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Posts posted by djh

  1. Also would like to say that while Losman has had some nice throws, I have seen enough to remember why he can't be our starter...


    way too many of the completed throws off target forcing the receivers to either slow down, adjust or come to a complete stop to get the ball caught instead of putting it where they can continue in stride while catching the pass...

    the worst was the Lynch throw where instead of getting 4 or 5 yards he ended up losing 4 yards because he had to jump and and turn around to catch teh ball, landing at a dead stop and giving the DB plenty of time to get up the field and make the play. The pass to Jenkins over the middle to convert a 3rd down was pretty bad too...the guy was wide open and he threw high and behind him and only a nice spinning catch by Jenkins resulted in a first down catch...he is looking pretty decent tho...definitely seems to be getting rid of the ball quicker, but just doesn't seem to be able to put the ball where its needed to help get some serious YAC...


    Give JP credit & stop complaining about him tying his shoelaces wrong. You also forgot to mention the first two incompletes that JP accidently hit the WR's in the hands.

  2. Bash all you want....I still Have faith in the kid. I think he will do very well in the not to distant future. If the Bills offered him a better than average 2nd string QB salary, do you think he might re-sign ? Or he is just waiting for the end of this season to bolt.


    If Ralphie paid the 5 million that he stiffed JP because of 2007 snaps. Basically.....hell no, because Ralphie would never do it.

  3. Name one player THIS front office has jerked around. Notice I said THIS front office, not that travesty that ol' whitey looked over.


    J.P. Losman last year ..... after being #11 QB in 2006, to yank him after two games & a cheap shot in 2007. The F.O yanked J.P. so he wouldnt get enough snap & therefore saving $$$$$$.


    Remember ......the front office is Old Ralph.

  4. They'll be dealing with Jauron's decision making until he's fired.


    Unfortunately, I agree that ultimately Jauron will be fired. For old Ralphie Boy to be involved in the Bills day to day football decisions last year shows that he has not faith in Jauron. Wilson was more involved than Jerry Jones........SCARY!!!

  5. After the pass, Coach Jauron said the he'd wait until next Wednesday to announce if he'll let JP throw any more passes.


    LMAO..... Let's hope we don't have that 3 ring circus again this year. Looking back to last year's Bills.....there is no way we could have expected the team to succeed. Every week they had to deal with Jauron & Front Office's idiotic decision making.


    Sink or swin...let Jauron run the team!!!

  6. They quote Trent Edwards in reasons why offense isn't clicking over last two weeks.



    They did mention J.P.....wasn't Losman out last week?


    Perhaps the best looking pass of the day came from J.P. Losman, who dropped a ball in perfectly down the seam to Courtney Anderson just over the head of the safety in coverage.

  7. Yeah, why couldn't he have beaten up his girlfriend and kid and/or pulled a gun on his dad like Hardy did, instead of choosing to do something good like cleanup the city.


    you're right!!! JP is the worst Bills player ever. He beat up his wife, shot somebody at his carwash & made it rain in Vegas.


    What a jerk.


    Oh......I forgot he didn't do anything bad but showed up & declined to speak to the scum reporters.

  8. For me, i'm expecting a season of around 62% completion, 3200 yds, 19 TD, and 14 INTs. That would be a good season by my standards. If he can hit those benchmarks, i will have a lot of confidence in him heading into 2009. Anything better than that is gravy. My minimum benchmarks that i feel he must reach this season are (again, this is projecting across 16 starts) are 2500 yds, 60% completion, 17 TDs, and 16 INTs. If he cant reach those numbers, i will have some serious reservations about his future.


    Is this a joke?


    Why would you put up JP's #'s from 2006?

    2006 3051 yards 19 TD's 14 INT's 85 QB Rating 62.5 comp% 11th rated passer

  9. But you haven't yet. You said that they lived together last year and im still waiting for that evidence a link a picture a article anything. You have shown me and everyone else on this board nothing so until then i will keep asking you to back that up.


    When I get a copy of the lease agreement....I'll post it. Until then, you keep asking.

  10. You made an accuasation about Lee not signing because of JP and saying they lived together for a while. im asking you to back it up


    Here's the post.....


    Evans has been vocal about the QB situation last year. His position is clear on how the front office....errr the head coach treated his buddy last year.


    I have to believe Evans' days are numbered in Buffalo.


    Your thoughts???

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