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Posts posted by djh

  1. get your fact straight before you open your month. It's ok to criticize a player, but get the fact straight.  :lol:



    Get the facts straight ??? There is no way in hell he threw over 30 yards like you said.......check the facts before you open your piehole.



    Would you pick him at the eighth spot???



  2. I could be wrong, but wasn't that play on 4th and 9 against Notre Dame a pass over 30 yards???  :D  No offense but comparing players from previous eras is silly to me.  Just like it is stupid to compare JP to RJ.  Each player is unique.  And for the record, I don't think Leinart will be a superstar.  However,I believe he will be a very solid starter for many years.  As a QB, winning football games is a very underrated statistic.  And nobody did a better job than Leinart.  Conversely, the fact that Cutler didn't win many games would scare me away as well.  Anyway, that's just my two cents.  :lol:



    On that 4th & 9....it was a perfect pass. Buf for about 7 yards with 20 to 30 yard run.

  3. Leinart 'dropping' would be him falling any lower than #3.  You can debate all you want about Leinart simply being a function of a winning team, but the fact is, he was 37-2 as a starter, and lost both games by 3 points.  Ask Hollywood Donahoe and AKC about their 'Brady wins' vs. 'the system wins' arguments...Leinart playing at USC is the same thing.  While clearly they had the best players, over the course of 37 victories, your QB is going to have to do something special to win a few of those games.


    I could see him taking a year or two, but then being very successful, a la Drew Brees (another weak-armer out of the draft).




    Tenn would be the only team ahead of Buffalo that should take Leinart. Chow (tenn coach) knows him better than anyone, if he passes on him....he'll prob drop out of top 10.


    It's interesting how there was speculation that he would be the #1 pick overall last year....looks like staying at USC cost him big $$$$$$$.......we'll see.

  4. Matt was impressive with a great team around him.


    - 5 seconds to pass

    - Lendale White blocking as RB

    - Reggie Bush to dump off for 3 yards & run for 40

    - Big TE

    - Big WR's


    but he rarely threw deep. One reason is he didn't have to. Second reason, his arm is weak. At his USC pro workout last week, Leinart had trouble hitting deep passes..........WITH NO DEFENDERS. SCARY!!!


    Cade McNown was awesome in college but was exposed in the windy town of Chicago. Forget Chicago, he didn't have an NFL arm....similar to Leinart. In Buffalo, we have a weak OL, questionable TE's; ok WR's; good RB; ok FB. JP would run circles around Leinart on a level playing field.


    At Tulane, JP had zero offensive line. The reason JP did so well is that Tulane's coach was smart enough to play to JP's strength's & not pigeon hole him into a system...(like Mularkey). For GOD's sake, Mularkey & TD were to ignorant to not use a frickin' roll out with JP. That should be a given, but the coaches screwed up 90% of decisions last year. Movin' on....looking forward to Juaron's (or anyone else's) style of coaching!!!


    So.....if Leinart drops (which he should), don't cry if Buffalo passes on him at the eighth spot. It would just mean that Buffalo mgmt & others did their homework.


    Bottom line....Buffalo needs linemen....esp. O-Linemen!!!

  5. Token Interview.... <_< 





    D.C........here's the article.............




    More on the Coaching Changes



    Karl Dorrell By Tracy Pierson


    Date: Jan 19, 2006


    There is more information that has surfaced about the potential changes to the UCLA football staff, including one current coach potentially leaving for a better opportunity, a former UCLA star possibly returning, and more about the defensive coordinator position...


    Much of what we've heard jibes with some of today's reports, such as the one in the Daily News. But we also have some information that differs from the Daily News, and additional information.

    As we reported yesterday, a current UCLA coach is being considered for a better coaching opportunity. Yesterday, this coach was out of town interviewing for an NFL coaching position. We've heard the chances of this coach leaving the UCLA staff are relatively good.


    In regard to the defensive coordinator position, as we alluded to yesterday, Jerry Gray, former Buffalo Bills Defensive Coordinator, is interested in the job, but we've heard he was balking at the salary.


    Unlike what the DN wrote, we've heard that former New York Giant DC Johnnie Lynn is not being considered.


