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Posts posted by T-Bone

  1. http://cbs.sportsline.com/nfl/story/8136278


    Their play helped the Patriots finish fourth in scoring offense (27.3) and seventh in total offense at 357.6 yards per game. They also helped Dillon finish third in the league in rushing with 1,635 yards and limited the opposition to 26 sacks, the best total in a decade.


    Its the reason why Dillion had 1635 yds in 15 games.


    Its the reason why Brady passed for 3692 yards and had a 92 QB rating. Time to let the play develop means everything. 


    Lets hope we put an emphasis on the O line this offseason and stop trying to just get by on whoever we can plug in.  Although none of the NE players were bigtime pickups, and most were unheralded coming out of college.


    GO Bills.



    Very good post...the Offensive Line is one of the most important parts of a team yet gets little attention.

  2. Peyton Manning, after living a full life, died. When he got to heaven, God

    was showing him around. They came to a modest little house with a faded

    Colts flag in the window. "This house is yours for eternity, Peyton," said

    God. "This is very special; not everyone gets a house up here."


    Peyton felt special, indeed, and walked up to his house. On his way up the

    porch, he noticed another house just around the corner. It was a 3-story

    mansion with a blue and red sidewalk, a 50-foot tall flagpole with an

    enormous Patriots logo flag, and in every window, a Patriot towel.


    Peyton looked at God and said, "God, I'm not trying to be ungrateful, but I

    have a question. I was an all-pro QB, I hold many NFL records, and I even

    went to the Hall of Fame."


    God said, "So what's your point, Peyton?"


    Well, why does Tom Brady get a better house than me?"


    God chuckled, and said "Peyton, that's not Tom's house, it's mine."

  3. I haven't been on the board in months.


    The board was filled with some of the most negative people in the world.


    While there were a lot of intelligent football people, it was weighed down by the fair-weather fans, who did nothing but complain.


    Well, I got bored today and decided to log back on.  Looks like there's a lot of new faces around.


    What's everyone's take on Henry?


    I still wish we had a first roudner this year though...it's too hard to predict 2nd rounders.



    The sad part of that is that there is no reason to be negative, Bills had a great run and with a couple of breaks in the first two games, they would have clinched a playoff spot.


    MaGahee is looking great and TD's gamble paid off...a few moves off season, a good draft and who knows....


    I think that the Bills will take advantage of New England's decline which will start with Weiss and Crennel gone and make the playoffs.

  4. One thing to bear in mind is that a lot of Bills fans on this board were not alive during the lean years...when the Bills were getting beat up by everybody and went 0-20 against the Dolphins.


    This all changed during the Marv Levy era, which is what most of the youngsters on this board have first hand knowledge of.


    With the Patriots, I believe that people look at this team and say, hey they got good overnight, why can't the Bills?...Sorry, the Patriots at best were only competative until the Belichick era...0-2 in Super Bowls and early exits in the playoffs...and how about the two year Dick McPherson era...egads.


    With Weis and Crennel both gone next year, I see the beginning of the decline of the Patriots...so Bills fans be patient, your team's time is coming...

  5. So T-Bone...do you have your Eagles shirt on hold? You know...just in case?


    And do us all a favor: contribute to the conversation, or go back to spooning with PF in Indiana.




    Why should I bother to contribute, I am too busy laughing at all you Football experts getting all upset and bent out of shape, because once again you were wrong about the Patriots.


    And that whole Team-swapping-crap, isn't it time you give that a rest????

  6. WTF is the problem??  We are allowed to have "what are you listening to right now" posts 3 times a week, but you can't talk positively about anything football related except for the Bills. 


    I guess I didn't see this in the posting guidelines? :w00t:


    Maybe we can debate JP versus DB for the millionth time instead.  Is it OK to post something positive about a Philadelphia player or is that not allowed either.




    Excellent post LaBattBlue, could not agree with you more.


    Maybe some of these guys on this board need to chill out...or better yet go start their own board...

  7. Hey T-Bone, you seem like a stand-up guy and all, but really, do you go over to the Ethiopian message boards and post about how great a meal you had for dinner??  I mean, let us wallow in our misery a bit, huh?




    There are Ethiopian message boards????


    Like Sam Kinson said, IF they are hungry why don't they go where the freaking food is?

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