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Posts posted by Cheeseburger_in_paradise

  1. And I pointed out no less than ten different issues in which the democrats reflected exactly her views. It didn't matter to her.


    Now you're starting to get it. 


    In your hurry to agree with her, you are not exactly using a critical eye for anything she says.  Maybe if you read her post as closely as you read mine, you might see some of the contradictions which are so obvious I can't believe you are missing them.  I can only conclude that you are just ignoring them as they might get in the way of your already made up mind.


    Not agreeing, just understanding.


    Her 6th and 7th point for instance complain about Bush haters and post election anger at the red states.  Where is the balance?  If this upsets her, then why was the same and even worse from Bob Jones, Dobson, Limbaugh, Hannity, Coulter, Schlesinger etc, etc, etc, etc, etc not enough to keep her from voting for the party she whose platform she says she rejects almost in total?  That doesn't seem to you to be at all inconsistent?  Tell me, since I don't get it and you do, why this is not inconsistent?


    Dobson?  You got to be kidding.  I don't think any of those, except for maybe Coulter sunk to the same level as the Bush haters.  But that's just me.



    Her 4th point, well Kerry said over and over and over and over that he wouldn't put our national security in the hands of any other nation.  Not good enough for her.  What was he supposed to do?  Slice his palm with a switchblade and swear a blood oath?  You don't see her comment that she learned in "high school" that you don't put stock in what other people think to be just a tiny bit dismissive and naive?  Kerry wasn't talking about smoking a joint because your friends are, he was talking about having allies in a wartime effort.  Any fool who has even a vague understanding of military history understands that all things considered, it is better to have allies than to not have allies.


    We had allies.  Everyone that participated in Gulf War I, except for France.  Plus some new ones that were formally part of the Soviet Union.  Germany didn't help with Gulf War I.


    She is worried about taxing the rich yet she thinks all those programs that helped her poor friends were worthwhile.  Again, you don't see an inconsistency there?


    And those programs are not going away because Bush is President.


    She isn't explaining her vote to us, she is explaining it to herself so she doesn't have to take responsibility for the consequences of her vote, the election of a President and a party with which she entirely disagrees.  I agree with her on one thing, that kind of sophistry really does need explaining.  I can see why she felt the need to draft an open letter explaining why, although it looks on the surface that she is an idiot who voted against he own views, it is really the fault of the democrats for not finding a way to appeal to her contradictions.


    Illustrates her point perfectly.  She doesn't agree with you about everything, so she is an idiot.  I love it.


    See, Bush isn't her fault and if Roe gets overturned and all this other stuff she does not want to see happen happens, these "dumbest ideas ever", it aint her fault now is it?  She needs to take some personal responsibility, she voted for Bush, fair and square.  I can live with it.  So should she instead of rationalizing it and discovering that surprise, surprise, turns out it isn't her fault after all.


    She is no snake handling evangelical.  She just votes like one so pardon me if I don't really care that deep down there is a difference.  She is like all these "moderate republicans" who are pro-choice, against banning gay marriage and support separation between church and state.  Who cares if they are or are not?  Those are not issues important enough to them to effect their voting so who cares if they are pro-choice or not?  Who cares if they are gay lovers or gay bashers?  The result is the same.



    Did you know Billy Graham is a life long Democrat?

  2. Lets see, to get her vote, all we have to do is fund those welfare programs she likes that kept her starving friends alive.  Wait a second, we did.  Oh, I see, we taxed the rich to do it and she doesn't like that.  Maybe in her next letter she will tell us how to pay for those programs.


    We also have to be pro-choice and pro civil unions.  Wait a second, we were.

    We have to be against privatizing social security.  Wait a second, we are.

    We have to be for a higher minimum wage.  Wait a second, we are.

    We have to be against flat taxes and a fed. sales tax. Wait a second, we are.

    We have to be pro-union. Wait a second, we are.

    We have to be strong on protecting the environment.  Wait a second, we are.

    We have to be for separation between church and state.  Wait a second, we are.

    We have to be for rolling back the excesses of the Pat. Act. Wait a second, we are.