    We have also heard the name Ted Cottrell mentioned. Cottrell is the former Minnesota Vikings Defensive Coordinator who was recently let go when new Vikings Head Coach Brad Childress was hired.


    As we confirmed yesterday, Ken Norton, the former UCLA linebacker and current USC linebacker coach, is a candidate for a linebacker coaching position. Former Defensive Coordinator Larry Kerr was also the linebackers coach, so the linebacker coaching position opened up when Karl Dorrell fired Kerr.


    We've heard actually that UCLA has offered Norton the job. But we've also heard that an NFL team is interested in Norton.


    There are still a number of staff positions that could change besides DC and the linebacker coaching position. First, if the one coach does leave, his position would have to be filled. And as we reported, there is also a very good possibility that other coaches could either be let go or moved to other responsibilities. We've learned, in fact, that an out-of-state candidate was in Westwood yesterday interviewing for a coaching position that is currently filled.

  6. Too much stuff has happened.  If Clements is gone and possibly Jerry Gray and other assistant coaches as well, who will want to be on MM's staff with so many other openings available and so much uncertainty in Buffalo?  What free agent will be interested in Buffalo under these circumstances, particularly after considering MM's problems with some veterans this year (Adams, Moulds and McGahee)?  What about the players?  They seemed to question play calling and other decisions (i.e., the qb situation).


    With the MM decision playing out so publicly and it being clear that he was almost fired, I am not sure how he can be brought back with any confidence.  This situation is bizarre.



    First, MM can't have Eric Moulds running the team. MM has got to sack up & take over. The veterans ran all over MM this year.


    What's he gonna do different next year ????

  7. If Vincent broke his leg on purpose than he should have been suspended by the team.  If MM let him get away with that, then it's no wonder the Bills are they way they are.  This all goes back to Mullarkey.  If JP is being a dork, MM should sit him down and set him straight.  If his teamates are giving him crap, MM should have nipped it in the bud.  Bad coach...very bad coach.






    I'm sure he didn't mean to break his leg.


    FACT.....J.P. urged the coaches not to discipline Vincent.

    They were rumored to cut Vincent last year.

  8. Think about it.  Does anyone think that JP can't beat the Jets, if he's healthy?  Look at what he did to Miami IN Miami, for crying out loud.  I don't know, can you blame the defensive performance in that game on JP, because the players "didn't respond" to him?  Maybe you can blame Eric for having a tantrum (and maybe Eric should have spent the off-season in Buffalo working out with JP, like Lee did), but I doubt that situation repeats itself again.  So the only thing I can surmise is that JP is truly injured.  The coaches and TD want to win this game so as to at least give them SOME hope of returning (if they lose to the lowly Jets, they're goners for sure), so starting a healthy Holcomb versus an injured JP is a no-brainer.



    J.P. is fine. MM just trying to save his job. If J.P was only 75%, he should still start.


    2006 we're gonna need six more games under JP's belt to get him ready.....or give up on J.P. Pathetic football team any way you slice it.

  9. We all know how it played out, Pittsburgh selected Roethlisberger two spots before Buffalo and we still found a pretty good player in Lee Evans. We then traded back into the first to get JP. 


    The question I'm posing is do you think JP was always the guy they targeted, or would TD draft Big Ben if he’s around at #13? Also knowing what we know at this point, would you rather have Lee Evans, and JP Losman, or Rothlisberger?



    Doesn't matter. You could pick up Joe Montana instead of Lee Evans.....either way, the O-Line sucks!!! Oh....did I mentioned Josh Reed is still on the Bills?

  10. JP hit it off with all receivers (except one) going into camp.

    For some reason, Moulds & JP claimed their timing wasn't quite there yet.


    McGahee & others backed JP big time, Moulds not really.


    A big mis-communication last game. Moulds cut his route short, JP didn't get the memo.....JP interception.



    NOW....Moulds lets the cat out of the bag.



    Does Moulds have something against JP?

  11. This is an interesting thread cause there does seem to be differing opinions on exactly what this Offense is, and how much is being asked of JP. Terrell Davis said last night on The NFL Network that Defenders he spoke with said the Bills Offense is too predictable mostly due to the fact that it is the exact same Offense as last Year with a different QB...


