by AQ to not use them here....yet?


    Are we ready for life like this?


    Amended, 9/14/04 10:09 pm:


    12 killed in police van (11 officers and 1 civilian)in Baqouba, attacked by gunmen.

    Oil pipeline junction was blown up today in Beiji, 155 miles north of Baghdad.


    Make that 282 dead.



    I listened to Daniel Moynahan speak back in the early 80's, when we were fresh with our own troubles in Iran, and the gist of what he had to say was , "you ain't seen nothin yet."

  2. THANK YOU. Nothing iritates me more than accusing me of being a bobble head! :doh:


    The US policy of containment of Saddam's power seemed to me to be working, and the United Nations were still continuing inspections up until RIGHT before we invaded. The whole basis for going to war was the WMD and THEN the 'democratization' of Iraq. They CONVINCED most in Congress that the WMD threat was deadly serious... told us that Al Qaeda was ASSUREDLY being supported by Saddam. BOTH of these reasons, which turns a containment policy into a policy of 'must remove', were just NOT proven to be true... that's my beef. We didn't HAVE to attack then...


    As far as Iran goes, any country that begins and ends their proceedings with "Death to America" has got my vote as a country we should ACTUALLY go after. Their government OPENLY wishes harm on us, and HAS the WMD materials, as verified by the UN. Do you think the young have a shot? They just are as they are in China.... a dissident voice that isn't making any major govt changes of note.


    I know about the North Korea situation, and how the pressure by other countries on its borders keep it in line, no matter how blustery they get. That doesn't make them any less dangerous... I am really hoping we stop toying around in Iraq with people's lives, and get on with business...


    GAME TIME!!!!


    GO BILLS!!!!



    I think it is possible Iran was our next point of focus militarily, if the weapons in Iraq had been found. By the way, the did exist at one time. Iraq never gave proof they were destroyed. Because there are so many detractors to the Iraq war now, because Iraq does have nukes, and because the politics of the region are under different pressures now, I'd have to say it's not as likely.


    Sorry if your conclusion about the evil George Bush wanting to Invade Iraq for a grudge or for personal reasons, just so happens to mirror the tired and and relentless and organized bull stevestojan attacks from the left that have been answered and addressed many times, for those willing to listen.

  3. Why NOT? Bush supporters advocate going to Iraq and ridding the world of a dictator, and bringing democracy to other countries, but its NOT OK to do that with North Korea and Iran, countries who pose a REAL THREAT to us? Come on now... we should expect some consistency here!!! Who are the REAL sponsors of terrorism, and the REAL threats in the world? Certainly not Saddam... what happened to the diplomacy in Iraq? I'll tell you what happened to it... it went out the window because they KNEW it was an easy target for us to roll over, and they provided the excuse.


    Damn it, Kim Il Jong is INFINITELY more dangerous than Saddam would have EVER been contained like he was! Iran is salivating at the prospects of sponsoring as many terrorists as possible, and we are supposed to just sit back, and let the UN handle things?? Hell with it, invade Iran, and take them out since they ACTUALLY HAVE WMD! What's the matter, since we are there, let's do it!


    I'll tell you the MAIN REASON why we don't do it... because Saddam was #1 on GWB's target list, no matter WHAT danger the others posed... and he was DETERMINED to do it, no matter what the cost. Brilliant! Now we have eliminated someone who isn't even CLOSE to the root of the threats against the US, comparatively speaking!!



    Part of the rational to Invade Iraq, was to do so BEFORE he had nukes. Because Sadam had never had a weapon that he did not use. Your fantasy DNC talking point about a personal grudge works about as well as O.J.'s looking for the real killer.

  4. I don't mind saying that I'm surprised to read this from you. I don't mean this to become political...I swear I don't...but you lean more to the left to me, yet you mention we are trying as hard as we can. Are we not trying hard enough? Do you feel that Kerry will do a better job fighting this than Bush? Again...I'm not picking a fight. I'm just asking a couple of questions because I was truly surprised to see this comment from you.



    It's called the big picture. Some get it sooner than others.

  5. Has anyone yet managed to point out that '60s vintage typewriters and modern computers print to paper differently?  A typewriter uses impact printing, ink- or laser-jet doesn't.  Ergo, a typewriter disrupts the fiber of the paper around the letter, and will show clear evidence of the impact.  The ink's different too...typewriters use a ribbon, ink- and laser-jets use dyes.


    So is this whole discussion simply about fonts?  Or has anyone done any real work looking into the issue?  :doh:



    There was a forensic analyst being interviewd that with old typerwriters there was equal spacing. Meaning an "I" took up as much space as a "M." The document in question adjusted these spaces, just a s modern word processors do. Though there was a typerwiter on the market back then that could do this, it wasn't widely used, especially in government. And where was this document four years ago? Maybe it hadn't been invented yet.

  6. Yeah, nothing better than reliving wounds later in life.  Kerry: "Hey, anybody around here want to get me bleeding on film.  Thanks."  That makes sense.


    Some of the questions asked here are so unbelievably stupid that the word just isn't strong enough.



    Just proving what happens when you ask a stupid question.

  7. Are you under the impression that there was a camera crew following Kerry around?  Why would anyone take film of their wounds?  If he did so his detractors would be saying he joined and got injured to advance his political career.  There was one wacko on Hardball a couple of weeks ago that was even speculating without proof that he shot himself to create the wounds.  Who ever heard of someone deliberately filming their combat wounds?