    Oh wait, people were rough on the President unlike the kid gloves treatment oh so gentlemanly conduct of the Republican party.  Ann Coulter writes a book accusing every democrat in the nation of treason and it is the left that is disrespectful.  John Ashcroft accused everyone who thought maybe the Patriot Act went further than necessary of sympathizing with terrorists and it is the left that is vitriolic?  Perhaps she is the one person in the world who has not heard of hate spewed by Rush Limbaugh, Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell, Bob Jones, Dobson, Coulter, Hannity, Liddy or Schlesinger over the last 12 years or so.  Yeah, the left finally fought back and started to give as good as its taken, shame on them. 


    We should just do what Bush did to get her vote.  Take the exact opposite of every position she holds, eschew her every value, smile a lot, wave some flags and repeat 9/11, 9/11, 9/11.  That ought to do it.



    She expressed seven clear points of what NOT to do. You're still not going to get it, though.

  3. I wish I could e-mail the woman who posted that letter which seems more and more idiotic everytime I read it.


    She is pro choice and for gay marriage and yet voted essentially to over turn Roe v. Wade and ban gay marriage.  Why? Because she was upset about the constant drum beat of Kerry's Viet Nam service.  Hmmmm.......However, she didn't seem to care about the constant drum beat of 9/11, 9/11, 9/11, 9/11 of the right.  She was upset by all the "I hate Bush" stuff yet the swifties and flip-flopper attacks that dominated the conservative air waves for 3 months didn't seem to phase her.

    She thinks privatizing social security and elimenating the income tax are two of the dumbest ideas she has ever heard yet, she voted for the guy whose mission it is to make those ideas a reality.  Why?  Because she found Kerry's positons confusing.  Ummm, okay.  She had "confusing" on one side and "dumbest ideas ever" on the other and she opted for "dumbest ideas ever". 


    She has wept at the sight of innocent Iraqis killed in this war by bombs built with her tax dollars but, so what?  She still thinks it was the right thing to do.  She doesn't agree with Kerry's interest in allies because she learned in school that other peoples opinons don't matter.  Apparently she slept through history class and never learned the value of allies in war from the Revolutionary War where the help of France was the deciding factor and the Civil War where the lack of allies billsfanone the South. 


    She voted for Bush because he has clearly defined values even though they are values with which she does not agree.   :angry:  :doh:  :blink:  :doh:


    Pleeez.  Sounds like a guilty conscience looking to rationalize having voted for a whole mess of things she is against.  When Roe v. Wade is overturned I guess she will blame Kerry for that because he was a Viet Nam vet. :w00t:



    She's telling your side how to get her vote, and you continue to illustrate her point. Insults. I for one am glad you will never get it. BTW-the bush hatred people outspent the swifties 50-1.

  4. Of course, you also have to consider that we have far greater opportunity to speak out against people like Jim Jones than most Muslims do against terrorists.  A Western cult does something stupid, you have thirty thousand under-employed mini-cam toting reporters brought up under a tradition of free press roving the streets of America looking for reaction.  How many "man in the street" interviews have you ever seen out of Amman or Islamabad? 


    Most Muslims are just like any other person in the world: just trying to make a living.  Unlike us, however, they try to in a culture with a long tradition of hammering down nails that stick up.  Doesn't make for a very vocal opposition, no matter how widespread.




    There are muslims here. Over 200,000 in Detroit alone. And they say nothing. Horse hockey.

  5. Like criticizing Christianity on the basis of Reverend Jim Jones or David Koresh.  Extremists are not representative of any given overall population.  That's why they're called extremists...



    Except for the minor detail that Christianity abhored those events. Islam and it's leadership does not care.

  6. It'll be funny when that stuff starts dripping down his face tonight. Hot lights and all. :)



    They've got these new spray-on tans now, but the work pretty good from what I've heard. If he's orange, maybe he used that stuff that's been around for years- Q.T. (Quick Tan). That stuff always makes you kind of orange. But it doesn't drip off. Actually, I heard the Bush people wanted the room temperature during the debate set at 70 degrees, but the Kerry people wanted it set lower because Kerry apparently sweats a lot.

  7. I didn't bring it up FIRST, it was one of your right-wing compatriots, Chez Electorate! Just stating a FACT.  :)



    You wouldn't recognize a fact if it bit you in the ass. You say Bush used the word sensitive before Kerry, as if he had used it in the same clumsy way, bringing absolutely no context or credibility to your argument. You pounce on MichFan for lumping you in with the libs when he never directly did so. Why would you become so defensive? You've accused me of saying things I did not say. You have swallowed liberal positions hook, line and sinker. And have learned how to regurgatate them. But you're not partisan.

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