    Butch Davis seemed to back up this claim last week (also on The NFL Network) when he said he was surprised to see the Bills were running a full Offensive Package with JP at QB. Davis seemed to think JP was just too raw to make the correct reads/throws.


    After last Sundays Game I commented that besides the occasional designed Roll Out and QB Draw, this is basically the exact same Offense, and Offensive philosophy as Last Season. This is Mularkey/Clements...it's who they are...And if we can all just dial back the clock to a year ago we would remember that the exact same comments were being made about this Offense with Bledsoe at QB...Especially where committment to the Run was concerned...The Winning streak washed away much of that criticism, despite the fact that the Offense (outside of McGahee) struggled most of the Year...


    I think it was Eric Moulds this past week that said the Team that makes the best adjustments in Game will be the Team that Wins...Well I believe (and sure I could be wrong but...) that The Bills are suffering from Mularkey and Clements lack of ability, or willingness to change...or adjust if you will...These Guys WROTE this Offense, and Offensive philosophy...And it seems as if they are willing to stick it out even if it means they lose their Jobs because of it. This is a Pass to set up the Run, Gadget Play Offense...There is NOTHING Smash Mouth about Mularkey's Offense, or Offensive philosophy...Nothing...



    Good points. We don't have a Deon Sanders or that type of player. But as a coach you should put your players in a position to succeed, as opposed to, having players fit your offensive scheme.


    Maybe J.P. for Rivers isn't a bad deal. JP is a West Coast offense & Rivers is a traditional drop back.

  12. I had to work sunday and didn't get to watch the game live. So I was listening to the game off sirius the buffalo feed and got a different perspective... Anyway murph would call the play and vanpelt would chime in after play fell apart and constantly over and over and over again play after freakin play his comment would be loseman had to dump it of to the running back all the rec's were covered no gain or repeatidly at least 4-5 times I heard vanpelt say the pass was off target to MOLDs because molds hesitated coming out of his break or molds didn't seem to run out his route,

    it was unbleivable,,this coming from a former QB....constantly ...well murph molds could only get a hand on the ball because ect....ect...ect... after watching the game on tivo today I could see alot of what he was talking about but the tv announcers were totally ripping on jp....I would suggest people listen to the radio and watch the game this week and listen to the difference in the analysis from vanpelt it has more validity in my mind ,,,TV peolpe are LAZY and stupid, always have, always will....just my opinion..........




    Being in California, I have to resort to listein to the radio via the internet. I been hearing the same thing from Van Pelt. Receivers not getting open. Is this true, not true or somewhat true.


    From what I hear from the Tampa defense & the Saints defense it appears to be right on. They somewhat know our plays & have been jumping the routes.

  13. This is exactly what the brain trust told us all summer they were going to do...Limit his mistakes ect. ect. then why draft this type of qb thats been my question all a long .... jp is a runnin gunnin  type of qb thats why green bay was going to draft him to replace bret until the genius traded up and then decides to change his style of play... I say let him play his game at least it would be more exciting then what they have him playing right now and if it results in a loss ,whats the difference we can do that already......I think it may be to late ,,his head is full of mush right now,,OVER COACHED!!!!!!!!!!



    I don't think JP's style is the problem, it should be an asset. How many fans anticipated seeing designed rollouts (to help our weak OLine) this year? They used it during the exhibitions, but not in the last four games.


    We're basically a smash mouth offense .... but we're the one getting smashed.

  14. On NFL Total Access tonight. According to Saints linebackers & secondary, the Bills offense is very predictable. The linebackers were able to creep up anticipating the predictable plays. The Saints defense were quoted as stating that it seems J.P. is being "harnessed". J.P. is not doing what he does well, be a playmaker on designed rollouts etc.


    This is coming from an un-biased opponent. Basically they seem to feel bad for the opposing QB cause of the playcalling........strange.

  15. after watching the lions game, it wasn't nearly as bad as it sounded on the radio. losman made some nice throws and i love his release. he also seemed to be calm and in control. His receivers dropped 6 balls. I actually came away from that Lions loss feeling better about the team than I did after the Colts win.




    The dropped balls is a bad pattern. Aiken & anyone else ahead of Reed please!!!

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