    More good reasons.

  8. You should study scripture in context. Let's start with "Render unto Caesar what is Caesar's," - Matthew 22


    The rest is "And render unto God what is God's." Jesus was answering a trick question. The Pharisees were trying desperately to win an argument with Jesus, somehow publicly to humiliate him. The depictions of Caesar on Roman coins was offensive to the Jews, whose own coins bore no such human likenesses lest they break the commandment about graven images. But the Romans demanded they pay their taxes with Roman coins. The Jews hated paying taxes to the Romans anyway, of course, because they were paying for the Roman magistrates who ruled them and the Roman soldiers who oppressed them. So the Pharisees were asking Jesus a trick question. "Is it lawful to pay taxes to the emperor, or not?" Meaning, of course, lawful before God, faithful to the Torah, which ruled out graven images altogether. If Jesus said, "No, it is unlawful," the people would be happy. But the Romans might arrest him for sedition. As far as they were concerned, Roman law took precedence over God's law. If Jesus said, "Yes, it is lawful," the Romans would be pleased, but the people would see Jesus as a puppet of the Romans and a traitor to God.


    Jesus called for a coin. "Whose image is that?" he asked. "Caesar's," they snarled. "Then give Caesar what is Caesar's and give God what is God's." Clever! And we've been trying to set the boundaries for church and state ever since.

  9. But they were in color so they MUST be forgeries.  After all, everyone knows color wasn't invented until the 1970s.



    My original question, though somewhat facetious, had a sincere point. If there were cameras there, why no film documentation of the three, count em, three purple heart wounds. I think we can all draw our own conclusions. Because they wern't that serious and there was nothing to see, is mine. Even if they were a legitimate ticket home. If you want to carry on about when the color typerwriter or whatever was invented, I doubt many will take your word on it. Maybe there's a lemming board somewhere that you can go swim in.

  10. Camcorders weren't invented yet.  8mm cameras that could record a couple minutes of pictures on a reel were commonly used back then.  Many Americans had them.  My family still has old film of family picnics.  Alot of the soldiers took them to Vietnam to record their experiences.  I wouldn't expect that someone would be thinking of using it when they are in an active firefight or when they get wounded.  All the tape you see of Kerry were taken by others and given to him.



    I had understood the camera was his. But I did not know that. So the story about the re-enactment was with someone elses camera. O.K.

  11. I'll admit the Repubs are pretty goddammned good at this.  But they had help.


    The Swift Boaters come out with a bunch of lies and it takes the supposedly liberal media three weeks to beat them down with the weight of evidence.


    These documents come out and within 24 hours the supposedly liberal media is falling all over itself to try to show they're forgeries.


    Christ, people.


    1.  Times New Roman was invented in 1932.  It is not an exclusively "word processing font."


    2.  IBM had proportional spacing as early as 1941 and it was widely available during the 1960s.  The "experts" (who, by the way, have now been outed as partisans) say things like "only a few typewriter models had this capability."  Yeah, like the IBM Selectric, which was only the fuggin Microsoft Windows of office typewriters in the 1960s and 1970s.


    3.  The Selectric had font balls with proportional spacing, Times Roman-like fonts, and superscript "th"s.  All this is easily looked up.


    4.  Who do you think might know more about what Killian was thinking about George Bush in 1973 -- his widow, or his superior?  Col. Hodges has already said that the documents reflect Killian's sentiments at the time.


    Most people in the media hate Dan Rather and would love to embarrass the stevestojan out of him.  They also hate that they got beat on this exclusive.  That's what's driving this forgery stevestojan, folks.  Not the truth.



    Or...it could be a forgery.

  12. Boston Globe today reports that records that were released under the Freedom of Information act that George W. Bush never finished his military service in the National Guard.  He apparently just stopped showing up when he was scheduled for duty.  He blew 'em off to go to college!


    Oddly enough, the penalty for not showing up was an instant promotion to active duty, and a likely trip to 'Nam.  Never happened though.  I guess somehow they felt they didn't need W in 'Nam.


    But hey, why bring up the past?  What's done is done right?  That was a long time ago and I'm sure W feels real sorry and won't do it again.  I mean it's not like he exagerrated his wounds to get some medals, right?  He just deserted!!





    Well, if he truly was derelict in his duties back in '73, and needed to be diciplined and sent to Nam for this, except for the pow's and MIA's, he'd have been the only one there. Give us a break please. Of course, if we could have sent him , he'd be dead, and out of your way. JHC.

  13. Ok then let's talk about Bush being MIA, Bush's stealth record increase in medicare, Bush's record deficit and all those dead soldiers.


    Naw, let's not go there.  Let's talk about how Kerry looks like a tree.


    Little things for little minds.  All I have to do is start a thread and up they pop like mushrooms!



    Get your Soros check today?

  14. Bush has united the world against us


    I know that most of you are unilateralists, but Bush 43 has no idea how to build a real coalition compared to Bush 41.  Further, if we are going to fight a War on Terror, we really are going to need as many allies around the world as we can get.


    It would be interesting to compare these numbers with the numbers in the aftermath of 9/11.



    Like I said before, the only nation not with us this time that was with us in Gulf War I, is France.

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